by harris | Nov 21, 2018 | News
Public Lecture by Professor Dr. Fredolin Tangang on Projected Severe Drought Condition Over Indonesion Region Under Unmitigated Climate Change Scenarios : Implications to Malaysia and Surrounding Countries
A talk about Projected Severe Drought Condition Over Indonesian Region Under Unmitigated Climate Change Scenarios : Implications to Malaysia and Surrounding Countries by Professor Dr. Fredolin Tangang, a professor in Climatology and Oceanography at the Faculty of Science and Technology, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia at Faculty of Built Environment & Surveying on 19th November 2018.
About Prof. Dr. Fredolin Tangang :-
Prof Fredolin is currently serves as the Chairman of Centre for Earth Sciences and Environment. He is also an Adjunct Professor at the Ramkhamhaeng University Center of Regional Climate Change and Renewable Energy, Bangkok, Thailand. He is an Associate Fellow of the Natural Disaster Research Center, Universiti Malaysia Sabah and also Fellow of the Academy of Sciences Malaysia. Besides, he is also a member of the Scientific and Technology Expert Panel (STEP) of the National Disaster Management Agency and served as IPSSWG1 Vice-Chair from 2008 to 2015.

Prof. Fredolin giving a talk about Projected Severe Drought Condition Over Indonesian Region Under Unmitigated Climate Change Scenarios : Implications to Malaysia and Surrounding Countries

Opening speech by The Dean of FABU, followed by PM Dr Kasturi
As the token of appreciation
Arrival and registrations

by harris | Nov 21, 2018 | News
Building Information Centre (BIC) from Faculty of Built Environment & Surveying will be organizing an International Quantity Surveying & Construction Management Symposium 2018 (IQSCM) on 20th November 2018 at Convention Hall, B12, FABU. Participation certificate will be provided to all exhibitor. Come and join us! For any enquiries, contact Dr. Syamsul Hendra Mahmud (017-70100017 / 07-5537363)
by harris | Nov 18, 2018 | News
TOKYO, 3 Nov-10 Nov – Ten landscape architecture students from 2nd year, 3rd year and 4th year namely Pradipta, Hakimi, Ummu A’rifah, Oscar Chong, Natalie Kok, Fareez Redza, Hwee Zhen, Amirul Jasmeen, Muhammad Atiqi and Muhamad Taqiy with coordinator, Dr Lee Yoke Lai had joined the Sakura Science Program supported by Japan Science and Technology. This program was successfully organized by Tokyo City University in collaboration with Universiti Teknologi Malaysia with the theme: “Collaborative Research Project on a New Hybrid Environmental Design Technique for Historical Tourist Town in Asian Countries”.
UTM and TCU collaboration continues from the academic visit by the staff of Department of Landscape Architecture, Faculty of Built Environment and Surveying (FBES) to Faculty of Urban Life Studies at Tokyo City University (TCU) back in 13th-20th October 2017 as the MOU between UTM and TCU dated 12th January 2016. Consequently, the 1st UTM-TCU Joint Fieldtrip Workshop conducted in UTM, Skudai during last August 2018.
In the first day of 4th November, the program started with the opening ceremony in TCU Todoroki campus. The representative lecturers gave the opening speech from both universities where an introduction to TCU and scope of work throughout the program was briefed to the students. Participants had a campus tour in Todoroki campus and attended the yearly campus festival. The program continued with the attractive leisure strolled at Todoroki Valley located at Setagaya City. Participants enjoyed the walking trail in the canopy of lush green, the rush of river water with sound of birds chirping.

Opening speech by Dr Lee Yoke Lai (left) and Prof. Dr. Kazuhide Kawaguchi

Todoroki Valley
In 5th November, participants had a lecture input on “Conservation Method of Historical Landscape” by Dr. Shin Nakajima about the ‘Denken system’ which focuses on the preservation district for group of traditional buildings in Japan. The motto “no sells, no rent, no demolished “is created to preserve the heritage area. Next, Prof. Dr. Kazuhide Kawaguchi shared about Heritage tourism of Kamakura city and the well-known as the Samurai town that built 800 years ago. During the noon, participants visited Kawagoe City, the historic preservation district for field survey which took about 1 hour from Todoroki station. Kawagoe City core heritage zone preserved by ‘Denken system’. The old city flourished with traditional shophouses both in the traditional Japanese and influenced by Morden architecture style, pleasant streetscape and also famous sweet potatoes products.

Left: Dr Shin Nakajima giving lecture at Tokyo City University Right: Kawagoe City
In 6th November, the field survey continues with the visit to Kamakura, a coastal town in Kanagawa Prefecture, known for its numerous ancient shrines, temples, sand beaches and the spirit of Samurai as the influence from the ‘shogunate’ history in Kamakura. In the morning, the municipal government gave a lecture at Kamakura City Hall to the participants on the city planning, the preservation of the historic and scenic beauty of Kamakura. We also have the chance to see the scenic view at the rooftop of Kamakura City Hall.

Left: Lecture by Kamakura Municipal Government Right: Kamakura City Hall’s rooftop
In the afternoon, participants went to Komachidori Street, one of the popular tourist attraction street to had their lunch before rode on the Enoden to visit Kotoku-in temple which renowned for its Great Buddha statue, one of Japan’s most fascinating historical landmarks. In the evening, we head to the historically-rich Hachimangu Shrine located on the higher point of Kamakura City provided a more magnificent direct vista toward the main avenue, Wakamiya-Oji Street.

