Dr. Mehdi and his research team won the bronze medal at the Invention and Innovative Awards 2016, Malaysia Technology Expo (MTE 2016) which was held on 18-20 Feb. 2016 at PWTC, Kuala Lumpur. Since its inception in 2001, MTE has evolved to be the definitive international invention and innovation expo in the region. The annual event showcased more than 500 innovative inventions and creative innovations to a targeted audience of trade visitors, connecting inventors and innovations to investors, manufacturers and distributors to bolster commercialization.ย The event is one of the most prominent invention awards in the region. More than 500 participants from public and private universities and, national and multinational companies participated in the expo. The expo also saw international participants from the Philippines, Indonesia and Croatia.
The invention named SEM is a sensor station that is an integration of sensing technologies into passive Radio-Frequency IDentification (RFID) tags to measure major pollutants such as CO, CO2, SO2, NO, NO2, O3, PM2.5 and PM10, in addition, to ย temperature, humidity, pressure and noise level. It is a compact and inexpensive sensing system. ย
The SEM research team includes Dr. Hassan Chizari, Mahmood Safaei, Dr. Zohreh Asadi Shekari, Dr. Zahid Sultan, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Muhammad Zaly Shah bin Muhammad Hussein, Prof. Dr. Kwang Sik Kim, Prof. Dr. Amran Hamzah and Prof. Dr. Mohd Hamdan Bin Haji Ahmad.