Towards producing high quality town planners who are able to practically and holistically contribute to more sustainable development of the country, apart from having a forward-looking, innovative, world class Bachelor of Urban and Regional Planning (B.URP) curriculum, it is highly essential that the B.URP program is designed “for the real world”; and “planning for the real world” begins in the early year of the planning education.
With this in view, the Department of Urban and Regional Planning, Faculty of Built Environment (FAB), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Johor Bahru continued with the annual field trip of the First Year, Second Semester’s Site Planning and Layout Studio (SBEP1125) on 17-19 March 2016. The field trip was led by the Studio supervisors, Mr. Chau Loon Wai and Dr. Siti Hajar Misnan.
The studio field trip took 36 First Year B.URP students out of the Studio into the real world, to:
- The cosmopolitan Capital City of Kuala Lumpur that included a technical briefing and professional motivation by the Senior Urban Designer Mr. Liew Toh Yean of locally grown, highly successful international urban design and planning practice, APUDG Sdn Bhd;
- The visionary Federal Administrative City of Putrajaya for onsite perception and appreciation of bold, visionary and innovative master planning by local planning talents with technical briefing by Putrajaya Corporation Senior Town Planner, En. Azhar Othman; and
- The award-winning master planning residential project, Bandar Botanic, Klang for onsite technical briefing on good site engineering, neighbourhood planning and layout design ideas and principles by Senior Town Planner, Mr. Chan Kok Huat.