by webmaster FAB | Mar 15, 2017 | Conference & Seminar, News, photo
Pada 2 Mac 2017, Jabatan Perancangan Bandar dan Wilayah, Fakulti Alam Bina, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Johor Bahru telah menerima lawatan YBhg. Dato’ TPr. Dr. Dolbani Bin Mijan, Ketua Pengarah PLANMalaysia (PLANMalaysia adalah penjenamaan bagi Jabatan Perancangan Bandar dan Desa Semenanjung Malaysia). Beliau juga merupakan Profesor Adjung, Jabatan Perancangan Bandar dan Wilayah (JPBW) dan Alumni UTM. Terdapat 3 acara utama sepanjang lawatan beliau pada hari tersebut. Dari jam 9 pagi hingga 11 pagi, beliau telah melawat studio Tahun 2 Sarjana Muda Perancangan Bandar dan Wilayah (SBEP) bagi mendengar pembentangan pelajar mengenai projek Rancangan Tempatan Daerah Mersing-Penggantian yang sedang dijalankan, diikuti dengan sesi soal-jawab dan maklumbalas.
Acara seterusnya adalah seminar bulanan bertajuk “Secebis Kisah Segenggam Pengalaman” yang disampaikan oleh YBhg. Dato’ Ketua Pengarah di Dewan Konvensyen, Fakulti Alam Bina UTM (FAB UTM) dari jam 11 pagi sehingga 1 petang. Seramai 100 orang peserta terdiri daripada pelajar pra-siswazah telah hadir dan turut serta mendengar perkongsian pengalaman YBhg. Dato Ketua Pengarah.

Perkongsian pengalaman daripada YBhg Dato’ Dolbani
Antara perkara-perkara yang disentuh oleh beliau adalah fungsi PLANMalaysia, cabaran jururancang bandar dalam memenuhi kehendak ekonomi dan pematuhan terhadap peruntukan akta, rancangan pembangunan dan garis panduan pembangunan sedia ada serta perkembangan terbaru dalam amalan perancangan bandar di Malaysia. YBhg. Dato’ Ketua Pengarah juga telah menghadiri mesyuarat bersama kumpulan penyelidikan Rural Research & Planning Group (RRPG) di FAB pada sebelah petang. Prof. Dr. Ibrahim Ngah selaku Ketua kumpulan penyelidik turut membentangkan perancangan RRPG pada masa hadapan dan meneroka peluang-peluang kerjasama antara pihak UTM dan PLANMalaysia khususnya dalam mentransformasikan kawasan luar bandar di negara ini. Program lawatan YBhg. Dato’ Ketua Pengarah berakhir pada jam 4 petang.
by webmaster FAB | Mar 12, 2017 | Award, News, photo
11 finalists for the LAM Part 1 category 3 are from UTM. Out of the 4 Main winners who each received RM3000, 2 are from UTM. They are Rashidah bt. Jimi Sham who was supervised by En. Yusri, and Yap Shook Yen who was supervised by Assoc. Prof Dr. Mahmud Jusan. Yeow Yann Herng who was supervised by Dr. Doris Toe was the 3rd finalist who won RM500.
For the LAM Part 2 category, 3 of the 8 finalists are from the Master of Architecture program in UTM. Yet again 2 of the 4 main winners who each received RM5OOO are from UTM. They are Lam Chee Hau supervised by Assoc. Prof Dr. Dilshan Remaz, and Phuah Chu Yin who was supervised by Dr Khairul Anwar. Geraldine Teoh Pei Lynn who was supervised by Ar Samsiah also won RM1000 as the 3rd finalist from UTM.
The Award ceremony was held at the new PAM centre in Bangsar Kuala Lumpur on Thursday 9 March 2017.
by webmaster FAB | Mar 8, 2017 | CSR, News, photo
A group of 10 students from Bachelor of Quantity Surveying and Bachelor of Science (Construction) from Department of Quantity Surveying, Faculty of Built Environment, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia with two lecturers were participated in the construction of Rumah Ihsan Johor (RIJ 5) at Kg. Muhibbah Jaya, Senggarang, Johor held on 10-12 February 2017. This is a community project to provide conducive house to those in need. This project takes only 3 days to construct and applied the concept of ‘gotong-royong’ by the volunteers. Besides helping constructing the house, the students also helping in documenting and recording the construction process of Rumah Ihsan Johor and provide feedback on how to improve the current process. The opportunities of joining this project give a valuable experience to the students by bringing the theories to practical besides promoting volunteerism among students and serving community in needs.
by webmaster FAB | Mar 6, 2017 | Meeting & Workshop, News
Landscape UTM Alumni Workshop Series 2017
Topic: Place Making: Meaning of Spaces
Date: 25 Feb 2017 (Saturday)
Venue: Seminar Room B03, Faculty of Built Environment (FAB), UTM Skudai
Department of Landscape Architect from Faculty of Built Environment, UTM Skudai held a monthly workshop: ‘Landscape UTM Alumni Workshop Series 2017’ organised by the final year students. The main objective of this workshop is to share landscape project input to all landscape final year students. Therefore, LAr. Lee Wooi Keat an Alumni of Landscape UTM from CPG Consultants PTD LTD, Singapore was invited to give a short talk on ‘Place Making: Meaning of Space’.
LAr. Lee Wooi Keat shared his office projects, the Riversound Residence and Boon Lay Field which are both located in Singapore. Based on the project examples, he explained about the space design consideration in order to design a space in making a place. He also concluded his talk with quotes “Understand the place when creating the space”. The talk does not only end with the Q&A Session, he also willing to spent his time for crit – session to give comments and advice to some of the students in helping their final year projects. This workshop has benefits all students to maximize the opportunity to obtain fruitful input from practiced Landscape Architects.

