This is a list of research proposals presented by our PG candidates last semester i.e. Semester 1 Session 2013/2014. There are 34 PhD and 13 Master topics that were presented.
Doctoral Candidates
No. |
Name |
Status |
Department |
Topic |
1 |
Abbas Sa’id El-Nafaty |
PhD |
Architecture | Environmental Conditions and User’s Perception about Naturally Ventilated Libraries |
2 |
AlirezaGharakhani |
PhD |
Architecture | Optimal Use of Natural Ventilation Combination between Traditional and New Methods. Case study: High Rise Building in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia |
3 |
Atta Idrawani B. Zaini |
PhD |
Architecture | Effects of Wearable Digital Augmentation upon Perception of Urban Legibility |
4 |
Runddy D. Ramilo |
PhD |
Architecture | Digital Innovation in Architecture: Barriers and Key Determinants Affecting Architectural Organizations |
5 |
Henry Ojobo |
PhD |
Landscape Architecture | Psycho-Physiological Benefits of Mountain Landscape Environment as Stimuli for Directed Attention Restoration and Stress Mitigation |
6 |
Abdullahi Yusuf Waziri |
PhD |
Quantity Surveying | Model of Change Management for the Implementation of ICT-based Innovations in Construction Organization |
7 |
Noor AzeyahKhiyon |
PhD |
Quantity Surveying | Life Cycle Costing (LCC) for Building Services as Contribution to Sustainable Construction in Malaysia Construction Industry |
8 |
Roselan B. Nayan |
PhD |
Quantity Surveying | Framework for the Enhancement and Enrichment of Valuation of Interim Payment for the Quantity Surveyors |
9 |
AliyuYakubuBununu |
PhD |
Urban and Regional Planning | Geo-simulation of Sustainable Urban Land Use and Transportation Patterns in Kaduna, Nigeria |
10 |
AminuLiman |
PhD |
Urban and Regional Planning | Assessment of Adamawa State Local Empowerment and Environmental Management Project as A Strategy for Rural Development |
11 |
Femi Akinyode |
PhD |
Urban and Regional Planning | Socio-Economic Factors in Consumer Decision Making in Housing Demand in Nigeria Urban Cites |
12 |
Muhammad GohramKhan |
PhD |
Urban and Regional Planning | Climate Shift and Developing World Disaster Management Collaboration among Stakeholders in the Context of Pakistan |
13 |
Nor Hairul B. Palal |
PhD |
Urban and Regional Planning | KeperluanPembelajaran Orang Dewasa (Andragogi)di InapDesasebagaiLangkah Pembangunan KapasitiIndividu |
14 | NurulDiyana Bt. Md. Khairi |
PhD |
Urban and Regional Planning | Conceptualizing Tourist Typologies through the Advancement of Advanced Tracking Technologies in an Urban Destination |
15 | Syed Muhammad Rafy B. Syed Jaafar |
PhD |
Urban and Regional Planning | Mapping Tourist Movement Pattern Using Global Positioning System(GPS) as an Aid to Sustainable Urban Attraction Management |
16 | Abdul-WahabShuaibu |
PhD |
Architecture | Households’ Response to Deficient Water Supply Infrastructure in Yola, Nigeria |
17 | Arowosegbe A. Ajayi |
PhD |
Quantity Surveying | Impact of Contractors’ Change Management Capability on Cost and Time Performance of Building Projects |
18 | Fatimah Mohamad Adi |
Phd |
Architecture | Conceptualization of Design Process on Architecture Students in UniversitiTeknologi Malaysia |
19 | HamedNajafpour |
PhD |
Architecture | The Holistic Approach Due Sense if Security Improvement: A case study in Johor Bahru, Malaysia |
20 | Idris Mohammed Katun |
PhD |
Quantity Surveying | Knowledge Management Model for Project Managers in Building Construction Organizations in Nigeria |
21 | IziqEafifi B. Ismail |
PhD |
Architecture | Correlation of Sama-Badjau Traditional Abodes in Sabah towards Sedentary Living |
22 | Mehdi HanafiKoumleh |
PhD |
