‘Empowering the Construction Professionals in Dispute Resolutions’ Seminar

Department of Quantity Surveying FABU UTM together with the Royal Institution of Surveyors Malaysia RISM (Johor Branch) are conducting a seminar on ‘Empowering the Construction Professionals in Dispute Resolutions’. The details of the event are as follow;
Date: 31st October 2023 (Tuesday)
Time: 9.00am to 1.00pm
Venue: Convention Hall, B12, Faculty of Built Environment and Surveying, UTM Skudai Johor
We would like to invite all construction professionals to this seminar. Please scan the QR code or you can simply click this link https://forms.gle/G74o5GcoQdqsyRuz5 to register.

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October 31, 2023