by webmaster FAB | Mar 1, 2017 | Meeting & Workshop, News, photo
The 16th of February 2017 will always be a memorable day for three students, Diong Jia Qi (Year 1SBEP), Nur Shahidah binti Sulaiman (Year 2SBEP) and Yong Mei Yee (Year 4SBEP). These students received their academic prizes from the Head of Department (HoD), Department of Urban and Regional Planning (DURP), Faculty of Built Environment (FAB), UTM JB, Associate Professor Datin TPr. Dr. Norsiah Abd Aziz, for being the best students of the Department in the first semester of the academic year 2016/2017.

Best student Diong Jia Qi 1SBEP receiving her award from the Head of Department
The academic prizes were presented to these students at the Academic Advisors Meeting which took place at the Convention Hall, B12, FAB. In her address, the HoD welcomed all students back to the Department for the second semester and hoped that all students continue to work hard and strive for academic excellence, and to always do their best in all their undertakings in the second semester of academic year 2016/2017.
Amongst the important items that were highlighted to the students are:
- All graduating students are to pass all courses in the Professional Skills Certificate (PSC) programme in order to graduate.
- All graduating students are to regularly check and ensure that they have accumulated a total of 133 credits upon application to graduate.
- Students are reminded that higher marks are given to participation and awards won at the International level for all student awards by UTM.
- Students are invited to participate in the APSA 2017 as paper and or poster presenters by visiting the APSA 2017 website at
- The Board of Town Planners Malaysia will visit the Department on the 23rd and 24th May 2017 for the accreditation of the Bachelor of Urban and Regional Planning programme. Student attendance and participation is compulsory.
- Students are to practice energy saving measures and cleanliness in the studios and lecture rooms at all times.
- The Year 4 SBEP studio on level 4 B05 is designated as the PSM Workstation for all 4th Year SBEP students working on their PSM from 8.00 am till 5.00 pm, Sunday to Thursday this semester.
- The Department expects a 100 percent attendance from students at all University, Faculty and Departmental activities.
Students then met with their respective academic advisers to reflect on their academic achievements in the first semester and to discuss actions for improvements.

Students reflecting and discussing their academic achievements with Academic Advisor
The meeting ended at 3.30 pm. Students and academic advisors were treated to refreshments.