Akreditasi Program Sarjana Muda Perancangan Bandar & Wilayah UTM
17 Februari 2020 – Program Akreditasi Pertengahan Penggal Program Sarjana Muda Perancangan Bandar & Wilayah Fakulti Alam Bina dan Ukur, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia.
17 Februari 2020 – Program Akreditasi Pertengahan Penggal Program Sarjana Muda Perancangan Bandar & Wilayah Fakulti Alam Bina dan Ukur, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia.
5 Februari 2020 – Bengkel Perancangan Strategik Fakulti Alam Bina dan Ukur 2020 bertempat di Hotel Ramada Meridin Johor Bahru.
Collaborative International Architecture Workshop 2020 For Architecture Staff and Students between Universiti Teknologi Malaysia and De Monfort University Collaborative International Architecture Workshop 2020.
Program Khidmat Sosial Tingkatan 6 telah berlangsung di SMK Skudai JB pada 15 Januari 2020 yang lepas. Program ini merupakan program jalinan sinergi antara FABU dan Panatia Pengajian Perniagaan Tingkatan 6 sekolah berkenaan yang telah melibatkan seramai 93 orang pelajar.
Program ini telah memberikan pendedahan berkaitan Undang2 Perniagaan yang merupakan modul khas yang digarap oleh Dr Noorfajri bin Ismail, pensyarah Fakulti Alam Bina dan Ukur, UTM khusus sebagai silibus bersama dalam subjek Pengajian Perniagaan (Penggal kedua) STPM.
KUALA LUMPUR: Universiti Teknologi Malaysia with collaboration between government sector and many other private agencies organised a programme, KLGeoHydro 2019 which was a 2-day event starting from 18 until 19 November 2019 supported by Persatuan Mahasiswa Ukur Tanah UTM (PEMETA) at Hotel Istana. The big event started with welcoming remarks delivered by Prof. Sr Dr. Mohd Razali Mahmud who was the Chairman of KLGeoHydro 2019 from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) and the opening of the exhibition was launched by Dato’ Sr Dr. Azhari Mohamed, Director General of Survey and Mapping Malaysia (JUPEM). An important message was conveyed to the audience with the emphasis of the programme’s theme itself, ‘Empowering Marine Knowledge Through Hydrography’. The conference comprised various related topics presented by the 21 guest speakers who came from local and international agencies that came along with exhibition and a session organised by Young Surveyors Network. Closing remark was delivered by Sr Shaharuddin Musa, President of the Association of Authorised Land Surveyors Malaysia (PEJUTA).
A sub-programme was handled by the FIG Young Surveyors Network and PEMETA as rapporteur. The activities included a 3-Minute Talk Competition, Youth Talk and Speed Dating. In total, 9 teams participated in the 3 Minute Talk by undergraduate and postgraduate students from different universities to present their innovative ideas in supporting marine environment, followed by Youth Talk. Youth Talk was an interactive session from young professionals sharing their experience to inspire and encourage participants to be a part of surveying profession, seize opportunities and at the same time contribute back to the society. The last activity was speed dating aimed to build connections made during the conference and learn how to positively influence the future of the network in a changing world between the participants.
After the big event was held successfully, a technical visit to PETRONAS Twin Towers were organised and joined by KLGeoHydro committee, speakers and PEMETA. The trip was firstly introduced by a short talk from the administrator about the Geomatic department and how it functions under PETRONAS. A while after, all committee and speakers were brought to the PETRONAS Twin Towers Sky Bridge and the highest floor of the tower for a sky view.