Terang Architectural Workshop

โ€˜Terangโ€™ is the theme given to xxiii Annual Architectural Workshop 2011 host by Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Skudai. This is one of most anticipated event in the academia of architecture in Malaysia and the region. Overall about 600 participants are expected from 22 institutions in Malaysia and the region. The Architectural Workshop has grown as an event that encourage exchange of ideas and knowledge, expression of opinions in various issues among participants, strengthening ties between the various architecture student communities and opportunities to interact with various parties that are involved in the architectural profession.

A common criticism is that universities have been regarded as detached from the community. They always claimed the world, not its host city, as its domain. This has sparked an idea to highlight the theme Terang! as a symbol of hope to re-enlighten the soul of Johor Bahru, one of the most successful empire in its region during early 16th century. The 23 Architectural Workshop tries to bridge this gap by organizing series of community participation activities in the Historical Johor Bahru city center. It may be a small step taken, but participants will be exposed to organize activities to the public, involving the public as partners of their creative ideas and making them to understand the importance of community participation in design activities.

Our sincere gratitude and acknowledgement to Department of Architecture, UTM; Unit Hal Ehwal Mahasiswa, UTM; Majlis Bandaraya Johor Bahru (MBJB), Pertubuhan Arkitek Malaysia (PAM); Iskandar Regional Development Authority (IRDA); Institute Sultan Iskandar, UTM and various contributors for their support and contributions to organize this event.ย  Our heartfelt gratitude to our Platinum sponsor Nippon Paint (M) Sdn Bhd for their generosity and contribution.