39 Kansas University (KU) Lawrence architectural students visited FABU UTM
A group of 39 architectural students accompanied by two faculty members from Kansas University (KU) Lawrence, United States had visited the Faculty of Built Environment and Surveying (FABU) of Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM).
The visit by KU Lawrence delegation started since 2013 where the university has chosen Malaysia as one of the countries to be a case study for its Study Abroad Programme. Besides Malaysia, KU Lawrence has also chosen Singapore and Japan to visit.
The Director of Malaysia Architectural Study Tour of UTM Sultan Iskandar Institute (ISI), Assoc. Prof. Dr. Gurupiah Mursib said that this study tour which took place between January 4th and 11th received an unexpected response.
“According to Assoc. Prof. Dr. Kapila Silva, Head of the Study Program of Kansas University, the rapidly developing Malaysia which is rich in culture is the main reason it was selected for the study, together with Singapore, and Japan.
“For this purpose, the UTM Sultan Iskandar Institute (ISI), supported by the School of Architecture, Faculty of Built Environment and Surveying, had prepared a special programme of 8 days 7 nights excursion covering Johor, Melaka, Kuala Lumpur, Putrajaya and Selangor,” said Prof. Gurupiah.
He also stated that Malaysia’s architecture offers a different experience from the modern architectural era (1955-1970), through the postmodern era (1971-1990) and the global era (1991- 2017).
“As the host, we have organized a program designed to provide a comprehensive overview of traditional architecture, to the award-winning iconic architecture.
“Several traditional buildings were visited namely the traditional Mini Garden Malaysia houses, while the National Mosque, the Central Market, the Sultan Abdul Samad building and the Masjid Jamek represent modern early architecture,” said Prof. Gurupiah.
Prof. Gurupiah later explained that the global Era are represented by skyscrapers such as the Petronas Twin Towers, Kuala Lumpur Tower, The Fennel, and the OBYU Tower. Also included are buildings with special concepts such as PAM Center, Arc Rimbayu, Bamboo Playhouse House and PJ Trade Center.
“The beauty of this programme is that the program directly features architects of the selected buildings. The 2018 study has featured Ar Jimmy Lim as the highlight of the study while for this time, the program featured Dato ‘Dr Ar Ken Yeang and Ar Wooi Lok Kuang.
“Ken Yeang’s architecture was represented by Menara Mesiniaga, Roof-roof House, and the Suasana Putrajaya while Wooi showcased his architecture of houses including his own home,” said Prof. Gurupiah.
Prof. Gurupiah said that in the concept of urban planning, the Putrajaya Federal Government Administrative Centre represents the new and planned city development.
The tours included the Putrajaya Holdings, the Sultan Mizan Mosque, Dataran Putra, the Boulevard and Putrajaya Cruise. In the meantime, DBKL efforts to create urban space have led to historical heritage in Kuala Lumpur such as the River of Life, back lanes, Lake gardens and Batu Caves.
The welcoming session for the delegates was held at the Faculty of Architecture and Survey, UTM Johor Bahru campus on 4th January 2019 followed by a lunch session at Ar Razin Mahmood Denai House in Kempas, Johor Bahru.
Dean of the Faculty of Architecture and Survey, Prof. Dr. Mohd. Hamdan Hj. Ahmad, Associate Director (Student Services & Global Education Experience), Prof. Dr. Nor Haniza Sarmin as well as the Executive Director of ISI were also present. A memorable farewell dinner was held the following week at Menara Kuala Lumpur.
This program reflects the strong continuous ties between UTM and Kansas University, soon to be made official via MoU, Prof Dr Mohd Hamdan Ahmad, Dean of the Faculty of Architecture and Survey mentioned in his welcoming speech.

UTM Summer School – Built Environment Experiences 2018 – Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS), Indonesia
JOHOR BAHRU, 26 Oktober 2018 – Seramai 21 orang peserta dari Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS), Surakarta, Indonesia (18 pelajar dan 3 orang pensyarah pengiring) telah menyertai program UTM Summer School – Built Environment Experiences 2018 yang berlangsung dari 21 hingga 26 Oktober 2018 lalu. Program UTM Summer School anjuran Perancangan Bandar dan Wilayah (PBW), Fakulti Alam Bina dan Ukur UTM (FABU) merupakan penyertaan kali ke-2 oleh pihak UNS. Penyertaan pihak UNS kali ini telah disambut sendiri oleh Pengarah Program PBW, Prof. Madya TPr. Dr. Hairul Nizam Ismail mewakili Dekan FABU.
