by webmaster | Feb 4, 2019 | CSR, News, photo
A technical excursion with Indigenous Green as a focus was held at Cameron Highlands from 24th – 26th Jan 2019. This program was a success due to a good teamwork and collaboration between the Institute of Landscape Architects Malaysia (ILAM) Southern Chapter, MajlIs Bandaraya Ipoh (MBI) and Research Group Heritage Landscape (HELA) UTM. UTM Landscape Architecture Department representative, LAr Dr Sapura Mohamad, LAr Dr Hamidah Ahmad and LAr Dr Zanariah Jasmani were among the secretariats/ navigators in this 3- day program. The excursion explored stormwater management, indigenous farming and traditional methods in Cameron Highlands. This program also targeted at Three schools competing in completing herbarium collection to encourage Cameron Highlands indigenous plants collection.

by webmaster | Jan 28, 2019 | Award, News, photo, Promotion/Appointment
Assoc. Prof. Sr Dr. Kherun Nita binti Ali of the Faculty of Built Environment and Surveying has been appointed as the Vice President for Academic and Research of Building Information Modelling (BIM) Institute of Malaysia effective 14th December 2018. BIM Institute of Malaysia is a multidisciplinary center for the construction industry and academia that focuses on the strategic implementation of BIM in a construction industry. She received the appointment recently at the institute’s Annual General Meeting.
Dr. Kherun is also the Head of the BIM Center for Digital Innovations and Solutions (BIMCDIS), Faculty of Built Environment and Surveying as well as the Head of BIM Research Group (BIMRG). Apart from her extensive publications on BIM, she also leads researches in BIM and has been invited as BIM speaker or forum panelist at BIM related events. She is actively involved in the Royal Institution of Surveyors Malaysia (RISM) BIM Sub-Committee and BIM Legal Working Group which is one of the seven pillars of Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB) BIM Roadmap 2015-2020.
Dr. Kherun attained both her MSc in IT Management in Construction and PhD in IT from University of Salford. She was a recipient of the prestigious University of Salford Scholarship for her full PhD research which she graduated in 2004.
by webmaster | Jan 28, 2019 | Global Outreach Program, News, photo, UTM News
A group of 39 architectural students accompanied by two faculty members from Kansas University (KU) Lawrence, United States had visited the Faculty of Built Environment and Surveying (FABU) of Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM).
The visit by KU Lawrence delegation started since 2013 where the university has chosen Malaysia as one of the countries to be a case study for its Study Abroad Programme. Besides Malaysia, KU Lawrence has also chosen Singapore and Japan to visit.
The Director of Malaysia Architectural Study Tour of UTM Sultan Iskandar Institute (ISI), Assoc. Prof. Dr. Gurupiah Mursib said that this study tour which took place between January 4th and 11th received an unexpected response.
“According to Assoc. Prof. Dr. Kapila Silva, Head of the Study Program of Kansas University, the rapidly developing Malaysia which is rich in culture is the main reason it was selected for the study, together with Singapore, and Japan.
“For this purpose, the UTM Sultan Iskandar Institute (ISI), supported by the School of Architecture, Faculty of Built Environment and Surveying, had prepared a special programme of 8 days 7 nights excursion covering Johor, Melaka, Kuala Lumpur, Putrajaya and Selangor,” said Prof. Gurupiah.
He also stated that Malaysia’s architecture offers a different experience from the modern architectural era (1955-1970), through the postmodern era (1971-1990) and the global era (1991- 2017).
“As the host, we have organized a program designed to provide a comprehensive overview of traditional architecture, to the award-winning iconic architecture.
“Several traditional buildings were visited namely the traditional Mini Garden Malaysia houses, while the National Mosque, the Central Market, the Sultan Abdul Samad building and the Masjid Jamek represent modern early architecture,” said Prof. Gurupiah.
Prof. Gurupiah later explained that the global Era are represented by skyscrapers such as the Petronas Twin Towers, Kuala Lumpur Tower, The Fennel, and the OBYU Tower. Also included are buildings with special concepts such as PAM Center, Arc Rimbayu, Bamboo Playhouse House and PJ Trade Center.
