The 4th Planning A Clean and Green Township Competition was held in Singapore on the 11th and 12th April 2015. It was organised by Activistar Advocacy, a sister company of Activistar Pte Ltd that promotes and incorporates eco-friendly principles in the planning of sustainable townships. The competition saw participation of eighty teams (80) from four (4) countries namely, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia and the Philippines. Thirty four teams (34) were short listed for the competition.
Two teams from the Department of Urban and Regional Planning (JPBW), Faculty of Built Environment (FAB), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) were among the teams short listed. The aim of the competition was to increase awareness among the young generation of the current and future challenges faced by developing countries due to the pressures of rapid urbanisation and hence, the dire need for sustainability. The two (2) teams from JPBW, FAB, UTM are Paradigm Planning Consultant Group and Mahal Group. The team members are Akrammussalam bin Selamat, Balqis Ayu Nabila, Ellida binti Samsudin, Fatin Atiqah binti Mohd Zaile, Mohamad Firdaus bin Maarof, and Khaireen Edlin binti Roslen representing Paradigm Planning Consultant Group and Tay Suet Yi, Mariyani binti Rozali, Khoirun Nisha binti Umar, Yong Mei Yee, and Nor Sarah Zawani binti Md Zaim representing Mahal Group. Dr. Gobi Krishna A/L Sinniah accompanied and was also advisor to the teams.
The competition was conducted in three (3) stages, stage 1 was the submission of a proposal report, followed by stage 2, a verbal or multimedia presentation, and stage 3, the development and submission of a design model. The first day competition was held at Ngee Ann Polytechnic whilst the grand finale on the second day was at SCAPE, Orchard Rd, Singapore. Officials from the Embassies of Denmark, Belgium, the Ukraine, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the National University of Singapore (NUS) attended the two (2) day competition. The team from UTM, Paradigm Planning Consultant Group won the “Most Innovative Model Township Award”. The design models by the two (2) teams from UTM were selected to be displayed at Chao Chu Kang National Library, Singapore.