by webmaster | Oct 3, 2019 | Conference & Seminar, News
Perasmian Seminar Pentadbiran dan Pembangunan Tanah 2019 oleh Yang Amat Berhormat Dato’ Menteri Besar Selangor, Amirudin Shari di De Palma Hotel, Shah Alam, Selangor anjuran Fakulti Alam Bina dan Ukur, UTM dengan kerjasama Pejabat Setiausaha Kerajaan Negeri Selangor dan LANDS Research Group.
by webmaster | Sep 12, 2019 | Conference & Seminar, Global Outreach Program, News
A 2nd UTM-TCU Joint International Workshop 2019 was held from 26th to 29th August 2019 in collaboration with Landscape Architecture Program from Faculty of Built Environment & Surveying, UTM and Tokyo City University (TCU), Japan. Undergraduates ts from the Landscape Architecture program and Urban Life studies participated in this international workshop . The theme of joint workshop was “Landscape Design Attraction for Heritage City in South-East Asia: Exploring Natural and Heritage Landscape” and was coordinated by Dr Lee Yoke Lai. The objectives of this workshop were to generate experiential learning through proactive participation, distal and learning, innovating ideas and bordering students’ internationalization curriculum. Besides, this workshop became a platform for all students in deepening heritage landscape knowledge and culture exchange. The interactions between students have helped to develop their confidence and also enhance leadership qualities.
The first day of the workshop began with the workshop opening ceremony with a welcome speech by Assoc. Prof. LAr. Dr. Sapura Binti Mohamad, Director of Landscape Architecture Program, Faculty of Built Environment & Surveying. Consequently, Mr Gan Yi Reng from Thinkcity Johor Bahru presented a fruitful lecture on “Rejuvenating the City Together in Malaysia Heritage Cities”. There were introduction session and gift exchange session between UTM and TCU students. The last lecture was by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Kei Saito and Prof. Dr. Kazuhide Kawaguchi on thermal comfort study and Kamakura historic city in Japan
Dr. Sapura gave her opening speech to inaugurate the ceremony.
Mr. Gan Yi Reng shared a lecture on Rejuvenating the City Together in Malaysia heritage cities.
The second day of the workshop started with a field study visit to the historic city of Georgetown, Penang. The first visit to the historical landmark Fort Cornwallis where a briefing was made by Ms Hui Li Yeoh, Ms. Gisele Taxil and Mr. Giovanni Santo who are heritage conservation experts regarding the historical and restoration of the dilapidated Fort Cornwallis.

Students were given a short brief from Ms Hui Li Yeoh, Ms. Gisele Taxil and Mr. Giovanni Santo regarding the history and the restoration of Fort Cornwallis.
Next, we discovered Georgetown heritage trail guided by Mdm. Fazreen Dharleila Binti Abdul Jalil, an expert from Heritage Conservation Department in the City Council of Penang Island. We were guided to see and experience the cultural heritages of UNESCO World Heritage sites cover Little India , Che Ah Kongsi, Hock Teik Chengi Sin Temple, Koo Kongsi, Masjid Melayu Lebuh Acheh, Dr San Yat Sen’s Penang Base, Yap Kongsi Temple, Nagore Shrine, Teochew Temple, Sri Maha Mariamman Temple, Kapitan Keling Mosque, Goddess of Mercy Temple, Penang Peranakan Mansion, Saint George Church and Chew Jetty. This heritage walk was a significant heritage learning to explore the richness of the multi-cultural tangible and intangible heritage in Georgetown.
UTM & TCU Participants gathered at Chew Jetty during the heritage trail.
Mdm. Fazreen Dharleila was briefing the participants some historical knowledge about the heritage places in Georgetown,Penang.
The workshop day ended at The Habitat where the students experienced the important natural heritage and the tropical rainforest biodiversity of Penang Hill.
Dr Lee Yoke Lai gave a token of appreciation to the Penang Hill representative for assisting the participants along the trail.
The third day of Joint Workshop started with a visit to Landart Design Company, a well-known landscape architecture company in Malaysia. We were welcomed by the Landscape Architects, Miss Awatif and Miss Tan Roon Fang. Both Landscape Architects conducted a briefing on peat swamp forest in Malaysia, its management and contributions to a sustainable forest reserved and also how the peat swamp projects were designed by Landart Design. They also shared two landscape design projects related to stormwater and linear park design.
