Three PhD candidates from Greenovation Research Group, Faculty of Built Environment and Surveying, presented their research works at Second International Society of Participatory Mapping (ISPM): Let the people map conference hosted by Aalto University, Espoo, Finland on 17-19 June 2019. The conference provides a platform for presenting recent advances within the field of participatory mapping and initiating discussion on the current state and future directions of the research. The candidates are Sarah Alia Norazlan, Janatun Yusof and Daodu Tosin whom are supervised by Ismail Said, a professor of landscape architecture at the faculty. At the conference, they presented their research to more than 45 participants coming from 26 countries throughout the world. And, they had a long discussion with the chairman of the conference, Professor Marketta Kytta, on their ongoing research of childrenโ€™s environment. Inasmuch, Sarah Alia Norazlan, received an award of US$700 and registration fee from the conference secretariat.