by webmaster | Nov 4, 2019 | Award, Conference & Seminar, News, photo
Reinvigoration of Klang Islands Inter-varsity Conceptual Design Competition award ceremony was held at Shah Alam Convention Centre (SACC), in conjunction with the launching of Selangor Maritime Gateway project by YAB Tuan Amirudin Shari, Dato’ Menteri Besar Selangor. Landasan Lumayan Sdn Bhd (LLSB) ,wholly owned by Menteri Besar Selangor Incorporated (MBI), has initiated an inter-varsity conceptual design competition among the built environment programs in Malaysian higher institutions for the reinvigorations of Klang Islands.
LLSB has been appointed by the Selangor State Government as the Master Developer to implement key activities in the Rejuvenation of Sungai Klang Project which is known as Selangor Maritime Gateway (SMG). Klang Islands comprises seven islands offer great ecological assets and natural settings for sustainable tourism development. This competition is an initiative of MBI in adopting new, fresh and inspirational design ideas and concepts of our young generations from the local universities into SMG reinvigoration of Klang Islands. LLSB has allocated RM25,000, RM10,000 and RM5,000 for the first, second and third prize respectively.
Faculty of Built Environment and Surveying (FBES) UTM was committed in participating in this competition by sending two (2) entries under the supervision of four staff. However only one entry managed to became the finalist. Eight (8) second and third year students from Landscape Architecture and Quantity Surveying programs won the third place with a trophy and individual certificate who has contributed wholeheartedly in this competition. The coordinators for UTM team are Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sapura Mohamad, Dr. Lee Yoke Lai and Ts. Dr. Syamsul Hendra Mahmud from Faculty of Built Environment and Surveying, UTM.
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by webmaster | Oct 21, 2019 | Conference & Seminar, News, photo
Ceramah Industri oleh Pegawai Jabatan Penilaian dan Perkhidmatan Harta iaitu Sr Haji Hamidon bin Haron dan Puan Norfaradilah binti Ngaddemin. Majlis telah dirasmikan oleh Sr Dr. Mohd Nadzri b. Jaafar, Pengarah program Harta Tanah FABU.
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by webmaster | Oct 16, 2019 | Conference & Seminar, event, News, photo
15 October 2019 – RISM Career Talk is an annual event by RISM jointly organised with Faculty of Built Environment and Surveying for Geomatics & Land Surveying, Property Surveying and Quantity Surveying 1st year students of Faculty of Built Environment and Surveying.
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by webmaster | Oct 6, 2019 | CSR, News, photo
4 Oktober 2019 – Majlis Perasmian Apps GeoPusara dan Penyerahan Tanda Arah Kiblat Bagi Tanah Perkuburan Islam Kangkar Pulai. Majlis telah dirasmikan oleh Prof. Ts. Dr. Mohd Hamdan Ahmad, Dekan Fakulti Alam Bina dan Ukur (FABU). Majlis turut dihadiri oleh Pengarah PLANMalaysia@Johor, Tn. Haji Mohd Faidzal Hamzah; Ustaz Mohd Rilizam Rosli, Penolong Pengarah Baitulmal, Majlis Agama Islam Negeri Johor dan Prof. Madya Dr. Johari Surif, Pengarah Pusat Jaringan Komuniti dan Industri (CCIN), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia.
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by webmaster | Oct 2, 2019 | event, Global Outreach Program, News, photo
Global Exchange Programme between UTM and Takezono High School dan Kumamoto College from 30 September to 1 October 2019 involving 150 students from Japan and 50 volunteers from UTM.
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by webmaster | Sep 30, 2019 | event, News, photo
Lakaran satu peristiwa penting bagi warga Senibina Landskap, Fakulti Alam Bina dan Ukur (FABU), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) telah terukir apabila sebuah upacara menandatangani Memorandum Persefahaman (MoU) antara universiti ini dan Majlis Bandaraya Ipoh (MBI) telah disempurnakan oleh wakil kedua-dua belah pihak.
Dalam majlis tersebut, UTM diwakili oleh Dekan FABU, Prof. Dr. Mohd Hamdan bin Haji Ahmad dan Setiausaha MBI, Tuan Mohd Zakuan bin Zakaria di Taman Rekreasi Gunung Lang Ipoh.
MoU ini akan melibatkan kerjasama dari aspek pengajaran dan pembelajaran serta penyelidikan di mana melibatkan teknologi pembinaan dan rekabentuk struktur buluh sebagai bahan pembinaan semulajadi yang mampan.
Di samping itu juga, MoU ini akan membuka lebih banyak peluang untuk pertukaran idea dan kepakaran di dalam aspek pengurusan landskap untuk kedua-dua institusi.
Majlis ini dijalankan bersempena dengan program ESCAPE pelajar Senibina Landskap UTM Earth Society of Landscape Architecture selama 2 hari setengah yang telah mendapat sokongan dan kerjasama yang baik dari pihak Jabatan Landskap dan Rekreasi, MBI di bawah kelolaan LAr Meor Abdullah Zaidi bin Meor Zaidi Razali.
Program turut dimeriahkan dengan sambutan program Kesedaran Hari Habitat Sedunia anjuran KPKT di mana program Tanam Pokok dan “Waste to Wealth” telah dijalankan oleh pelajar-pelajar dari empat buah institusi yang menawarkan program Senibina Landskap iaitu UTM, UPM, UiTM dan UIA.
Semoga penglibatan pelajar di dalam program seumpama ini akan meningkatkan kesedaran terhadap kepentingan pengurusan sisa pepejal dan keprihatinan terhadap isu-isu alam sekitar bagi melahirkan generasi rakyat yang lebih peka terhadap persekitaran yang mapan untuk kesejahteraan hidup.
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