Left: Kotoku- in Temple, the Great Buddha Right: Hachimangu Shrine
In 7th November, participants had the opportunity to attend the lecture delivered by Assoc. Prof. Dr Kei Saito for 200 TCU students on the “Urban environment especially mitigating urban heat island phenomenon”. Besides, Dr. Lee Yoke Lai introduced the conservation on cultural landscape in Malaysia, continues with the sharing session by three UTM students about their landscape architecture studio works.

Sharing session by Hwee Zhen, Oscar and Jasmeen (left to right)
The next session, all workshop participants visited the National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation (MIRAIKAN) located in Koto-ku, Tokyo. We had an overview of Japan innovative science technology, space and robotic demonstration by ASIMO (Advanced Step in Innovative Mobility) which is a humanoid robot created by Honda. In the evening, participants visited Koto-ku, Tokyo and sightseeing the mesmerizing night view of Tokyo city.

In 8th November, participants went to Marunouchi, a commercial business district of Tokyo located in Chiyoda ward between Tokyo Station and the Imperial Palace. The participants visited the Marunouchi building to have a lecture by Mitsubishi Estate Co., the largest real-estate developers in Japan. The company representative had explained about urban redevelopment project of Otemachi-Marunouchi-Yurakucho (OMY) District, is the most important Central Business District in Japan. Consequently, participants continued field study on urban heat island mitigation measurement at Dai-Maru-Yu area. The day ended with preparation for group discussion on Kamakura heritage city.

Left: Lecture by Mitsubishi Estate Co. Right: Tokyo Station

Group discussion at TCU Library
On the last day, UTM students work together with TCU students prepared for the final presentation and succeeded in producing analysis, synthesis to propose better ideas development for Kamakura City as the heritage site in Japan. The final group work was presented to the International Council, Professors and Associative Professors of Tokyo City University (TCU). This marks the end of the program with giving certificates session by the International Council of TCU to UTM lecturer and students. A farewell party was held as a celebration of the fruitful International collaboration workshop between UTM and TCU.
Left: Preparation for final presentation Right: Final presentation

Group photo in completion of Sakura Science Program

Farewell party
by harris | Nov 18, 2018 | News
FABU Students Practice ‘Waste to Wealth’ through Gotong Royong
JOHOR BAHRU, 1 Nov – It is always good and beneficial to not throwing the waste and reuse it for something else.
This is the aim of the Greenknight team to turn waste items to usable ones during the Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) Gotong-Royong Perdana program.
Greenknight, consists of forth year landscape architecture students from EARTH Society, Faculty of Built Environment and Surveying (FABU) collaborated with the staff and students to spread awareness on green lifestyle and also to clean the faculty’s environment in preparing for convocation.
In this program, 100 participants were divided into four groups to clean the areas that were zoned accordingly around the faculty.
Simulation on composting was the main activity conducted by Greenknight team and EARTH Society representatives by using food waste from food courts near FABU as well as waste obtained from gotong-royong session.
The program was called “from waste to wealth” because they transformed waste and rubbish into compost fertilizer.
The first step in the composting process was to look for a flat landed location to lay the compost barrel. The first layer is a layer of ‘brown’ or carbon. Participants placed carbonated materials such as newspapers, dry leaves and egg boards.
Step two was to lay the ‘green’ layer or nitrogen. This layer consists of easy-to-use food waste from home. Among the ingredients are vegetables, fruit skins and fruit residues. The required carbon and nitrogen content is 3: 1.
Next step was to lay the ‘brown’ layer back. This method is repeated until the carbon and nitrogen content is balanced. The resulting food waste can be reduced and used as compost fertilizer.
This compost fertilizer can be used for tree planting around UTM. This fertilizer will also be used for the SHIP project which will take place on January 12, 2019
Compost Layering technique was applied in four compost bins which were provided by Majlis Bandaraya Iskandar Puteri (MBIP) and EcoKnights.
These bins would be monitored by the EARTH members every fortnight.
The product produced would be used for this upcoming SHIP event on 12 January 2019.

Opening session by representatives of FABU, UTM and Greenknight, EARTH Society
Simulation of composting layering
by harris | Nov 11, 2018 | News
Pada 7 November 2018 (Selasa), Fakulti Alam Bina dan Ukur (FABU), UTM telah menerima pelawat dari Politeknik Sultan Ahmad Shah (POLISAS) bagi tujuan Lawatan Penanda Aras bagi Persediaan Akreditasi MQA. Lawatan ini adalah bertujuan untuk melihat perlaksanaan dan amalan pengurusan akademik yang telah dilaksanakan di UTM dalam menambahbaik kualiti kerja pensyarah di Politeknik.

Sesi Taklimat Pengurusan Akademik oleh Dekan FABU dan Perbincangan Persediaan Dokumentasi Audit Badan Prosesional/MQA bersama Penyelaras Program Senibina dan Kejuruteraan Geomatik

Sesi Lawatan ke Galeri Alam Bina & Ukur

Sesi Lawatan ke Pusat Kajian Alam Bina Dunia Melayu (KALAM), UTM

Sesi Lawatan ke Makmal Teknologi Binaan, FABU, UTM