by webmaster | Aug 19, 2018 | News, UTM News
Congratulations to our lecturers Sr. Dr. Fara Diva Binti Mustapa, Sr. Dr. Muzani Bin Mustapa and their student Toh Ka Bean for being awarded GOLD for participation in International Research Innovation Invention Solution Exposition (IRIISE) at Expo on University Research Invention, Creation & Innovation (EUREKA) 2018 from 14th until 16th August 2018 located at University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur. The title of their research project is Transaction Cost Analysis: A Decision Support System for Procurement Selection.

by webmaster | Aug 1, 2018 | News, UTM News
Kuala Lumpur, 29 July – UTM Faculty of Built Environment and Surveying (FBES) Senior Lecturer, TPr. Chau Loon Wai, stressed to an audience of town planning professionals the importance of getting the basics right if we were to make real progress in building environmentally sustainable cities in Malaysia. The well received point was made at the PLANMalaysia Expert Talk 2018, themed “Environmentally Sustainable Cities”, which was held on 27 July 2018 at Wisma Tun Sambanthan, Kuala Lumpur.
TPr. Chau appeared as an invited speaker representing the academia alongside three other practising town planners in the expert talk, which was part of a series organised by PLANMalaysia (previously known as the Federal Town and Country Planning Department, JPBDSM), the highest authority overseeing the town and country planning activities in Malaysia.
The expert talk was officiated by the PLANMalaysia Director General, Y.Bhg. Dato’ TPr. Hjh. Rokibah Abdul Latif and attended by 188 town planners from the Federal and State level PLANMalaysia offices, local authorities, private practices as well as the academia.
In his 30-minute sharing entitled “Environmentally Sustainable Cities? Getting there means getting the basics right!”, TPr. Chau got the audience to take a hard look at the actual current state of (un)sustainability of Malaysian cities despite countless well-intent efforts spanning at least two-and-half decades by town planners. He then asserted that environmental sustainability is not only about having the right intention and proposing big concepts but it is importantly about getting back to the basics, of dealing with issues in real places involving real people. He stressed the need to go beyond “sustainababble” and begin implementing small, direct actions in places that would yield real positive impacts on people’s quality of life, for example of delivering urban environments that are friendly to children, the elderly, women and people with disability (PWD).
The talk was concluded with the highlighting of the importance of urban design in advancing environmental sustainability; of integrating planning and design across the national, state and local levels; as well as of involving in a deep way the people for and with whom we plan. As Co-Director of the UTM-Low Carbon Asia Research Centre (UTM-LCARC) and Associate Research Fellow of the Centre for Innovative Planning and Development (CIPD), Faculty of Built Environment and Surveying, TPr. Chau also took the opportunity to briefly share major accomplished and on-going research works of the centres and stated UTM’s commitment to continuously collaborating with PLANMalaysia and the Malaysian planning profession towards contributing to better urban and regional planning.

Expert Talk Moderator introduces TPr. Chau Loon Wai.

TPr. Chau: Environmentally Sustainable Cities? Getting there means getting the basics right!

One for the record: Expert Talk speakers (TPr. Chau stands second from left) and moderator on stage with PLANMalaysia Director General, YBhg Dato’ TPr. Hjh. Rokibah Abdul Latif (centre) and PLANMalaysia Deputy Director General, YBhg Dato’ TPr. Hj. Mohd Anuar Maidin (third from left).
by webmaster | Jul 30, 2018 | Award, News, UTM News
Detail of the award :
Name of the event : 100 Most Dedicated Professors at the World Education Congress
Date : 5th July 2018
Venue : Taj Lands End, Mumbai
The 100 Most Dedicated Professors is intensely researched process undertaken by the research with over 5 years research experience posts their studies. It is the iconic job of the research cell to produce a shortlist of individuals who are doing extraordinary work and track the record of their achievements. The shortlist is the reviewed by a Jury comprising of senior professionals from across the globe.
- Strategic Perspective
- Future Orientation
- Track Record
- Integrity and Ethics
- Ability for Sustainable Education
- Evaluation Approach
by webmaster | Jul 29, 2018 | News, UTM News
FABU telah mengadakan Inbound Program, Pelajar Universitas Bung Hatta ke Jabatan Harta Tanah pada 24 hingga 26 Julai 2018. Tujuan lawatan ialah mengadakan kuliah dan lawatan di UTM Johor Bahru dan Malaysia. Program dihadiri oleh 29 orang pelajar Pascasiswazah Bung Hatta dan 2 orang pensyarah mereka sebagai pengiring.

by webmaster FAB | Feb 12, 2018 | Conference & Seminar, News, photo, UTM News
Kuala Lumpur, 10th February – Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), through the UTM-Low Carbon Asia Research Centre (UTM-LCARC) that is based in the Department of Urban and Regional Planning (JPBW), Faculty of Built Environment, and the Institut Sultan Iskandar (ISI) organise an exhibition and a side event at the 9th Session of the World Urban Forum (WUF9) at the Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre on 7-13 February 2018.