A group photography session was taken in front of Landart Design Office after the briefing from Miss Awatif and Miss Tan Roon Fang.
The day continued with the workshop participants disembarked on a visit to an industrial heritage Charcoal making at Kuala Sepetang, Perak. The charcoal factory has been operating for more than 80 years. Mr. Chuah was the third generation of charcoal successor; he explained the traditional method of producing high-quality charcoal from the mangroves and the sustainable mangrove replanting.

The participants were briefed by Mr Chuah, regarding the production of charcoal at Kuala Sepetang Charcoal Factory, Perak.
As the day went by, all workshop delegates ended their activity for the day and headed back to UTM to rest.
We departed to Singapore on the last day of this joint workshop. We were glad to visit Surbana Jurong Private Limited, an Asia based Consultancy for urbanisation and infrastructure developments in Singapore. Mr. Oliver Ng Boon Lee, the Head of Landscape Planning and Landscape Architecture shared internationally landscape design project and the World IFLA, Sila and MLAA award-winning landscape projects. The project sharing session demonstrated the complexity and the implications of managing landscape projects.
UTM-TCU participants visited Surbana Jurong Private Limited in Singapore.
The last field study visit was to Boat Quay guided by Dr. Abdul Rahim bin Abdul Hamid. Dr. Rahim explained the history of the Singapore River and the historic river revitalisation. We walked on the Cavenagh Bridge and enjoyed the scenic river surrounded the heritage buildings such as the Victoria Theatre and Asian Civilisations Museum.
Dr.Rahim explaining the history of Singapore River and the historic river revitalisation.
At the end of the workshop, UTM-TCU students presented thank you speecesh followed exchanging of gifts. This joint workshop created an interactive programme by combining workshop activities and real-life learning experiences.
UTM-TCU participants along with the lecturers gathered after the closing ceremony that was held in Singapore.
Article is written by Dr. Lee Yoke Lai.
by webmaster | Sep 8, 2019 | Conference & Seminar, Featured Slider, News

Seramai 80 pelajar yang terdiri daripada mahasiswa program Geoinformatik terutamanya pelajar tahun 3 dan 4 telah menghadiri sesi bicara santai bersama usahawan muda Jeju Muslim Travel .
Ceramah kerjaya ini telah diberikan oleh Encik Mohd Syafiq Idris seorang usahawan muda yang kini menjadi pengurus kepada dua buah syarikat di Korea iaitu Jeju Muslim Travel dan Kereta Sewa Jeju. Beliau yang mempunyai ijazah dalam bidang kejuruteraan yang pernah bekerja di syarikat minyak dan gas antarabangsa ini telah mengambil keputusan untuk keluar daripada zon selesa dan mencipta kerjaya yang menepati dengan minatnya iaitu mengembara.
Tujuan ceramah ini diadakan untuk memberi motivasi kepada bakal-bakal alumni untuk mempersiapkan diri dengan minda keusahawanan selepas berjaya menamatkan pengajian kelak.
Tajuk ceramah yang bertajuk ‘ From Engineer to Entrepreneur : create your own job’ adalah untuk memberi semangat kepada pelajar untuk berani mencipta kerjaya sendiri yang bertepatan dengan minat, meluaskan lagi pandangan dengan tidak terhad kepada profisyen kerjaya makan gaji.
Penceramah telah berkongsi ciri-ciri dan keberanian yang perlu ada kepada usahawan muda untuk menceburi dan kekal berdaya saing di dalam perniagaan yang diusahakan.
Penceramah telah berkongsi tips dan cabaran yang beliau hadapi untuk membuka syarikat sendiri di negara orang, berusaha untuk memastikan kemandirian syarikat, mencipta jenama syarikat menggunakan media sosial dan kepentingan tidak boros dan perlunya menabung di peringkat awal perniagaan.
Bicara santai ini merupakan salah satu kaedah pembelajaran non-konvensional yang digunakan dalam Program Sarjana Muda Sains Geoinformatik untuk mempersiapkan diri dengan ilmu dan ciri-ciri untuk berdaya saing dalam dunia selepas menamatkan pengajian kelak.
by webmaster | Sep 8, 2019 | Conference & Seminar, CSR, News, photo
Sekumpulan pensyarah dan pelajar daripada Fakulti Alam Bina dan Ukur (FABU), UTM telah berjaya melaksanakan program bersama komuniti, iaitu Mitigasi Perubahan Iklim Libatsama Komuniti di SMPK Vokasional Indahpura, Kulai, Johor.
