UTM Landscape Architecture Students Won the First Prize RM10,000 in Landscape Design Proposal Competition for 3Q Equestrian Centre, Kuang, Rawang

UTM Landscape Architecture Students Won the First Prize RM10,000 in Landscape Design Proposal Competition for 3Q Equestrian Centre, Kuang, Rawang


On the 17th November 2017, UTM team was announced as the winner for Landscape Design Proposal Competition for 3Q Equestrian Centre, Kuang, Selangor. UTM beat other three universities in this competition (UPM, UITM and UIAM). The winner was selected by the jury, Mr. Bill Bensley from Bensley Studio, Bangkok, Thailand. Bensley Studio is an international company specializing in Architecture, Interior Design and Landscape Design.

The team was a combination of 2nd year, 3rd year and 4th year landscape architecture students and supervised by four lecturers – Dr. Zanariah Jasmani, LAr. Dr. Sapura Mohamad, Dr. Lee Yoke Lai and LAr. En. Ahmad Long.

For more details on the landscape design proposal click the link below:



UTM (Pelajar Senibina Landskap) Memenangi Hadiah Utama bernilai RM10,000 dalam Pertandingan Cadangan Rekabentuk Landskap untuk 3Q Equestrian Centre Kuang, Rawang


Pada 17 November 2017, UTM telah diumumkan sebagai pemenang utama bagi Pertandingan Cadangan Rekabentuk Landskap untuk 3Q Equestrian, Kuang, Selangor. Pasukan UTM telah menewaskan tiga universiti lain yang menyertai pertandingan ini (UPM, UITM dan UIAM). Pemenang telah dipilih oleh juri pertandingan Mr. Bill Bensley dari Bensley Studio, Bangkok, Thailand. Bensley Studio adalah syarikat antarabangsa yang pakar dalam senibina, hiasan dalaman dan rekabentuk landskap.

Ahli kumpulan yang menyertai pertandingan ini adalah terdiri daripada pelajar tahun 2, 3 dan 4 bidang senibina landskap dibawah penyeliaan oleh empat orang pensyarah – Dr. Zanariah Jasmani, LAr. Dr. Sapura Mohamad, Dr. Lee Yoke Lai dan LAr. En. Ahmad Long.

Untuk maklumat lanjut tentang cadangan rekabentuk landskap, sila klik dibawah: 


Site Visit and Design Process

Final Presentation at Dataran Prima, Petaling Jaya


The video of 3Q Equestrian Center

UTM Landscape Architecture Students Joined 2017 IFLA APR Student Design Charrette Held in Bangkok

UTM Landscape Architecture Students Joined 2017 IFLA APR Student Design Charrette Held in Bangkok

On the 29th of October till the 1st of November 2017, three landscape architecture students from the third year studio class namely; Muhamad Zulhelmy Azmi, Muhamad Taqiy Asshaari and Sharifah Nurul Syafiqa Al-Yahya took part in the Student Design Charrette of IFLA APR Congress held in Bangkok themed: ‘Blue, Green and Culture’. The design charrette was patronized by several well-known practicing Landscape Architects from Thailand and it was hosted by The Chulalongkorn University. This workshop had to bring together landscape architecture students from different countries. 

The workshop began with ice-breaking and networking session accompanied by lecturers and other students. Subsequently, TALA director and other prominent landscape architect delivered site briefing Bangkachao’s issues that regard to equestrian and function of Bangkachao act as a green lung in Bangkok City. All design workshop participants had one day site visit to familiarise and also to see the beautiful culture of Bangkachao. After the site visit, students need to carry out a site analysis and landscape design outcome to resolve Bangkachao problem. Likewise, the design critique session conducted by tutors and the lecturers who are essential to internalize students’ design ideas and to enhance critical design thinking skills.


UTM-LCARC Exhibits and Promotes Malaysia’s “Science to Action” (S2A) Approach to City-level Climate Change Action Plan-making at COP 23

UTM-LCARC Exhibits and Promotes Malaysia’s “Science to Action” (S2A) Approach to City-level Climate Change Action Plan-making at COP 23

Bonn, Germany, 12th November – Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), through the UTM-Low Carbon Asia Research Centre (UTM-LCARC) that is based in the Department of Urban and Regional Planning, Faculty of Built Environment, organises an exhibition and participates in side events at the 23rd Session of the Conference of the Parties (COP 23) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in Bonn, Germany, 6-17 November 2017.

Prof. TPr. Dr. Ho Chin Siong and TPr. Chau Loon Wai from the Department of Urban Regional Planning lead UTM’s participation at COP 23, which is presided by the island nation of Fiji and hosted by the German Government.  The exhibition marks UTM’s seventh installation at the COP since participating in COP 17 in Durban, South Africa in 2011.  UTM remains the only Malaysian university with an accredited Observer institution status at the COP.

The exhibition showcases UTM-LCARC’s latest work on advancing city-level climate change action plan-making (science to policy-making through multiple stakeholder engagements) and implementation (real actions on the ground) in Iskandar Malaysia, Putrajaya, Kuala Lumpur and Pengerang.

The successful “Science to Action” (S2A) approach used in climate change mitigation at the city-level impresses visitors of diverse professional backgrounds (ranging from senior government officials, politicians, industrialists, scientists engineers, architects and academicians to activists, NGO volunteers and university students) from over 30 countries in South America, Africa, Europe, the Asia-Pacific and Southeast Asia, with many indicating interests in future collaboration.

UTM-LCARC also contributes to side events at the Japan Pavilion (as speakers and panellists) and Malaysia Pavilion (as speakers and poster exhibitor).


UTM-LCARC Co-organises High Profile 3rd International Conference of Low Carbon Asia and 6th LoCARNet Annual Meeting

UTM-LCARC Co-organises High Profile 3rd International Conference of Low Carbon Asia and 6th LoCARNet Annual Meeting

Bangkok, 1st November – Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), through the UTM-Low Carbon Asia Research Centre (UTM-LCARC), Department of Urban and Regional Planning, Faculty of Built Environment, co-organises the three-day 3rd International Conference of Low Carbon Asia (ICLCA 2017) and the 6th LoCARNet Annual Meeting with the King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonbury (KMUTT) in Bangkok, Thailand.  The ICLCA and LoCARNet annual meeting, which assemble over 150 participants hailing from 16 countries, will see the presentation of six keynotes and some 120 papers that collectively aim at advancing sustainable low carbon emission development in Asia.

The international conference and annual meeting of the rapidly growing low carbon Asia research network is officiated by Dr. Wijarn Simachaya, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, Thailand.  The event will also hear a keynote address by Y.Bhg. Prof. Tan Sri Zakri Abdul Hamid, Science Advisor to the Prime Minister of Malaysia.

Prof. TPr. Dr. Ho Chin Siong, Director, UTM-LCARC delivers a welcome speech with other key senior officials from Thailand and Japan.  Prof. Ho will also be chairing, mediating and speaking in several conference sessions in the next three days as well as doing the important plenary wrap-up on 3 November 2017.

The three-day high-profile event is expected to see the launching of the LoCARNet Bangkok Declaration that outlines LoCARNet’s strong stand and policies on Asia’s contribution to the Paris Agreement.  The Declaration that is co-drafted by UTM-LCARC will be released at the upcoming 23rd Session of Conference of the Parties (COP 23) in Bonn, Germany in November 2017.