The 1st monthly seminar for the 2nd semester 2015/2016 of DURP was held on the 3rd of March 2016 (Thursday) at Lecture Hall B, B04, Faculty of Built Environment (FAB). The seminar was carried out in two (2) parts. The 1st half was a session where students who participated in the AIMS programme at Tokyo Metropolitan University (TMU), Japan, shared their experiences. Three students namely, Nurzafirah binti Dan, Anatasia Lee Anak Suring and Beatrice Jenner Anak David Jutin, of the Bachelor of Urban and Regional Planning Programme, DURP, FAB related their experiences whilst living and studying at TMU from the 2nd of September 2015 to the 29th January 2016. Amongst the experiences highlighted included the preparation before departing for TMU, background of TMU, courses attended at TMU, field studies at Totoro Forest, Nogawa River, Ota City and Daikanyama, facilities at the hostel, transportation from hostel to TMU and the socialising with students from other countries participating in the programme. A total of 40 students from Brunei, Indonesia, Thailand, Taiwan, China, Korea, France, Germany, Brazil, Belgium and Australia participated in the programme. During the programme students were also taken on visits to Yokohama, Kawasaki, Asakusa, Takao Mountain, Osaka, Fukushima and Enoshima-Kamakura. All three students from DURP, FAB felt that studying and socialising with students from different and diverse backgrounds and cultures brought forth happy memories and was a pleasant and unforgettable experience.
The 2nd half of the seminar was the imparting of information regarding the different student outbound programmes, by Madam Siti Rahimah binti Mohd Yusop, from the UTM International Office. Amongst the outbound programmes are the AIMS programme, Summer School, Global Outreach (GOP) and International Invitation (IIP). Students were also informed of the application process for participation in the programmes, costs to participate, costs borne by UTM and the student, and the preparations required of students interested to participate in the programmes.