Program ini adalah sebahagian daripada Program Matematik Pendidikan Islam Pendidikan Moral Literasi Komputer (MaPIML FIESTA) yang dianjurkan oleh pihak sekolah.
Program ini bertujuan untuk mendedahkan kepada pelajar berkenaan isu pemanasan global dengan menggabungkan pelbagai teknik pembelajaran, iaitu pameran, taklimat ringkas, dan permainan yang berdasarkan kepada punca dan kesan pemanasan global, serta kaedah untuk mengurangkan pemanasan global daripada terus berlaku.
Selain itu, para peserta juga diberikan maklumat berkenaan ilmu falak dan astronomi, terutama berkaitan sistem matahari dan planet-planet sistem suria.
Aktiviti yang pertama adalah pengumpulan maklumat, di mana para peserta akan mengunjungi pameran yang ada, dan mengumpul maklumat daripada pameran itu. Selepas selesai sesi pameran, para peserta kemudiannya diberikan taklimat berkaitan astronomi oleh Dr Othman bin Zainon. Dalam sesi ini juga, peserta diminta untuk membina jam matahari menggunakan peralatan yang disediakan.
Selepas sesi taklimat, aktiviti seterusnya adalah sesi permainan. Sesi ini bertujuan untuk menerangkan beberapa kaedah yang boleh dilaksanakan bagi mengurangkan pemanasan global dalam bentuk permainan. Antara permainan yang dilaksanakan adalah pembinaan kincir angin, dan padanan gambar bagi barang yang boleh dikitar semula.
Semua permainan ini dikaitkan dengan isu semasa berkaitan pemanasan global, dan bagaimana pelajar-pelajar ini mampu menjadi ejen kepada pengurangan kesan kepada pemanasan global.
Program ini telah dilaksanakan bersama sekitar 150 orang pelajar sekolah. Seramai 5 orang pensyarah, diketuai oleh Dr Ainur Zaireen binti Zainuddin bersama 3 staf teknikal dan seorang pelajar daripada FABU telah bersama-sama menjayakan program ini.
Program ini telah dirasmikan penutupannya oleh Penyelaras Program Matematik Pendidikan Islam Pendidikan Moral Literasi Komputer (MaPIML FIESTA) SM Pendidikan Khas Vokasional Indahpura, Kulai, iaitu Puan Sulasteri Hairodin.
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by webmaster | Aug 29, 2019 | Conference & Seminar, News, photo
Kursus Kesedaran dan Pengurusan Tenaga 2019 telah diadakan di FABU pada 28 Ogos 2019 oleh Pakar Runding Jawatankuasa Pengurusan Tenaga UTM, Y.Brs. Prof. Ir. Dr. Sharifah Rafidah Wan Alwi, Registered Electrical Energy Manager UTM, Prof. Ir. Dr. Mohamad Yusri Hassan, Dr. Lim Jeng Shiun dari Pejabat PROSPECT, SKKT, Pengurus Tenaga FABU, UTM, Dr. Choong Weng Wai, Jurutera Mekanikal, PHB, UTM, En. Inaurezeki dan Ketua Unit Pengurusan Tenaga, PHB, UTM, Pn. Noor Azlina Maskor.
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by webmaster | Aug 26, 2019 | Award, Conference & Seminar, News

Two Greenovation members, Sara Izrar Aziz and Teoh Mei Yee, were awarded with Best Papers Presentation by Secretariat of International Congress Asian Planning Schools Association on 23 August 2019. The conference was held at Seoul National University. Sara presented on Origin and Evolution of a Public Park: A Historical Analysis of Titiwangsa Lake Garden 1800-2000 and Mei Yee on The Influence of Urban Design on Microclimate in Tropical Historic Urban Canyon: Case Study at Ipoh Old Quarter, Malaysia. Currently, Sara is reading her PhD at Seoul National University whilst Mei Yee is studying her PhD at Shibaura Institute of Technology (SIT) in Tokyo. Sara did her Master of Architecture at UTM and supervised by Dr Hisyam Rasidi. Mei Yee started her PhD at UTM under the supervision of Prof Ismail Said, and later continued to SIT sponsored by Hybrid Program UTM-SIT. Both graduated Bachelor of Landscape Architecture at UTM. Congratulations to our alumni!