The Department of Urban and Regional Planning (JPBW), Faculty of Built Environment (FAB), UTM has once again successfully organised its 2nd monthly seminar/talk for 2015. The talk by Adjunct Prof. Datuk Ismail Ibrahim, Chief Executive, Iskandar Regional Development Authority (IRDA) was held on 16th April 2015 (Thursday) at the Convention Hall B12, FAB. In the two hour talk, entitled ‘Comprehensive Development Plan ii (2014 – 2025) Iskandar Malaysia’, Datuk Ismail accentuate the vision and development pathway for Iskandar Malaysia as prescribed in the comprehensive development plan strategy. The strategy is to develop Iskandar Malaysia into a strong and sustainable metropolis of international standing. He also emphasised that the vision envisaged in the first Comprehensive Development Plan (CDP) Iskandar Malaysia 2006 will be advanced and promoted further in the Comprehensive Development Plan ii (CDPii).
The CDPii will realise Phase 3 of the CDP, which is to ensure that Iskandar Malaysia continue to be sustainable and resilient in the future. The key element of the strategy is to translate the Circle of Sustainability that shall provide the strategic framework to drive CDPii for another 10 years.
Datuk Ismail Ibrahim was appointed Adjunct Professor for JPBW, FAB in 2013. Since his appointment he has continually shared his vast experiences and extensive knowledge on Iskandar Malaysia Comprehensive Plan with undergraduate and postgraduate students, lecturers and researchers of FAB. The talk ended at 1.30pm with a Q and A session.