Matlamat utama program ini adalah untuk memperkenalkan dan berkongsi pengalaman kepada para peserta berkaitan konsep ‘Sustainable Creative City’ yang diterapkan khususnya di sekitar pembangunan wilayah Iskandar Malaysia, Bandaraya Johor Bahru dan Kuala Lumpur. Para hari pertama, perserta telah berpeluang mendengar perkongsian kuliah di Dewan Konvesyen, FABU melibatkan pakar rujuk UTM dan UNS. Turut serta para pelajar dari Tahun 1 Sarjana Muda Perancangan Bandar dan Wilayah UTM (SMPBW). Ahli panel jemputan UTM yang terlibat adalah Pensyarah Kanan PBW iaitu En. Chau Loon Wai dan Prof. Madya TPr. Dr. Foziah Johar manakala pihak UNS diwakili oleh Dr. Winny Astuti dan Dr. Muhammad Hisjam. Para peserta kemudian turut dibawa melawat kemudahan dan pusat penyelidikan yang terdapat di sekitar Fakulti oleh Persatuan Mahasiswa Perancangan Bandar dan Wilayah UTM (PEWIBAWA).
Pada hari kedua, sempena lawatan peserta ke Pusat Bandaraya Johor Bahru, sebuah sesi taklimat diaturkan bersama pihak Thinkcity Sdn. Bhd. (Johor Bahru) di pejabat mereka. Pihak Thinkcity yang banyak terlibat dalam projek pemeliharaan bangunan warisan dan rejuvenasi ruang awam di sekitar pusat bandar turut membawa peserta menyelusuri jejak warisan di sekitar pusat bandar. Turut serta, Pengarah Program UTM Summer School, Dr. Noor Aimran Samsudin yang turut berkongsi sejarah perkembangan bandar tersebut di lapangan. Selain itu, pihak Yayasan Warisan Johor (YWJ) turut berbesar hati menerima kunjungan delegasi ke Kompleks YWJ yang menempatkan pelbagai koleksi seni warisan,sejarah dan budaya Johor. Taklimat telah disampaikan sendiri oleh Ketua Unit Korporat, Tuan Haji Shafie Ahmad kepada delegasi UNS dan UTM. Para peserta telah berpeluang melawat Galeri Tenun dan Galeri Seni melihat koleksi yang dipamerkan.
Pada hari berikutnya, para peserta telah dibawa melihat kemodenan pusat pentadbiran Negeri Johor iaitu Kota Iskandar dan pembangunan sekitar Iskandar Puteri seperti Puteri Harbour, Medini dan Taman Tema Legoland. Sebelum peserta menikmati jamuan makan malam di sebuah restoran nelayan di Kampung Pendas, Gelang Patah, mereka telah dibawa melawat projek mega Forest City yang dibangunkan oleh Country Garden Pacificview. Taklimat telah disampaikan sendiri oleh Encik Ahmad Faizul Noor Azizan, Senior Strategic Executive.
Lawatan di sekitar Kuala Lumpur, peserta telah berpeluang melawat kawasan bersejarah Masjid Jamek, Dataran Merdeka, KL City Gallery dan Pasar Seni selain ke pusat membeli belah utama iaitu Bukit Bintang dan Menara Berkembar Petronas. Secara umum penyertaan program kali ini telah memberi peluang kepada peserta melihat pembangunan Malaysia dari pelbagai perspektif dengan melawat pelbagai bandar di negara ini.

Majlis Pelancaran Pembinaan Projek Rintis Ruang Kejiranan Program Rejuvenasi Pangsapuri 560 Bandar Bukit Puchong
Majlis Pelancaran Pembinaan Projek Rintis Ruang Kejiranan Program Rejuvenasi Pangsapuri 560 Bandar Bukit Puchong telah dirasmikan oleh YBrs. Puan Noraini Roslan, Yang Dipertua Majlis Perbandaran Subang Jaya pada 7 Oktober 2018, Ahad bertempat di Flat Bandar Bukit Puchong, Selangor. Program perintis ini merupakan kerjasama Majlis Perbandaran Subang Jaya, Institut Sultan Iskandar, dan Fakulti Alam Bina dan Ukur, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia dalam merejuvenasi perumahan kos rendah di Malaysia. Majlis pelancaran projek ini adalah bertujuan untuk melancarkan projek pilot pembinaan laman edibel dan kerja-kerja menaiktaraf landskap. Program ini telah disertai oleh seramai 40 orang pelajar dari program Ukur Bahan dan Pembinaan di bawah penyeliaan Dr Syamsul Hendra bin Mahmud. Majlis ini telah dihadiri oleh Prof. Dr Mohd Hamdan Ahmad, Dekan Fakulti Alam Bina dan Ukur, Prof Madya Dr Gurupiah Mursib, Ketua Projek Rejuvenasi Flat Bandar Bukit Puchong 560 Puchong, Selangor, Prof. Dr. Syed Ahmad Iskandar Syed Ariffin, Pengarah Eksekutif ISI dan En Thomas Low Yew Sin, Ahli MPSJ.
