6 August – 12 August 2018

7 days BIM training using Revit were organized by MyBIM Centre CIDB. Candidates from Faculty of Built Environment and Surveying; Assoc. Prof Sr Dr Kherun Nita Ali, Dr. Lim Yaik Wah, Dr. Shamsulhadi Bandi, Dr. Nurshikin Mohamad Shukery, Dr. NorHazren Izatie Mohd, Dr. Mohd Azwarie Mat Dzahir, Mr. Azari Mat Yasir and Miss Aimi Sara Ismail and two candidates from Faculty of Engineering; Dr. Eeydzah binti Aminudin & Dr. Nor Hasanah binti Abdul Shukor Lim has been registered for the training program.
The aim of this program is to enable candidates to model and visualise building projects in a simulated environment (Architecture and Structure Modelling) by using BIM. It allows users to design, visualise, simulate and analyse key physical and functional characteristic of each element in a project virtually.