Twoย students from Master of Architectureย stationed at Green Innovation Research Group, Faculty of Built Environment,ย were awarded with Asian Graduate Student Fellowship 2011 from National University Singapore (NUS). The students are Farhana Abdullah and Juliana Johari. The former is currently supervised by Dr Kei Saito and Dr Ismail Said, and the latter is supervised by Dr Hisyam Rasidi and Dr Ismail Said. Farhana is doing research on green plot ratio in central business district in tropical cities whereas Juliana is investigating on planting technology of vertical greenery for tropical buildings. They will attend the fellowship starting 16 May to 31 July 2011 i.e. for 2.5 months. They are among 38 recipients from Asian universities receiving the fellowships. The fellowship benefits are as follows:
1) A monthly allowance of SGD1,000.
2) A monthly housing allowance of SGD250.
3) A settling-in allowance of SGD150.
4) A sum of $100 on a reimbursement basis for miscellaneous expenses
5) A one-time round trip travel subsidy by the most economical and
direct route on a reimbursement basis upon being accepted for the
6) Access to library and computer resources on campus.