More photo.. (click here)

10th RISM-RICS International Surveying Conference for Undergraduates 2018
Congratulation to UTM team!🥇
Special Mention Paper
1. Risk Management Strategies Adopted by Contractors During Competitive Tendering (By Sia Hui Ru under supervision of PM Sr Dr Sarajul)
2. An Appraisal into Potential Application of Big Data in Construction Industry (By Siti Aisyah Ismail under supervision of Dr Shamsulhadi Bandi)
Webinar Competition
1. Siti Aisyah Ismail under supervision of Dr Shamsulhadi Bandi – Top winner with 80.56%
Top 5
1. UTM – 80.56%
2. USM – 80.06%
4. USM – 78.06%
5. INTI – 77.56%

UTM To Collaborate With WNI On Research and Training About Weather Related Disaster
Prof. Azlan (fifth right) exchanging the MoU with Mr. Yasushi Shiga, Senior Manager Director & Chief Revenue Officer (Japan & Asia) of WeatherNews Inc. (WNI)
JOHOR BAHRU, 16 August 2018 – Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) will collaborate with Weathernews Inc (WNI), a private Japanese weather service corporation to conduct research and training on weather related disasters in Malaysia.
The Deputy Vice Chancellor (Development), Prof. Dr. Azlan Abd. Rahman in his welcoming speech said that WNI is a private weather service corporation established and existing under the Law of Japan, having its principal office at Chiba-shi, Chiba, Japan.
“WNI offers a wide range of services at international level covering airline industries, mobile computing markets, fuel operations; ship routing, media, retail markets, disaster management and disaster management support for countries that are subject to weather risks.
“The ultimate goal of the collaboration is to mitigate the negative impact of severe weather and extreme natural hazards on the life of people as well as business activities and to enhance the sustainable development of Malaysia,” said. Prof. Azlan.
Prof. Azlan said that through this collaboration WNI will provide weather data measured by WITH Radar that is worth RM 200,000 per year to UTM.
“WITH Radar was developed using aviation Doppler radar with the latest meteorological technology in order to capture rapidly developing cumulonimbus clouds that often bring damage in the form of sudden torrential thunderstorms, wind gusts and tornados.
“The WITH Radar makes a complete scan of a 50km2 area every 6 seconds and captures precipitation intensity, and the direction and speed of movement of the storm cell in the lower troposphere to capture clouds forming even lower than 2km,” he said.
The scans are also three-dimensional allowing the capture of the development of the clouds as well.
“Data captured by WITH Radar will be used to produce more accurate predictions of weather related disasters such as floods in Malaysia.
This forecast will then be used in various risk communication services and support operations of the nation in taking direct actions to minimize potential weather risk,” he said.
Both UTM and WNI will collaborate to conduct workshops/seminars to private companies and public institutions to utilise the data for disaster mitigation in Malaysia. The data and results will also be used for teaching purposes in UTM.
This Memorandum shall remain in force for 5 years and shall continue to remain in force by mutual agreement between WNI and UTM.
The overall implementation of the project shall be headed by Mr.Yuta Seto or his successor from WNI whereas, the substantive research and development aspects of the Project shall be headed by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Kasturi Devi Kanniah from UTM or her successor.
The MoU document was signed by UTM’s Vice Chancellor (Development), Prof. Dr. Azlan Abdul Rahman and Mr. Yasushi Shiga, Senior Manager Director & Chief Revenue Officer (Japan & Asia) of WeatherNews Inc. (WNI), Japan.
The ceremony was held at the Faculty of Built Environment & Surveying, UTM Johor Bahru on August 16th, 2018.