Architecture | Home cooling in Hot Humid Climate with using Water-Air Temperature Exchanger System (WATES) |
23 | Mohamad Kazar B. Razali |
PhD |
Urban and Regional Planning | Pembangunan IndikatorPelancongan Bandar Lestari di Malaysia |
24 | Mohammad Salleh Ali Matar |
PhD |
Architecture | External Surface Configuration of Glazing Building in responding to Micro-Climate of Hot Dry Region. Case study: Riyadh City, Kingdom Saudi Arabia |
25 | Musa Mohammad Mukhtar |
PhD |
Architecture | Critical Success Factors for Public Housing Projects in Nigeria |
26 | NorhayaHanun Mohamad |
PhD |
Urban and Regional Planning | PenglibatanPendudukTempatanDalamIndustriPelancongan di PulauMabul, Semporna, Sabah |
27 | Nurul ‘Athiqahbt.Baharudin |
PhD |
Architecture | PengaruhIdeologiDakwah (Tabligh) terhadap Pembangunan Masjid sebagaiPusatKomuniti di Malaysia |
28 | NurunNadhirah |
PhD |
Architecture | Carbon Sequestration by Trees in Urban Forest |
29 | Rohana Bt. Sham |
PhD |
Architecture | Modeling A Safe Travelling Environment for Woman Travelers in Malaysia City |
30 | SamailaAdamu |
PhD |
Quantity Surveying | Transforming Nigeria Construction Industry using Lean Construction Approach |
31 | Shittu, Abdul Majeed |
PhD |
Architecture | Gauging Mobility Levels from Perceived Effect of Travel Influencing Factors |
32 | SitiSuhana Judi |
PhD |
Quantity Surveying | Developing A Proactive of Preventive Framework towards Minimizing Payment Disputes in Malaysian Construction Industry |
33 | Wan Faida Bt. Wan MohdAzmi |
PhD |
Quantity Surveying | The Designer’s Education Curricula on Site Safety |
34 | YahyaAbdullahi |
PhD |
Architecture | Islamic Floral Ornaments in Contemporary Architecture: A Comparative and Critical Analysis to its Transformation from Innovative to Imitative Art |
Master Candidates
No. |
Name |
Status |
Department |
Title |
1 |
Nadzirah Bt. Jausus |
Master |
Landscape Architecture | Public Participation as A Tool in Public Space Maintenance in Malaysia Town |
2 |
Yeo Yee Bak |
Master |
Landscape Architecture | Influence of Public Art on People Interaction |
3 |
Nor MohdAfif B. Osman |
Master |
Urban and Regional Planning | PengaruhRuangBermainterhadap Pembangunan Social, FizikaldanKognitifKanak-kanak |
4 |
MohdAizat B. SaifulBahri |
Master |
Urban and Regional Planning | Spatial Planning for Mitigating Chronic Disease Outbreak in Rapid Urbanizing Context |
5 |
MayaminYuhaniz |
Master |
Architecture | Working Malay Housewives Preferences on Medium-cost Terrace House Design |
6 |
MohdFarid B. MdYunos |
Master |
Urban and Regional Planning | Implementation of Development Plan in Iskandar Malaysia |
7 |
NurulIzza Bt. Mohd Noor |
Master |
Architecture | KajianTipologiPengaruh Gaya RupaFasadSenibina Masjid Moden di Malaysia |
8 |
TareqNemer |
Master |
Architecture | The Implementation of Green Building Concept in Dry, Arid Climate. Case study: Stimulation Assessment of Ajman University of Science and Technology, UAE |
9 |
Wan SharizatulSurayabt. Wan MohdRashidi |
Master |
Architecture | Exploration and Optimization of Building Form based on Computational Analysis in Hot Humid Climate |
10 |
RabiatulAdawiyah Bt. Abd Khalil |
Master |
Quantity Surveying | The Impact of Gentrification Process towards Housing Sector in Johor Bahru |
11 |
Mohd Ali B. Sidin |
Master |
Quantity Surveying | Tracking system for Drums and Cylinders in Chemical Industry |
12 |
Mohamad Akmal B. Mohamad Toha |
Master |
Urban and Regional Planning | Heritage Tourist Movement and Their Behavior in World Heritage of Melaka |
13 |
Sharlini Bt. Speri |
Master |
Urban and Regional Planning | Critical Success Factors of Women Empowerment in Tourism Enterprise |