by webmaster | Dec 31, 2019 | Global Outreach Program, In The Press, News
TOKYO, 3 Nov – 7 Nov – Sakura Science Program is a program supported by Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) to encourage global outreach between Japan and other countries. Ten of Landscape Architecture students, Faculty of Built Environment and Surveying, UTM participated in the International Joint Workshop organised by Tokyo City University (TCU) Faculty of Urban Life Studies. This is the second time where UTM delegates were sent to collaborate with TCU urban studies department where the first one was carried out successfully exactly last year. The workshop theme for this year is “Experience Study and Workshop on Advanced Environmental Design Technology in a Context of Urban Heritage”. more..
by webmaster | Jun 19, 2019 | Conference & Seminar, In The Press, News, photo
Every industry across the globe is witnessing transformations especially in terms of industry requirements to university graduates. Seeking this, it is very important for the education sector to be in line with the challenges in economy as well as growing demands in terms of skills and knowledge. But, it is not possible for the university to take the lead alone. It will be needing support from the industry as well as the Government. In response to this, UTM Real Estate at the Faculty of Built Environment and Surveying organised Property Industry Interview Series (PropSeries) from April to May 2019. This year several major property companies were involved in seminars and interview sessions with final year students. Among the companies that took part were SGD Property Consultants, CBRE|WTW, City Valuers, Country Garden Group, Damansara Asset Sdn. Bhd. and PPC International. For the second consecutive year, the biggest property management company from Singapore, Chambers International, also participated in this programme. There has been a demand for academia- industry collaboration since long ago and now UTM Real Estate is also becoming important to decide the future of property graduates. The university now needs to focus on the skills which will help graduates in becoming productive employees. It can only be done by understanding what industries are looking for in their employees. This program has started since 2015 under the initiatives of Dr. Kamalahasan Achu, Dr. Mustafa Omar and Dr. Muhammad Najib Razali.

by webmaster FAB | Aug 22, 2017 | In The Press, Meeting & Workshop, News, newspaper
ISMAIL (tengah) bersama sebahagian pelajar melihat model plan pembangunan Sungai Segget, ketika program lawatan sempena Bengkel Senibina NEON Ke-29 dan Forum Segget Greatest yang dianjurkan UTM, di Johor Bahru. – Foto Mohd Azren Jamaludin (Berita Harian)
JOHOR BAHRU: Pihak Berkuasa Wilayah Pembangunan Iskandar (IRDA) menyenaraikan 10 reka bentuk landskap hasil ciptaan universiti tempatan dan luar negara untuk pertimbangan pilihan landskap Projek Pemulihan Sungai Segget di sini.
Ketua Eksekutif IRDA, Datuk Ismail Ibrahim, berkata reka bentuk terbaik yang menampilkan elemen dinamik dan mampu memenuhi cita rasa masyarakat masa kini akan diterapkan dalam pelan landskap IRDA yang akan dilaksanakan pada fasa ketiga projek berkenaan.
Katanya, IRDA sentiasa mengalu-alukan pandangan awam berhubung landskap dan kerja pengindahan Sungai Segget yang dijangka dimulakan akhir tahun ini.
“IRDA akan bekerjasama dengan pelajar universiti dan masyarakat setempat untuk mengindahkan semula Sungai Segget sebagai hadiah kepada rakyat.
“Ada beberapa elemen unik dihasilkan pelajar yang boleh diterapkan contohnya penggunaan tayar sebagai penahan kerusi dan kayu turbin dijadikan sebagai pelantar,” katanya kepada sidang media selepas mengadakan lawatan di Sungai Segget di sini, hari ini.
Program lawatan itu sempena Bengkel Senibina NEON Ke-29 dan Forum Segget Greatest yang dianjurkan Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) dan dihadiri lebih 1,000 pelajar membabitkan 27 universiti seluruh Malaysia serta Indonesia dan Brunei.
Ismail berkata, IRDA akan memuktamadkan pelan reka bentuk lanskap Sungai Segget sebelum akhir tahun ini dan mengadakan beberapa siri hebahan bagi mendapatkan maklum balas orang awam.
“Kita akan mengadakan pameran mengenai reka bentuk landskap Projek Pemulihan Sungai Segget untuk dapatkan pandangan awam sebelum reka bentuk akhir dimuktamadkan.
“Projek ini dalam proses penawaran tender dan kerja lanskap dijangka dimulakan hujung tahun ini,” katanya.
Sungai Segget satu daripada projek di bawah Pelan Transformasi Johor Bahru iaitu program kerjasama di antara IRDA dan Majlis Bandaraya Johor Bahru (MBJB) bagi mencapai visi sebuah bandar mampan.
