CiPD News: NRGF Asia Scoping Workshop, 9-10 December 2016, Bangkok, Thailand

CiPD News: NRGF Asia Scoping Workshop, 9-10 December 2016, Bangkok, Thailand

The Centre for Innovative Planning and Development (CiPD), Faculty of Built Environment (FAB), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Johor Bahru, was commissioned by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) to lead a “Nature Resource Governance Framework (NRGF) Asia Scoping Work” project at a cost of USD20,000.00 (RM88,000.00). The project is to be completed in 2 months.

One of the scopes of the project is to organise a regional workshop titled “NRGF Asia Scoping Workshop”.  The objective of the workshop is to ensure that NRGF standards and tools take account of the diversity of national and regional contexts and perspectives and NRGF activities engage a wide range of local actors concerned with natural resource governance. Twenty five regional experts from Asia, namely, Nepal, Bhutan, Philippines, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Thailand and Malaysia participated in the 2 day workshop.

The CiPD team present at the workshop were Prof Dr. Amran Hamzah (Project Adviser), Dr. Norhazliza Abd Halim (Coordinator), Assoc Professor Dr. Mohammad Rafee Majid (Moderator), and three researchers, specifically, Madam Nur Hasimah Baharudin, Ms Nadzirah Hosen, and Mr. Yong Jia Yik.

UTM researchers win multiple awards in Korea

Prof Dr Muhd Zaimi (left) won gold medal, Prof Dr Mahmood Md. Tahir silver, and Dr. Mohammadamin Azimi gold

JOHOR BAHRU, 19 December 2016 – Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) researchers have won multiple awards in three invention festivals in Seoul, Korea, early this month.

SIIF2016 (Seoul International Invention Fair 2016) is an International level competition which in year 2016, 639 inventions from 31 countries were participated. UTM researchers manage to win 3 medals (Prof Dr Muhd Zaimi (FKA) won gold medal, Prof Dr Mahmood Md. Tahir (FKA) silver, and Dr. Mohammadamin Azimi (FAB) gold) in this competition.

SIIF, KIAF, WIAF and WSA serve as the best platform for rewarding inventors, researchers, scientists, doctors, technical authors, teachers, professors and all other professionals in diverse occupations from around the world who deal and work with invention, innovation, creativity and new technology.

The winner with most awards was the Dean of School of Post Graduate Studies (SPS) Prof. Dr. Zaidatun Tasir, who won four awards: the Korean Inventor Award in Education Top Merit & Innovative Inventor Grand Award and Korean Inventor Award in Invention Academic Top Merit & 

Gold Peacock Grand Award at KIAF 2016, and World Inventor Award in Education Development Top Merit & Alfred Nobel Grand Award at WIAF 2016. Following her footsteps were Research Officer Rozita Abdul Jalil and Senior Lecturer from Faculty of Civil Engineering Dr Ali Keyvanfar which received two awards respectively.

Rozita received the Korean Inventor Award in Education Top Merit & Innovative Inventor Grand Award at KIAF 2016 and World Inventor Award in Education Development Top Merit & Alfred Nobel Grand Award at WIAF 2016, meanwhile Dr Ali Keyvanfar received the World Inventor Award in Environmental Design Top Merit & Innovative Inventor Grand Award at WIAF 2016 and World Material Science Award & Visiting Professor appointment to Korea Invention Academy KIA WSA 2016.

Other UTM recipients were the Dean of the Institute for Smart Infrastructure and Innovative construction (ISIIC) Prof. Dr. Muhd. Zaimi Abd. Majid, who was awarded the World Inventor Award in Construction Top Merit & Gold Peacock Grand Award and Senior Lecturer from the Faculty of Civil Engineering Arezou Shafgaht, who received the World Inventor Award in Environmental Design Top Merit & Innovative Inventor Grand Award at WIAF 2016.

Prof. Dr. Mohd Warid Hussin from the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hasanuddin Lamit of the Faculty of Built Environment received the World Scientist Award & Visiting Professor appointment to Korea Invention Academy KIA at SWA 2016.

Four members of Institute for Smart Infrastructure and Innovative Construction (ISIIC) of Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) were well awarded at the World Scientist Award (WSA) 2016 which held at Seoul, South Korea.
Prof. Dr. Muhd Warid Hussin, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hasanuddin Lamit, Dr. Ali Kayvanfar and Dr. Arezou Shafaghat are members of ISIIC.

Dr Abdul Halim Abdullah and Dr Mahani Mokhtar, Senior Lecturers of Faculty of Education received the Korean Inventor Award in Education Top Merit & Gold Peacock Grand Award at KIAF 2016.

The event organised by Korea Invention News (KINEWS) and Korea Invention Academy (KIA) sets its goal towards discovering those who deserve to be recognized for their excellent career with successful highlights, achievements, contributions made in their region and global society.

