by webmaster | Oct 4, 2018 | Meeting & Workshop, News
Setinggi penghargaan diucapkan kepada En. Mohd Hisham Ibrahim – Pengarah, RDC Arkitek Sdn. Bhd. dan LAr. Norashikin Mohd Yasin – Pengarah, DIC Design Sdn. Bhd. atas perkongsian ilmu teknik quick sketch and watercolour kepada 43 orang pelajar Tahun 1, Jabatan Perancangan Bandar dan Wilayah, Fakuti Alam Bina dan Ukur pada 1 Oktober 2018 (Isnin), jam 2.30 – 5.00 petang di Studio 1, JPBW. More..
by webmaster | Sep 18, 2018 | Meeting & Workshop, News
Following the signing of Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) and Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta, Indonesia (UNS) in September 2016, Department of Urban and Regional Planning, Faculty of Built Environment and Surveying, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia has implemented some activities in collaboration with Urban and Regional Planning Program, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta.
Workshop on joint publication between UTM researchers and UNS researchers were organized on 16th -18th July 2018 at UNS Surakarta, Indonesia. Seven (7) UTM participants (researchers/lecturers) and 23 UNS researchers/lecturers and students attended the workshop. The workshop has been able to wrap-up twenty-eight (28) full papers which is expected to be submitted to Q1 or Q2 Journals (11 papers), Q3 and Q4 Journals (9 papers), any Scopus-indexed Journals (5 papers), Book/Book Chapters (2 papers), and Conference (1 paper). The time-frame for submission is August 2018 to November 2019. All the papers were jointly authored by UTM and UNS academic staff/lecturer/researcher.
by webmaster FAB | Jul 16, 2018 | Meeting & Workshop, News
Greenovation Research Group conducted two workshops at Universitas Aisyiyah in Yogjakarta from 8 to 13 July 2018. This is CSR of the research group which led by Prof Ismail Said. Workshop 1 was on Children’s Place Design and Planning, Workshop 2 was on Sustainable Public Space Design in Tropical Cities. Greenovation team comprised of (1) three academics, Ismail Said, Hisyam Rasidi and Nur Syala from USIM, (2) three PhD students from UTM and UITM, and (3) Nurashikin Yasin as graphic illustrator. Thirty students from Dept of Architecture Universitas Aisyiyah participated in the one-week long program. This program was a prelude of collaboration between UTM and UNISA.
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by webmaster FAB | Apr 15, 2018 | Meeting & Workshop, News
Reported by: Dr. Shamsulhadi Bandi
A two days workshop on the proposed revision and improvement of the Malaysian Standard Method of Measurements (SMM) for building works was held at Melia Hotel Kuala Lumpur on 13th – 14th April 2018 and was aimed to consolidate the various work sections prepared by the appointed technical committees’ members. The effort flowed from the need to update the current edition of the standard method of measurement and the current moves to leverage Building Information Modelling (BIM) as one of the key focus of the industry. This workshop was organised by the Royal Institution of Surveyors Malaysia (RISM) and the Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB) and was attended by over 30 strong committee members from various disciplines (Architecture, Engineering, Quantity Surveying and Technologists). They represented various organisations including the Public Works Department (PWD), the Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB), universities (UTM, UiTM and UM) and the private practices. Various tasks were accomplished during the workshop which includes moderating the different work sections, aligning the revamped rules of measurement with the generated BIM model and presenting the new rules in a tabulated format. This workshop marked an important milestone in the current effort by the industry which boldly embraces the disruptive technology as the way forward.
Among the various experts appointed by RISM and CIDB to give input in this national agenda, UTM was represented by three staff from the Department of Quantity Surveying, Faculty of Built Environment. They are Assoc. Prof. Sr Dr Sarajul Fikri Mohamad (PQS, MRISM, MRICS, MIVMM), currently the head of department and the head of Construction Economics & Management Research Group; Assoc. Prof. Sr Dr Kherun Nita Ali, a BIM expert and the head of BIM Research Group and Dr Shamsulhadi Bandi, a senior lecturer and a member of BIM Research Group who is specialising in the Bills of Quantities (BQs), measurement of construction quantities and construction data analysis.
In accordance with the timeline agreed by the sponsors, the new rules of measurement (or any other name to be decided by the committee therein) is slated to replace the current Standard Method of Measurement – 2nd Edition which was published in the year 2000 by the end of 2018. It would be interesting to see further development of the measurement practices through the use of the new rules, which would be influenced heavily by adapting to the current technology. Quantities measurement, which is considered as the bread and butter of the quantity surveying profession would definitely stay relevant within the dynamic of construction as the current effort has shown. UTM staff, together with the other members of the technical committee are delighted to perform this important task and are humbled by the appointment.
by webmaster FAB | Oct 31, 2017 | Meeting & Workshop, News
Department of Quantity Surveying successfully hosted the 3rd Programme for QS Registration Scheme (PQRS 3.0) held at Grand Banquet Hall, Residensi UTMKL, Kuala Lumpur. The event was held on 24th October 2017 with theme focuses on ‘Why Am I a QS?’.
