Ucapan tahniah kepada semua penerima anugerah sempena Majlis Apresiasi Staf 2021

Ucapan tahniah kepada semua penerima anugerah sempena Majlis Apresiasi Staf 2021


Seluruh warga FABU ingin merakamkan ucapan tahniah kepada:
1. Prof. Datuk TPr. Dr. Ahmad Nazri Muhammad Ludin, Mantan Pengarah UTMLead
2. Prof. Madya Sr Dr. Sarajul Fikri Mohamed, Pengurus Besar, UTMSPACE
3. Encik Dzulhelmi Mohd Razali, Mantan Penolong Pendaftar Kanan, AMD
yang telah menerima anugerah masing-masing sempena Majlis Apresiasi Staf 2021 – Jabatan Timbalan Naib Canselor (Akademik dan Antarabangsa).
Congratulation to the research team, headed by Gs. Dr. Noradila Rusli @ Ruslik, Senior Lecturer (Urban & Regional Planning) for receiving the awards at i-IDeA™ 2020

Congratulation to the research team, headed by Gs. Dr. Noradila Rusli @ Ruslik, Senior Lecturer (Urban & Regional Planning) for receiving the awards at i-IDeA™ 2020

Congratulation to the research team, headed by Gs. Dr. Noradila Rusli @ Ruslik, Senior Lecturer (Urban & Regional Planning) for receiving the awards at i-IDeA™ 2020.
i-IDeA™ is a competition that highlights research products and promotes the culture of research and innovation.