“The beauty of this programme is that the program directly features architects of the selected buildings. The 2018 study has featured Ar Jimmy Lim as the highlight of the study while for this time, the program featured Dato ‘Dr Ar Ken Yeang and Ar Wooi Lok Kuang.
“Ken Yeang’s architecture was represented by Menara Mesiniaga, Roof-roof House, and the Suasana Putrajaya while Wooi showcased his architecture of houses including his own home,” said Prof. Gurupiah.
Prof. Gurupiah said that in the concept of urban planning, the Putrajaya Federal Government Administrative Centre represents the new and planned city development.
The tours included the Putrajaya Holdings, the Sultan Mizan Mosque, Dataran Putra, the Boulevard and Putrajaya Cruise. In the meantime, DBKL efforts to create urban space have led to historical heritage in Kuala Lumpur such as the River of Life, back lanes, Lake gardens and Batu Caves.
The welcoming session for the delegates was held at the Faculty of Architecture and Survey, UTM Johor Bahru campus on 4th January 2019 followed by a lunch session at Ar Razin Mahmood Denai House in Kempas, Johor Bahru.
Dean of the Faculty of Architecture and Survey, Prof. Dr. Mohd. Hamdan Hj. Ahmad, Associate Director (Student Services & Global Education Experience), Prof. Dr. Nor Haniza Sarmin as well as the Executive Director of ISI were also present. A memorable farewell dinner was held the following week at Menara Kuala Lumpur.
This program reflects the strong continuous ties between UTM and Kansas University, soon to be made official via MoU, Prof Dr Mohd Hamdan Ahmad, Dean of the Faculty of Architecture and Survey mentioned in his welcoming speech.
by webmaster | Jan 27, 2019 | Global Outreach Program, News, photo
Pelajar dari Fakulti Alam Bina dan Ukur (FABU) berpeluang menimba pengalaman di negara maju melalui pengamatan terhadap budaya belajar, bekerja dan bersosial mereka apabila menyertai Global Outreach Program (GOP) ke Tokyo, Jepun pada 11 hingga 18 Januari 2019 yang lalu.
Tujuh orang pelajar dari program Sarjana Muda Sains (Geoinformatik) tersebut diiringi oleh dua orang pensyarah, Prof Madya Sr Mohamad Nor Said dan Dr Muhammad Imzan Hassan, dengan sebahagian besar pembiayaan adalah hasil sumbangan dan penajaan oleh alumni program Geoinformasi, FABU.
Lawatan akademik melibatkan penglibatan para pelajar dalam beberapa siri kuliah di Tokyo Metropolitan University (TMU).
Kehadiran kumpulan ini dialu-alukan oleh Profesor Takaya Ohashi selaku Pengarah Eksekutif International Office TMU.
Kuliah yang berkait rapat dengan pembelajaran mereka di UTM dalam bidang Geoinformatik telah banyak mendedahkan bagaimana Jepun memanfaatkan pelbagai maklumat geospatial di dalam pelbagai sektor seperti pengangkutan, pelancongan dan lain-lain lagi.
Mereka juga didedahkan dengan kaedah pembelajaran tanpa peperiksaan di TMU.

Prof Takaya Ohashi selaku Pengarah Eksekutif International Office TMU bergambar semasa mengalu-alukan kedatangan pelajar GOP UTM

Pelajar-pelajar mengikuti kuliah “Tourism and Transport Planning” oleh Profesor Tetsuo Shimizu
Pelajar-pelajar juga telah menghayati budaya kerja yang amat mementingkan masa dalam pergerakan lawatan yang diuruskan oleh pihak TMU.
Perkara yang sama dilalui apabila bergerak dengan menggunakan pengangkutan awam seperti keretapi dan bas.
Penyediaan maklumat dan sistem capaian yang cekap telah memberi kefahaman kepada pelajar tentang program Geoinformatik yang mereka ikuti di UTM.