Co-organized with Board of Quantity Surveyors Malaysia, Royal Institution of Surveyors Malaysia, Construction Industry Development Board Malaysia, this event provides a platform for QS graduates to catalyze the journey of young QS in becoming registered QS in the near future as well as to be part of the professional cluster agenda. This event was graced by Yang Berbahagia Dato Sr Aziz bin Abdullah, president of the Board of Quantity Surveyors Malaysia and keynote speech was delivered by Yang Berbahagia Dato Sr K Sri Kandan, Chairman of AECOM (M).
Four prominent speakers were invited to address the issues of the QS today and the way forward to embark ideas for future betterment of the profession. The first session presentation was delivered by Sr Dr Noushad Ali Naseem sharing his personal experience on becoming a professional QS and further urge young QS to gain the professional tittle by 2020 while Dr Suraya Ismail delivers on the policies and governance related to Transformasi Nasional 2050 (TN50) from the Property and Construction Perspective. The second session aimed to inform young QS on option routes to become a professional. Sr Hj Nik Zainal Alam Hasan delivers on new ‘QS Technologies’ route, extending more options for QS to become professionals while Sr Mohamad Shazali bin Sulaiman addresses on the milestone to achieve through the journey becoming a professional QS. A mock interview session was coordinated by experienced surveyors found to be very engaging yet informative for young QS.
Attended by 500 quantity surveyors across Malaysia, this program launched the Mentor-Mentee Programme & Meet Your Mentor Sessions as a CSR initiative by the Board of Quantity Surveyors Malaysia to guide provisional QS to become a professional QS.
The event’s closing remarks was officiated by Sr Mohamad Shazali bin Sulaiman, Head of PQRS 3.0 committee congratulating the host for the success of PQRS 3.0.

by webmaster FAB | Aug 22, 2017 | Meeting & Workshop, News, UTM News
Peserta berbincang mengenai strategi pertandingan senibina sempena NEON’ 17.
JOHOR BAHRU, 19 Ogos 2017 – Seramai 357 orang mahasiswa jurusan senibina dari seluruh negara telah menyertai The 29th Annual Architectural Student Workshop (NEON) 2017 yang dianjurkan oleh Fakulti Alam Bina dengan kerjasama Persatuan Arkitek Malaysia (PAM).
Program itu dirasmikan oleh Presiden Persatuan Arkitek Malaysia (PAM), Ar. Ezumi Harzani Ismail bertempat di Dewan Sultan Iskandar.
Pengarah Program, Ahmad Haziq Kamarudin berkata, matlamat utama program itu untuk mengumpulkan mahasiswa jurusan senibina dari seluruh negara bagi membolehkan mereka bertukar-tukar idea serta mendapat informasi terkini mengenai bidang senibina.
“Antara aktiviti yang dijalankan adalah Jelajah Bandaraya Johor Bahru dengan usahasama Majlis Bandaraya Johor Bahru (MBJB) dan Bicarawara Sungai Segget dengan kerjasama Pihak Berkuasa Pembangunan Wilayah Iskandar (IRDA).
“Selain itu, Pertandingan Perabot Awam (Street Furniture) Sungai Segget dengan kerjasama ThinkCity, sebuah Badan Bukan Kerajaan (NGO) bertanggungjawab memberikan dana bagi sumbangan idea pembangunan bandar turut diadakan,” katanya.
Disamping itu, bagi menyesuaikan dengan dasar semasa universiti yang ingin memupuk semangat keusahawanan di kalangan warganya, penganjur juga mengadakan Bazar Keusahawanan ‘Bazaarevo’ secara usahasama dengan Kedai Serbanika jenama terkenal negeri Johor iaitu JOHO.
“Kami juga menganjurkan pertandingan senibina bagi menguji kemahiran dan daya kreativiti para perserta yang menyertai program ini.
“Pertandingan ini hanya dibuka kepada peserta jemputan sahaja tanpa ada sebarang penyertaan dari mahasiswa UTM bagi menggalakkan penjurian yang lebih profesional,” katanya.
Beliau berkata, program itu mula dianjurkan pada tahun 1987 secara bergilir-gilir melibatkan sekolah-sekolah dan pada tahun ini penganjurannya kembali ke tangan UTM sempena ulang tahun yang ke-30 membabitkan 186 pelajar senibina peringkat Sarjana Muda dan Sarjana UTM.
Source: 357 mahasiswa senibina sertai NEON’ 17 | Hub Berita