A collaboration workshop on research design between Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) and International Islamic University Of Malaysia (IIUM) was held on 7 March 2016 at Seminar Room 3, B03 Faculty Of Built Environment, UTM. The workshop was organized by the Department Of Landscape Architecture, Faculty Of Built Environment UTM. The one day workshop involved 4th year UTM and 3rd year IIUM, Bachelor Of Landscape Architecture students.
The aim of this research design workshop is to share and exchange some knowledge on the process of doing the topical study and strategy to find a good references based on the selected research topics.ย In addition, through this workshop the UTM students can share their experience in the topical study journey with the IIUMย students who are just embarking in this journey.
The workshop was successful and all participants give a good response and commitment to the event. Students are also developing their network among themselves within the short period of time.