Master in Land Administration and Development
Postgraduate Study
- Master of Architecture
- Master of Science (Construction Contract Management)
- Master of Science (Urban & Regional Planning)
- Master of Science (Transportation Planning)
- Master of Science (Tourism Planning)
- Master of Science (Geomatic Engineering)
- Master of Science (Geoinformatics)
- Master of Science (Real Estate)
- Master in Land Administration & Development
- Master of Assets and Facilities Management
- Master of Science (Remote Sensing)
- Master of Philosophy
- Doctor of Philosophy
Contact Us :
Postgraduate Office,
Faculty of Built Environment and Surveying,
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia,
UTM Johor Bahru, 81310 Johor.
Tel: +6075530878/30896/30538
Fax: +6075566155
Email: pgfabu@utm.my
The Master in Land Administration and Development course consists of 5 core courses, 4 elective courses and 1 University course. In addition to these subjects, students are required to submit a Master Project worth of 8 credits. To graduate, students must complete a total 46 credits and they are assessed through assignments, presentations and final examination.
Course Synopsis
Course Code | Course Name | Course Description |
MGHN 1514 | Land Administration and land Information System | This course will introduce land administration systems in the context of sustainable development. The discussions are mainly on concept of land tenure and land registration, salient features of the land registration system, rights to land and record, the benefits and deficiencies in the land registration system, process of land transfer, computer assisted land registration and land law under the Torren System. The course also provides theoretical and practical knowledge and expertise on applying relevant principles of business administration and information technology for the purpose of building a viable land administration organization. A substantial part of the course is dedicated to land information management for land administration systems and spatial data infrastructures. |
MGHN 1524 | Law of Land Development | This course delivers law and procedure in land development, planning and land use policies. Materials in this course consist various regulations which are National Land Code 1965, Land Acquisition Act 1960 (Act 468), Local Government Act 1976 (Act 171), Town and Planning Act 1976 (Act 172), Uniform Building By-Laws 1984 and other legislations that may be applicable and need to be given attention before any development can be carried out. A substantial part of the course is dedicated to discuss on the others land policies, for example property ownership policies by foreign citizens, low cost housing guidelines, bumiputera quota policy, malay reserve land, native land, waqf land and etc. |
MGHN 1504 | Applied Economics of Property Development | This course offers an overview on matters relating to aspects of property development procedures and practice. Property development principles and practice is essential for those who are engaged with matters relating to land and the development process. In order to be involved with land development one has to be well equipped with the knowledge on development procedures, its legislation and the practice. Issues on property development have been a major concern locally and worldwide. Some of the property development issues will be discussed and examined throughout the course. The issues include topics of current interest such as the delivery system, development versus environment and changes in the development trends. |
MGHN 2554 | Planning and Development | This courses consists an overview on matters relating to aspects of town planning and its relation with development. Planning and development are two inter-related fields, which are essential for those who are engaged with matters relating to land and the development process. In order to be involved with land development one has to be well equipped with the knowledge on planning matters, its legislation and the practice. Issues on planning and development have been a major concern locally and worldwide. Some of the planning issues will be discussed and examined throughout the course. The issues include topics of current interest such as the concept of sustainable development, development versus environment and changes in the development trends. |
MGHN 2523 | Research Methodology in LAD | In general, research methodology is a set of procedures or methods used to conduct research. The primary purpose of this course is to expose students the principal steps in the process of research. Topics covered in this course include introduction to research, types of research, research problem, literature review, data collection, data analysis and writing research proposal. By the end of this course, students are expected to be able to utilize the knowledge of the research process in a research proposal. |
MGHN 2548 | Master Project | The course is a research based project of individual interest that relates to land development studies or any current issues on legal, property development, land administration, housing, environment, information technology, or any other relevant topics. The course is aimed to lead the student how to formulate the idea and then represent it in a good manner in the scientific report and the oral presentation. The students should also know how to argue their idea in the examination. With supervision from the supervisors, the students are expected to submit a thesis in accordance with the standard format. |
