by webmaster FAB | Oct 31, 2016 | Featured Slider, News
5th UTM Summer School-Malaysia Heritage Trail. 22 peserta dari Faculty of Architecture & Planning, National University of Civil Engineering, Vietnam.
Bermula 29 Oktober – 5 November 2016 ke Kuala Lumpur-Putrajaya-Melaka.
Turut diadakan mesyuarat kerjasama antara kedua-dua fakulti. Dipengurusikan oleh Dekan FAB Prof. Dr. Roslan & NUCE diwakili Dr. Lanh, Deputy Dean Faculty of Arch. & Planning.
by webmaster FAB | Oct 27, 2016 | Conference & Seminar, Featured Slider, News
Four PhD students from Greenovation Research Group and one undergraduate from Department of Landscape Architecture presented their papers at 2nd Asia Pacific Environment-Landscape Architecture Forum at Seoul National University from 17 to 19 October 2016. The theme of the forum was Present and Future of Asia Pacific Landscape Architecture. A total of 57 papers were presented from 12 nations throughout the Asia-Pacific Region and South Asia. The students were accompanied by Dr Ismail Said whom was an executive member of the forum. Accommodation, food and excursion for the participants were fully funded by the organizers, Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture and Seoul National University.
by webmaster FAB | Oct 24, 2016 | Award, Featured Slider, News
Dr. Mohammadamin Azimi from Faculty of Built Environment (FAB), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) won 1st INNOVATION PRIZE, Innovation Project Competition (Postgraduate/Professional Category) and GOLD AWARD for Innovation Project Competition at International Research Conference and Innovation Exhibition (IRCIE2016), 18th-20th October 2016, Persada Johor International Convention Centre.
Dr. Mohammadamin Azimi developed an innovative and novel product as new generation of mortar-less cement Block named LOCKBLOCK (Multi-Functional Green Interlocking Mortarless Concrete Block)
LOCKBLOCK, is a multi-functional green interlocking mortar-less concrete block which design through finite element simulation, shape optimization process with the aims of increase of construction productivity, reduction in construction duration and labour and reduced construction cost. LOCKBLOCK’s special design provide it, self-alignment facilitated by the interlocking features in both vertical and horizontal directions.
by webmaster FAB | Oct 23, 2016 | Award, Featured Slider, In The Press, News, newspaper

Fakulti Alam Bina mengucapkan setinggi-tinggi tahniah kepada Prof. Madya Dr. Gurupiah Mursib di atas penganugerahan Anugerah Karya Ilmiah Dewan Bahasa & Pustaka 2016 kategori bidang Sains Sosial & Kemanusiaan sempena pelancaran Bulan Bahasa Kebangsaan pada 20 Oktober 2016.
by webmaster FAB | Oct 20, 2016 | event, Featured Slider, News