Global Outreach Programme themed Building Information Modeling Exploration Journey 2016 (GOP BIMEJ ’16) to Perth, Australia was carried out on the 3rd April till 8th April 2016. The programme was organized by a group of eight Bachelor in Quantity Surveying students and one Msc. in Construction Contract Management student from the Department of Quantity Surveying, Faculty of Built Environment, accompanied by Dr Kherun Nita Ali and Assoc. Prof. Dr Nur Emma Mustaffa. It was aimed to acquire knowledge on Building Information Modeling (BIM) from research centres in Curtin University, namely, the Australasian Joint Research Centre for BIM and Curtin HIVE (Hub for Immersive Visualization and eResearch). Since Universiti Teknologi Malaysia has established our own BIM Research Centre, the knowledge gained from this program could contribute to the development of the centre by setting Curtin University as the role model for success. The program will lead us to future collaboration with Curtin University such as exchange student program, joint research, and educational visits to other universities. Improvement could be seen in the students’ leadership, confidence level and communication skills during the open discussion with Curtin University’s academic staff and students. The students were very attentive and analytical in directing questions during the participation in existing classes and visit to the research centres. The program was a huge success in creating more analytical, knowledgeable and broad-minded students.