WIAF is recognized by several organisations including the International Federation of Inventors Associations (IFIA), Asia Invention Association (AIA) and International Intellectual Property Network Forum (IIPNF).

The award recognizes outstanding performance and achievement by classified researchers who have passion in creating novel inventions and innovations based on top order of merit in division categories which contribute to the global community.

More than 50 researchers and scientists from different countries worldwide attending this award included Malaysian researchers representing among others, Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM), Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) and Universiti Malaysia Terengganu (UMT).

Source: UTM researchers win multiple awards in Korea

Publicity and Public Participation, Draft District Local Plan (RTD) Johor Bahru and Kulai 2025 (Replacement) by TPr. Chew Lee Ting

Publicity and Public Participation, Draft District Local Plan (RTD) Johor Bahru and Kulai 2025 (Replacement) by TPr. Chew Lee Ting

Madam TPr. Chew Lee Ting, an urban planning officer at Johor Bahru Tengah Municipal Council (MPJBT), gave a talk cum briefing on the necessity and significance of the Publicity and Public Participation of the Draft District Local Plan (RTD) Johor Bahru and Kulai 2015 (Replacement). In her briefing, TPr. Lee Ting emphasised the importance of the Draft RTD and stressed the need for the public to participate in the publicity program. The Draft RTD has outlined  the use of all land and buildings in the administrative area of MPJBT untill 2025. It is envisaged that the plan will have an impact on where one lives, work, shop and play, and how one moves around the city. It is further expected that the property values in MPJBT will also change based on the intended use of land and buildings. TPr. Lee Ting  also highlighted  on the  ‘Blok Perancangan Kecil UTM’ and invited the Department of Urban and Regional Planning (JPBW), Faculty of Built Environment (FAB), UTM JB to submit their comments on the Draft District Local Plan (RTD) Johor Bahru and Kulai 2025 (Repalcement) before the 8th of December 2016. Details of the RTD could be obtained from the MPJBT website. 

The talk cum briefing was held on the 5th of December 2016 (Monday) at the Convention Hall B12, Faculty of Built Environment (FAB). The talk cum briefing was attended by staff and students of JPBW, FAB, UTM JB and ended with a Q&A session.

Madam TPr. Chew Lee Ting obtained her Bachelor of  Urban and Regional Planning from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia in 2007 and is currently pursuing her MBA with International Business School, UTM under the special program for Johor State Civil Servants. She is now  the Head of Land Use Planning and Planning Enforcement Division, Department of Planning and Development, MPJBT.

An Urban Analytics Data Infrastructure (UADI): A New Ontological Framework to Underpin The Next Generation of Smart Decision-Support Tools by Dr.Soheil Sabri

An Urban Analytics Data Infrastructure (UADI): A New Ontological Framework to Underpin The Next Generation of Smart Decision-Support Tools by Dr.Soheil Sabri

The Department of Urban and Regional Planning (JPBW), Faculty of Built Environment (FAB), UTM JB, has once again successfully organised a talk entitled “An Urban Analytics Data Infrastructure (UADI): A New Ontological Framework to Underpin The Next Generation of Smart Decision-Support Tools”. The talk was by Dr. Soheil Sabri from the University of Melbourne, Australia and was held on 11th December 2016 (Sunday) at the Seminar Room B03, FAB, UTM JB.

Dr. Soheil shared with the audience the Urban Analytics Data Infrastructure (UADI) project which explicitly leverages and builds on the Australian Urban Research Infrastructure Network (AURIN) and existing land and urban data infrastructure.  The digital data infrastructure will enable the integration, harmonisation, connectivity and scalability of multi-source urban datasets. The project will also provide access to distributed data relating to Australia’s settlements system captured using the ISO 32170 and 19115 Standards, data interrogations and visualisation tools. It will generate the harmonised data sets across jurisdictions, benchmarked indices, micro-simulated variables and other derived measures. This will then support research agendas of collaborating established urban research centres and institutions.

Dr. Soheil was formerly a Senior Lecturer at the Department of Urban and Regional Planning (JPBW), Faculty of Built Environment (FAB), UTM JB from 2012 to 2014. and is now with the Centre for Spatial Data Infrastructures and Land Administration (CSDILA), Department of Infrastructure Engineering, University of Melbourne.  He joined CSDILA in September 2014 as an honorary visitor and in December 2014 was appointed a research associate/fellow of the Centre. He investigate approaches for leveraging the outcomes of the Centre’s research projects on 3D land and property information and spatial data access for Australian Urban Research Infrastructure Network (AURIN) in the planning for future smart cities. Dr. Soheil obtained his PhD in Urban and Regional Planning from UTM in 2012. During his tenure in UTM he was actively involved in consultancy, research and teaching of urban planning, specifically land use planning and development, spatial analysis and modelling, and planning 2.0 (Web technology in urban planning). 

 The talk ended at 4.00pm with a Q and A session.