by webmaster FAB | Aug 22, 2012 | News, Uncategorized
Academic and experts join hands to come up with integrated system to ensure the longevity of our rural tourism destinations. By Vinodhani Nair & Nur Atifi – Business Today (August 2012, Vol 12, issue 8)
by webmaster FAB | Aug 17, 2012 | event, Uncategorized

by webmaster FAB | Jul 4, 2012 | News, Uncategorized
Wartawan Sinar Harian
7 Jun 2012
SRI MEDAN – Penuntut Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) bukan sahaja diberi pendedahan dalam lapangan pekerjaan, malah turut didedahkan dengan beberapa aspek ilmiah lain. Dekan Fakulti Alam Bina, UTM Skudai, Prof Madya Dr Ahmad Nazri Muhammad Ludin berkata, antara yang dilakukan adalah permuafakatan dan kerjasama antara pihak akademik, iaitu pihak institusi pengajian tinggi (IPT), agensi kerajaan serta masyarakat dalam satu komuniti dalam menjayakan sesuatu yang direncanakan.
“Pada kerjasama yang dilakukan ini ialah memperlihatkan pihak yang terlibat menjayakan pembangunan landskap berkualiti serta berlestari yang memberikan banyak manfaat kepada golongan sasar. “Pelajar juga dapat menunjukkan bakat terpendam mereka yang selama ini hanya ditunjukkan dalam kertas yang berbentuk idea sahaja tanpa praktikal yang sebenar.
“Diharapkan pendedahan seperti ini cukup berguna dan dapat digunakan oleh mereka dengan sebaik mungkin,” katanya kepada Sinar Harian di Kampung Sejagong, Sri Medan, baru-baru ini. Beliau ditemui ketika hadir pada Program Kelestarian Kampung Sejagong/Sri Kepoh yang dianjurkan UTM dengan kerjasama Jawatankuasa Penyelarasan Mukim-Mukim (JPMM) Dun Sri Medan.
Ia juga mendapat kerjasama daripada Pejabat Daerah Batu Pahat, Majlis Daerah Yong Peng (MDYP), Pejabat Penghulu Mukim 18 Sri Medan dan Jawatankuasa Kemajuan dan Keselamatan Kampung (JKKK) Sejagong/ Sri Kepoh.
Program yang disertai 50 penuntut UTM itu turut dihadiri dan dirasmikan oleh Pegawai Daerah Batu Pahat, Ab Wahab Ridwan dan Ketua Kampung Sejagong, Mursidi Munasir. Menurut Ahmad Nazri lagi, program itu juga akan dapat mengekal dan mempertingkat persekitaran yang kondusif serta mampan, juga mewujudkan kerjasama yang erat di kalangan mereka.
“Ia juga dapat mentransformasikan landskap kampung kepada lebih berkualiti dan menarik. “Paling utama dalam program ini adalah menjadikan Kampung Sejagong/Sri Kepoh sebagai salah satu destinasi pelancongan kampung yang unggul di peringkat nasional serta global,” katanya.
Sementara itu, wakil pelajar, Tan Ying Ying berkata, pendedahan itu amat berguna buat dirinya serta penuntut lain yang menyertainya. “Saya dan juga pelajar lain dapat menunjukkan bakat yang terpendam selama ini, yang sebelum ini hanya kami tunjukkan secara teori sahaja di dalam kelas,” katanya.
Sumber : Sinar Harian
by webmaster FAB | Jul 2, 2012 | event, Uncategorized
Lawatan Akreditasi 2012 Program Sarjana Muda Perancangan Bandar Dan Wilayah (Program Sepenuh Masa Dan Separuh Masa) UTM Oleh Lembaga Perancang Bandar Malaysia Pada 4 – 5 Julai 2012

by webmaster FAB | Jul 2, 2012 | News, Uncategorized
At FLORIA 2012, 21 students from Department of Landscape Architecture constructed a plot of flora display in Putrajaya from 25th to 28th June 2012. They were among a score of competitors at the annual flora design competition. The construction of the plot was based on garden design theme, BOUGAIN‘VILLA’: HOME GARDEN FOR EVERYONE. Taking its name from bougainvillea, Bougain‘villa’ is vision of home with beauty, idyllic and comfort. A journey of discovery along the meandering path awaits the visitor to come to the villa. Putrajaya (Garden and intelligent city) is a place where people live, play and work. The fusion of elements; umbrella, dome and bougainvillea make up a space like home in making Putrajaya land as a model city. The elements and symbolism of the design are as follows:


Taking its name from bougainvillea, Bougain‘villa’ is vision of home with beauty, idyllic and comfort. A journey of discovery along the meandering path awaits the visitor to come to the villa.
Putrajaya (Garden and intelligent city) is a place where people live, play and work. The fusion of elements; umbrella, dome and bougainvillea make up a space like home in making Putrajaya land as a model city.
Elements and Symbolism:
The journey is based from bougainvillea bracts to bring visitors through human with their relationship, responsibility and appreciation.
Dome at the middle of bougain‘villa’ symbolized Putrajaya. It shows that all human connections evolve in Putrajaya.
Umbrella sign as thermal comfort living. The form is assimilating from the form of bougainvillea flower.
Design Approaches:
1. Man+Man (Relationship)
The colourful bracts simply reflect the variety races in Malaysia.
2. Man+God
As referred to the hadith saying;
“He brought you into being from the earth, and made you dwell in it”-(Sura Hud:61)
From the hadith, the greenery and colourful flower is one of the ways to beautify the bare earth.
3. Man+Environment (Appreciation)
Utilizing the plants as one of the way to make people realize the uniqueness of environment and the same time developing human awareness.

Perspective view of Bougain ‘villa’
With the fund of RM5000, the students completed a colourful and an attractive flora plot. It fascinated the juries of the completion that awarded them with third place accompanying a starlight award. Congratulations to the students and lecturers. Tahniah!

by webmaster FAB | Jun 26, 2012 | event, Uncategorized
The Old:
Traditional or vernacular built environment holds many value in cultural and environmental aspect. They are rich with wisdom of the past and stayed true to the context despite evolving with new influences. Yet it is hard to maintain and as result, many were left to perished and forgotten…
The New:
The ‘new’ built environment was majorly influenced by imported style & trend and advancement of technology. Local values are sometimes disregarded. Not only does this wavers the local identity, it also affect the environment and our culture.
The Old & New:
Instead of treating our traditional vernacular built environment as living museum or preserve them only as mere information, we should consider to bridge the OLD&NEW wisdom so that we can improve our built environment toward sustainability and strengthening our identity. Thus KALAM brings you:

Objective of this seminar:
The convention will be a meeting point between architects, designers, academicians, practitioners, the industry, researchers, students , administrator, NGOs and individuals who are involve with sustainable built environment:
- Build local and regional capacity on local wisdom on sustainable design knowledge through sharing best practices on sustainable design, architecture education and technology of the past, present and future.
- Accelerate the adoption of sustainable design principles and practices in Malaysia and the region
- Provide a platform for networking and collaboration among various stakeholders in the private and public sectors, as well as, civil society and academia.
Our Contact Details:
Assoc. Prof.Dr. Eka Sediadi
Vice Chairman:
Assoc. Prof.Dr Aminatuzuhairiah Megat Abdullah
Jamilia Mohd Marsin
Tel.: 07-5530155
Fax: 07-5566155
Pusat Kajian Alam Bina Dunia Melayu (KALAM)
Jabatan Senibina, Fakulti Alam Bina,
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 81310,
UTM Skudai, Johor Darul Ta’zim.
For more information, please visit official website :