Prof Kim from Department of Landscape Architecture and Rural Systems Engineering, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Seoul National University, is a visiting professor to Faculty of Built Environment. From 30th October to 13th November 2010, he will be visiting Department of Landscape Architecture to deliver lectures and to attend a viva-voce for a PhD candidate. The title of the PhD candidate thesis is Effects of Experiential Contacts with Green Infrastructure on Wellbeing of Residents in a Small Town. The supervisor of the candidate is Dr Ismail Said.
The topics and date of his lectures are as follows:
- 1st November 2010 Monday: Siheung Tidal Channel Ecological Park Project
- 3rd November 2010: A Sustainable Landscape Design for a High Rise Residential
(Remian Apartment) Complex in Seoul, Korea - 8th November 2010: Han River Waterfront Landscape Management Project
All lectures will be held in Seminar Room Block B05 Faculty of Built Environment from 9 am to 11am. All academics and undergraduate and postgraduate students are invited to attend the lectures.