by webmaster FAB | May 3, 2017 | News, Promotion/Appointment
Setinggi-tinggi ucapan tahniah diberikan kepada PROF. DR. MOHD HAMDAN BIN AHMAD atas pelantikan beliau sebagai Dekan Fakulti Alam Bina bermula 1hb Mei 2017 hingga 30hb April 2020.
Tidak dilupakan jutaan terima kasih diucapkan kepada mantan Dekan Fakulti Alam Bina, PROF. DR. ROSLAN BIN AMIRUDIN atas sumbangan dan jasa beliau sepanjang pelantikan sebagai Dekan di fakulti ini.
by webmaster FAB | Apr 25, 2017 | News
A group of Landscape Architecture students of Faculty Built Environment formed 3D Mural Wall Art team supervised by Dr. Lee Yoke Lai and Dr. Sapura Mohamad had accomplished mural art painting at Faculty Science-C18, UTM. This mural art project was started from 5th April and completed on 8th April 2017 collaboration with Majlis Perwakilan Pelajar (MPM) and patron by Earth Society members under GEMPAK’17 program conducted by the MPM.
The mural art theme ‘Where Great Mind are Nurtured’ is in line with the faculty vision which is to be known around the world in science and mathematics field that produced experts in it fields. Thus, the mural wall art design contained three major elements to epitomize Physics, Chemistry, and Science Mathematics Departments representing Faculty Science. Indeed, the mural painting inspirations have nurtures a great teamwork among UTM communities.
by webmaster FAB | Apr 18, 2017 | Award, News
The collaboration of UTM students from the Department of Architecture, Faculty of Built Environment and the Faculty of Civil Engineering win Top 2 prizes at the prestigious Malaysian Structural Steel Assoc. Open Ideas Competition 2017 Open to all Public Malaysian Schools of Architecture and Engineering the First prize earned the srudents RM10000 and the 2nd prize RM7000. The winners announcement and prize giving ceremony was held on Thursday, April 13, 2017 during the International Construction Week 2017 at the Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre.
The team that won the first prize consisted of 4 Architecture students and 2 Civil Engineering Students under the supervision of Dr Abdul Halim Hussein from the Department of Architecture, Faculty of Built Environment, and Assoc. Prof Dr Arizu Sulaiman from the Faculty of Civil Engineering. The students in the team are Lee Tsun Xian, Team Leader, David Nee Zhi Kang, Lo Wei Meng and Ng Kar King from 3rd yr B Sc Architecture Programme, and Liew Zheng Jia and Yap Zhen Shyong from the 3rd Year Bachelor of Civil Engineering Programme.
The second place winners, also supervised by Dr Abdul Halim consisted of 5 architecture and one civil engineering students, were Khasrul Hanif Hazirin bin Mohd Yusof (team leader), Ain Nadhirah bt Ismail, Kamarul Zaman Bin Zulkifli, Lim Jia Sing, (3rd year B Sc Arch), Ooi Soon Theng (M Arch) and Siti Nur Sakinah Sulaiman (3rd Yr Bachelor of Civil Engineering)
The competition was for the design of a youth oriented Centre utilising structural steel domes. The jury, which included an International Juror Mr Michael Holloway from Grimshaw’s Southern Asia Business, a prestigious international Architectural practice, were especially impressed with the First Place entry that was deemed to be very thoughtful and creative and yet was innovatively and approprately functional for the youth centre and structurally plausible as well.
by webmaster FAB | Apr 13, 2017 | News, photo
Taklimat Pembangunan Daerah Mersing oleh Majlis Daerah Mersing kepada Pelajar Tahun 2SBEP bagi Penyediaan Rancangan Tempatan Daerah (RTD) Mersing 2017 – 2030 (penggantian). 
by webmaster FAB | Apr 11, 2017 | Award, News, photo
UTM QS students continue their winning streaks at the annual RICS-RISM International Surveying Conference for undergraduates. They bagged the best overall paper award, 2 special mention paper awards and 3 best presenters awards at this year’s conference which was held on the 7-8 April 2017 hosted by UIAM. There were 60 papers submitted and presented. Participants were from surveying programmes in both public and private universities from all over Malaysia and abroad. Among the universities that participated included UM, USM, UiTM, UTM, UIAM, UTAR, UTHM, Taylor’s, INTI, Segi, HarriotWatt, Reading and universities from Thailand, Hong Kong and China. The UTM team won almost 80% of the awards that were up for grabs.
The winner were:
1. 3 Best Presenters: Nor Mahfuzah, Rawiah & Azleen Syamimi
2. 2 Special Mention Papers: Nor Mahfuzah & Afiqah
3. Best Paper – LimZijin