Organised every two years by the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat), the WUF is the largest United Nations conference on urban development and cities. Held for the second time in an Asian city, the forum features over 500 events, including assemblies, high-level roundtable talks, dialogues, side events and exhibitions. WUF9, themed “Cities 2030, Cities for All: Implementing the New Urban Agenda”, focuses among others on advancing sustainable urban development and low carbon communities and is expected to be attract over 25,000 people from 193 countries.

Through WUF9, JPBW showcases UTM-LCARC’s latest work and achievements in advancing city-level sustainability and climate change action plan-making through the “Science to Action” (S2A) approach, which involves scientific evidence-based policy-making through multiple stakeholder engagements and real policy implementation in Iskandar Malaysia, Putrajaya, Kuala Lumpur and Pengerang. Also featured are research and consultancy works by the Centre for Innovative Planning and Development (CIPD) that straddle multiple disciplines of transportation and logistics, tourism, urban design and rural development.

Institut Sultan Iskandar (ISI), UTM’s gazetted, independent not-for-profit research and development company specialising in planning and development, showcases its high-profile flagship MIT-UTM Malaysia Sustainable Cities Program that started in 2014. The MIT-UTM MSCP mission is to study and document sustainable city development efforts in Malaysia. Visiting scholars from around the world spend September-December each year conducting research in Malaysia. They then spend February-May at MIT developing research findings into instructional materials to enhance and extend the teaching of sustainable city development across universities in the global South. The MSCP is housed in the Science Impact Collaborative in the Department of Urban Studies and Planning at MIT, and ISI at UTM.
Reported by: Chau Loon Wai, Ahmad Faizal Salleh
Source: UTM-LCARC, JPBW and ISI Exhibit and Promote Malaysia’s “Science to Action” (S2A) Approach to Low Carbon, Sustainable Communities at WUF9
by webmaster FAB | Aug 22, 2017 | Meeting & Workshop, News, UTM News
Peserta berbincang mengenai strategi pertandingan senibina sempena NEON’ 17.
JOHOR BAHRU, 19 Ogos 2017 – Seramai 357 orang mahasiswa jurusan senibina dari seluruh negara telah menyertai The 29th Annual Architectural Student Workshop (NEON) 2017 yang dianjurkan oleh Fakulti Alam Bina dengan kerjasama Persatuan Arkitek Malaysia (PAM).
Program itu dirasmikan oleh Presiden Persatuan Arkitek Malaysia (PAM), Ar. Ezumi Harzani Ismail bertempat di Dewan Sultan Iskandar.
Pengarah Program, Ahmad Haziq Kamarudin berkata, matlamat utama program itu untuk mengumpulkan mahasiswa jurusan senibina dari seluruh negara bagi membolehkan mereka bertukar-tukar idea serta mendapat informasi terkini mengenai bidang senibina.
“Antara aktiviti yang dijalankan adalah Jelajah Bandaraya Johor Bahru dengan usahasama Majlis Bandaraya Johor Bahru (MBJB) dan Bicarawara Sungai Segget dengan kerjasama Pihak Berkuasa Pembangunan Wilayah Iskandar (IRDA).
“Selain itu, Pertandingan Perabot Awam (Street Furniture) Sungai Segget dengan kerjasama ThinkCity, sebuah Badan Bukan Kerajaan (NGO) bertanggungjawab memberikan dana bagi sumbangan idea pembangunan bandar turut diadakan,” katanya.
Disamping itu, bagi menyesuaikan dengan dasar semasa universiti yang ingin memupuk semangat keusahawanan di kalangan warganya, penganjur juga mengadakan Bazar Keusahawanan ‘Bazaarevo’ secara usahasama dengan Kedai Serbanika jenama terkenal negeri Johor iaitu JOHO.
“Kami juga menganjurkan pertandingan senibina bagi menguji kemahiran dan daya kreativiti para perserta yang menyertai program ini.
“Pertandingan ini hanya dibuka kepada peserta jemputan sahaja tanpa ada sebarang penyertaan dari mahasiswa UTM bagi menggalakkan penjurian yang lebih profesional,” katanya.
Beliau berkata, program itu mula dianjurkan pada tahun 1987 secara bergilir-gilir melibatkan sekolah-sekolah dan pada tahun ini penganjurannya kembali ke tangan UTM sempena ulang tahun yang ke-30 membabitkan 186 pelajar senibina peringkat Sarjana Muda dan Sarjana UTM.
Source: 357 mahasiswa senibina sertai NEON’ 17 | Hub Berita