Sementara itu, Naib Pengarah 1 Bengkel Senibina NEON Ke-29, Raynaldi Tamzil, berkata bengkel anjuran Fakulti Alam Bina UTM itu dianjurkan selama enam hari bermula 18 Ogos lalu yang diadakan di sekitar kawasan projek Sungai Segget.
Katanya, aktiviti itu antara langkah bagaimana komuniti masyarakat dapat mengoptimumkan kawasan Sungai Segget sebagai ruang awam untuk aktiviti pengumpulan idea dan pendapat.
Sumber: 10 reka bentuk landskap Sungai Segget | Wilayah | Berita Harian
by webmaster FAB | Dec 26, 2016 | Award, In The Press, News

Prof Dr Muhd Zaimi (left) won gold medal, Prof Dr Mahmood Md. Tahir silver, and Dr. Mohammadamin Azimi gold
JOHOR BAHRU, 19 December 2016 – Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) researchers have won multiple awards in three invention festivals in Seoul, Korea, early this month.
SIIF2016 (Seoul International Invention Fair 2016) is an International level competition which in year 2016, 639 inventions from 31 countries were participated. UTM researchers manage to win 3 medals (Prof Dr Muhd Zaimi (FKA) won gold medal, Prof Dr Mahmood Md. Tahir (FKA) silver, and Dr. Mohammadamin Azimi (FAB) gold) in this competition.
SIIF, KIAF, WIAF and WSA serve as the best platform for rewarding inventors, researchers, scientists, doctors, technical authors, teachers, professors and all other professionals in diverse occupations from around the world who deal and work with invention, innovation, creativity and new technology.
The winner with most awards was the Dean of School of Post Graduate Studies (SPS) Prof. Dr. Zaidatun Tasir, who won four awards: the Korean Inventor Award in Education Top Merit & Innovative Inventor Grand Award and Korean Inventor Award in Invention Academic Top Merit &
Gold Peacock Grand Award at KIAF 2016, and World Inventor Award in Education Development Top Merit & Alfred Nobel Grand Award at WIAF 2016. Following her footsteps were Research Officer Rozita Abdul Jalil and Senior Lecturer from Faculty of Civil Engineering Dr Ali Keyvanfar which received two awards respectively.
Rozita received the Korean Inventor Award in Education Top Merit & Innovative Inventor Grand Award at KIAF 2016 and World Inventor Award in Education Development Top Merit & Alfred Nobel Grand Award at WIAF 2016, meanwhile Dr Ali Keyvanfar received the World Inventor Award in Environmental Design Top Merit & Innovative Inventor Grand Award at WIAF 2016 and World Material Science Award & Visiting Professor appointment to Korea Invention Academy KIA WSA 2016.
Other UTM recipients were the Dean of the Institute for Smart Infrastructure and Innovative construction (ISIIC) Prof. Dr. Muhd. Zaimi Abd. Majid, who was awarded the World Inventor Award in Construction Top Merit & Gold Peacock Grand Award and Senior Lecturer from the Faculty of Civil Engineering Arezou Shafgaht, who received the World Inventor Award in Environmental Design Top Merit & Innovative Inventor Grand Award at WIAF 2016.
Prof. Dr. Mohd Warid Hussin from the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hasanuddin Lamit of the Faculty of Built Environment received the World Scientist Award & Visiting Professor appointment to Korea Invention Academy KIA at SWA 2016.
Four members of Institute for Smart Infrastructure and Innovative Construction (ISIIC) of Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) were well awarded at the World Scientist Award (WSA) 2016 which held at Seoul, South Korea.
Prof. Dr. Muhd Warid Hussin, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hasanuddin Lamit, Dr. Ali Kayvanfar and Dr. Arezou Shafaghat are members of ISIIC.
Dr Abdul Halim Abdullah and Dr Mahani Mokhtar, Senior Lecturers of Faculty of Education received the Korean Inventor Award in Education Top Merit & Gold Peacock Grand Award at KIAF 2016.
The event organised by Korea Invention News (KINEWS) and Korea Invention Academy (KIA) sets its goal towards discovering those who deserve to be recognized for their excellent career with successful highlights, achievements, contributions made in their region and global society.
WIAF is recognized by several organisations including the International Federation of Inventors Associations (IFIA), Asia Invention Association (AIA) and International Intellectual Property Network Forum (IIPNF).
The award recognizes outstanding performance and achievement by classified researchers who have passion in creating novel inventions and innovations based on top order of merit in division categories which contribute to the global community.
More than 50 researchers and scientists from different countries worldwide attending this award included Malaysian researchers representing among others, Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM), Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) and Universiti Malaysia Terengganu (UMT).
Source: UTM researchers win multiple awards in Korea