Lawatan sosial ke beberapa destinasi seperti Gunung Fuji dan resort ski Gala Yuzawa pula telah memberi peluang kepada pelajar melihat topografi dan merasai iklim yang jauh berbeza dengan Malaysia.
Kemudahan peta lokasi dan maklumat lain dalam bentuk digital memperlihatkan bagaimana Negara Jepun memanfaatkan Sistem Maklumat Geografi (GIS) yang menjadi teras kepada program Geoinformatik yang sedang diikuti pelajar-pelajar ini di UTM.

Pelajar menghayati suhu beku di resort ski Gala Yuzawa, Niigata
Di samping itu, belajar juga berpeluang menyertai program promosi kebudayaan tarian tradisional Jepun (Fujimusume) dan demonstrasi pemakaian kimono.
Ini juga merupakan sebahagian daripada objektif GOP agar pelajar dapat memahami amalan kebudayaan dan tradisi sesuatu Negara.
Rujukan : Pelajar Geoinformasi dari FABU sertai Global Outreach Program (GOP) Ke Tokyo, Jepun
by webmaster | Jan 16, 2019 | event, Featured Slider, News, photo
Karnival Lestari Iskandar Puteri 2019–KLIP2019 telah dijalankan pada 12 Januari 2019, di Dewan Sebaguna MBIP. KLIP2019 merupakan satu program untuk menyebarkan kesedaran Masyarakat Rendah Karbon atau Low Carbon Society (LCS) di dalam wilayah Iskandar Malaysia khususnya kawasan Majlis Bandaraya Iskandar Puteri (MBIP). Karnival ini dianjurkan oleh MBIP dan Persatuan Pelajar Senibina Landskap EARTH, Fakulti Alam Bina dan Ukur, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), melibatkan 33 orang pelajar dengan seliaan Dr Norliza Mohd Isa dari UTM dan En Safwan Shaari dari MBIP. Program ini juga mendapat kerjasama dari Jabatan Pendidikan Negeri Johor, Center For Engineering Education (CEE) , UTM dan pelbagai pertubuhan NGO. Aktiviti yang dijalankan sepanjang penganjuran KLIP 2019 adalah:
•Pertandingan Fotografi dalam media sosial/GreenKnight Photo Contest
•Pertandingan Video dan Poster/Green Initiative Video and Poster Competition
•Pertandingan Compost ‘Garbage to Garden’
•Pertandingan Sculpture/ Zero Waste Hero Life Sculpture Competition
•Bengkel Permaculture-DIY Pembajaan
•Promosi ‘Zero Waste Lifestyle’ kolaborasi bersama iCycle
•Pendaftaran dan penebusan ‘barcode’ iCycle Malaysia Sdn Bhd
•Tayangan video ‘Zero Waste Lifestyle’
by webmaster | Jan 6, 2019 | event, News, photo
Pertandingan merekabentuk ruang legar UTM Talent Transformation Centre (TTC) telah dibuka kepada gabungan pelajar Fakulti Alam Bina dan Ukur (FABU) dari beberapa bidang program untuk menggalakkan perkongsian idea dan pendapat bagi melahirkan rekabentuk yang praktikal dan menarik. Pihak UTM TTC telah memperuntukkan sejumlah RM4500 bagi kos percetakan dan wang kemenangan serta sijil bagi kesemua 5 kumpulan pelajar. Beberapa siri persembahan di peringkat Fakulti dan pihak UTM TTC sendiri telah dijalankan bagi pelajar mendapatkan maklumbalas awal berkenaan idea rekabentuk menurut kehendak pelanggan. Sesi penjurian akhir telah dijalankan pada 2 Januari 2019 bertempat di Dewan Utama, UTM TTC bagi pemilihan pemenang. Program pertandingan ini dikendalikan oleh beberapa orang pensyarah FABU yang juga merupakan juri pertandingan tersebut. Sesi pembentangan akhir ini juga telah dihadiri oleh Pendaftar UTM, En. Abdul Razib bin Hj. Shahuddin.
see more photos (click here)..