The Department of Urban and Regional Planning, Faculty of Built Environment, UTM Johor Bahru organised the 1stPasirGudang Low Carbon Society / Green Smart City Focus Group Discussion (FGD) involving key departmental officials from Majlis Perbandaran PasirGudang (MPPG) on the 10th March 2015.

The half day FGD held at the Convention Hall B12, Faculty of Built Environment was attended by a highly committed team of 26MPPG Heads of Departments and officials led by the Yang Dipertua (YDP) of MPPG, Y.Bhg. Encik Md. Za’nal Bin Hj. Misran and the SetiausahaMajlis, Y.Bhg. En. Saipol Rahman Bin Hj. Ahmad.

The FGD was organised as part of UTM-LCAR’s effort to see its internationally known Low Carbon Society Blueprint for Iskandar Malaysia 2025 (LCSBP-IM-2025) beimplemented in Iskandar Malaysia, the rapidly developing economic corridor in 2025; in line with the Right Honourable Prime Minister’s Science to Action (S2A) initiative to intensify the application of science and technology as a key pillar to the nation’s development and the rakyat’s well-being.

This first FGD is the beginning of a series of FGDs that will be progressively organised to bring all relevant stakeholders in Iskandar Malaysia, including all five local authorities in the economic corridor, on board in our effort to reduce the economic corridor’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions intensity by 58% by 2025.

Prof. Dr. Ho Chin Siong, Director of UTM-LCAR and Project Leader of the LCSBP-IM-2025 project gave the welcoming address followed by an officiation speech by Assoc Prof.Dr.RoslanAmirudin, Dean of Faculty of Built Environment and a Special Address by Y.Bhg. En. Md. Za’nal.

A multidisciplinary team of seven UTM experts gave a 5-minute presentation each of potential projects strategic for PasirGudang’s sustainable, low carbon growth, and were on hand to facilitate the FGD. Findings of the FGD would feed into and improve the proposed Low Carbon Society Blueprint for MajlisPerbandaranPasirGudang 2025 (LCSBP-MPPG-2025) scheduled for completion in October 2015.

The commitment and efforts of all FGD participants were acknowledged with certificates of participation presented by Y.Bhg. En. Md. Za’nal and Prof. Dr. Ho Chin Siong. The day ended with a UTM Eco-campus tour to UTM’s Composting Project led by Assoc Prof.Dr. Lee Chew Tin.

One for the record! Group photo of all FGD participants. Standing first row holding the banner include Y.Bhg. En. Md. Za’nalHj. Misran (YDP, MPPG, sixth from right), Assoc. Prof.Dr.RoslanAmirudin (Dean, FAB, fifth from right) and Prof. Dr. Ho Chin Siong (Director, UTM-LCAR, sixth from left).

One for the record! Group photo of all FGD participants. Standing first row holding the banner include Y.Bhg. En. Md. Za’nalHj. Misran (YDP, MPPG, sixth from right), Assoc. Prof.Dr.RoslanAmirudin (Dean, FAB, fifth from right) and Prof. Dr. Ho Chin Siong (Director, UTM-LCAR, sixth from left).

Special Address by Y.Bhg. En. MdZa’nalHj. Misran, the highly committed YDP of MPPG outlining clear medium- and long-term visions and policy directions for the sustainable, low carbon growth of PasirGudang.

Special Address by Y.Bhg. En. MdZa’nalHj. Misran, the highly committed YDP of MPPG outlining clear medium- and long-term visions and policy directions for the sustainable, low carbon growth of PasirGudang.


FGD in action…participants actively involved in discussion.  Seated fourth from left is En. Saipol Rahman Bin Hj. Ahmad (Setiausaha, MPPG).

FGD in action…participants actively involved in discussion. Seated fourth from left is En. Saipol Rahman Bin Hj. Ahmad (Setiausaha, MPPG).


FGD in action…participants actively involved in discussion. Seated fourth from right is En. Md. Za’nalHj. Misran (YDP, MPPG).

FGD in action…participants actively involved in discussion. Seated fourth from right is En. Md. Za’nalHj. Misran (YDP, MPPG).