Geoinformation Career Carnival 2023 tarik kehadiran industri dan pelajar tahun akhir
Program Geoinformasi, Fakulti Alam Bina dan Ukur (FABU) telah menganjurkan Geoinformation Career Carnival 2023 sebagai memupuk jalinan kerjasama antara pihak universiti, industri dan agensi seterusnya melengkapkan konsep quadruple helix iaitu memberi semula kepentingan kepada para pelajar UTM khususnya pelajar Geoinformasi. Berita lanjut di :
Taiwan Excellence Sustainable Innovation Challenge in conjunction with ARCHIDEX 2023
The Taiwan Excellence “Sustainable Innovation Challenge” embarks on a journey to inspire the next generation of architects and designers, urging them to champion sustainable design in their creations.The prestigious competition encourages students to unleash their creativity and envision a world where award-winning environmentally responsible materials, energy-efficient systems, and cutting-edge smart technologies converge seamlessly into architectural wonders. More news in :
Khemah Ukur Geomatik perkukuh kemahiran pelajar tahun dua kejuruteraan geomatik FABU
Program ini bertujuan memberi pendedahan kepada pelajar tentang kerja-kerja pengukuran yang sebenar dan dapat membentuk kekuatan dari segi mental dan fizikal apabila mereka bekerja di luar kelak. Program Khemah Ukur II Geomatik 2023 telah berlangsung dari 20 Julai 2023 hingga 31 Julai 2023. Berita lanjut di :
UTM PhD Student from Geomatic Engineering Faculty of Built Environment & Surveying representing Malaysia at United Nations Workshop in Vienna, Austria
Out of the 40 participants present at the workshop, Siti Syukriah Binti Khamdan, a PhD student in Geomatic Engineering from UTM’s Faculty of Built Environment & Surveying (FBES), was chosen to represent both UTM and Malaysia. She was given travel support and a daily allowance, which made it possible for her to attend the workshop. Moreover, UTM International and FBES provided financial support and assisted the student in presenting her research on an international platform. More details on :