MGHN 2584 | Law and Practices Relating to Housing industry | This course offers knowledge on overview on the issues of housing industry particularly on legal and practical aspects. The topics covered consist about housing as an Investment, concept of house ownership and the rules and regulations, policies on home ownership and affordability factor, role of Local Authority, State and Federal, law with regard to housing development, housing delivery system; developers obligation; Purchaser rights and protection; Certificate of Fitness. This course also discuss on the current issues in housing development, for example built then sell versus sell then built concept, conflict on gated and guarded community, debates on affordable housing, service apartment and etc. |
MGHN 2624 | Islamic Land Law and Financing | This course delivers on Islamic concept of land; The role of the state as e- Trustee; Public and private ownership of the land; The power of the state to alienate; Compulsorily acquire, and forfeit private land and impose taxes; security of individual titles and rights and their transferability and collateralisation; the instruments of transfer and transmission; Financial contracts; Credits-based, joint ventures, securitisation and self-financing. This course also offers on property development financing by using syariah concept. Students will expose on the concept in debt banking; Bai’ al-inah (Sale and buy back agreement), Bai’ al-Bithaman Ajil (Deferred payment sale), Bai Muajjal, Baihaki Kasi Sallam, Hibah, Ijarah, Mudarabah (Profit loss sharing), Murabahah (Cost Plus), Musawamah, Musyarakah (joint venture), Qard Hassan (Good Loan), Sukuk (Islamic Bond), Takaful (Islamic Insurans), Wadiah (Safe keeping), Wakalah (Agency), Islamic Equity Fund and Islamic Law on trading. |
MGHN 2634 | Natural Resources and Environemal Management | The course is design to give the awareness on the importance of environment and natural resources. It deals with the economy, the environment and natural resources both nationally and globally. The course main interest is to look on how we best use the available resources by conducting sustainable management. The topics cover on overview of ecosystems and natural resource management, renewable and non- renewable resources such as water, land, soils, air, wildlife, and their vegetative communities; appreciation and understanding of the field of natural resource management, Current human threats, Protection and maintenance of natural resource systems by related agencies and non- government organization, and others initiative, related laws, legislations and conservation. This course also discuss on economic principles and political issues involved in protecting the environment and managing natural resources effectively. |
MGHN 2514 |
Law on Apartment Ownership | This course covers and historical and comparative overview of the institution of apartment ownership; individual and common property; participation quotas for maintenance; establishment of apartment ownership schemes and acquisition of title in a unit; whether the owner of an apartment acquires genuine ownership of the apartment; sanctions to enforce obligations; settlement of disputes; alterations and improvements; development in phases; management and administrations; and terminations of apartment ownership schemes; and the conversion of rental buildings to apartment ownership schemes. |
MGHN 1014 | Spatial Data Infrastucture For Land Administration | This course is designed to offer students to observe several criteria or principle of Spatial Data Infrastructure such as policies, standards and practices in spatial information industry also land administration information management. The SDI concept continues to evolve as it becomes a core infrastructure supporting economic development, environmental management and social stability in land administration field and practices. At the same time, to explore the institutional and technical issues influencing the development of SDI. It concentrates on the contribution to the theory and practices of SDI, explores practical issues and solution of successful SDI implementation. The student will be equipped with fundamental of Spatial Data Infrastructure land administration practices. |
MGHN 2544 | Strategic Land Development and Practices | In this course, students will be exposed to the theoretical and practical aspects of identifying thus determining the overall aims or interests of land development as well as the means to achieve them. The topics cover an overview strategic development, Malaysia National Physical Plan, spatial policy, regional development corridor in Malaysia, Iskandar Malaysia and regional policy. By the end of this course, it is expected that students would be able to describe the philosophy of land development and the practices adopted in current practice as tools for strategic land development. |
Programme Structure
Table 5: Curriculum for Master in Land Administration and Development Programme
Codes | Courses | Credits |
UHAW 6023 | University Subject | 3 |
MGHN 1504 | Applied Economics of Property Development | 4 |
MGHN 1514 | Land Administration And Land Information System | 4 |
MGHN 1524 | Law of Land Development | 4 |
MGHN 2554 | Planning and Development | 4 |
MGHN 2523 | Research Methodology in LAD | 3 |
MGHN 1014 | Spatial Data Infrastructure for Land Administration | 4 |
MGHN 2514 | Law on Apartment Ownership | 4 |
MGHN 2544 | Strategic Land Development and Practices | 4 |
MGHN 2584 | Law and Practices Relating to Housing Industry | 4 |
MGHN 2624 | Islamic Land Law and Financing | 4 |
MGHN 2634 | Environmental and Natural Resource Management | 4 |
MGHN 2548 | Master Project | 8 |