Dr Alice Sabrina (fifth from left) and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mahmud Mohd Jusan (green shirt) and lecturers from RUTT (left) and Rangsit University (right) after the opening ceremony of the one day workshop at the Faculty of Built Environment, UTM Johor Bahru campus.
JOHOR BAHRU, 27 October 2014 – The International Architecture Collaboration Workshop 2014 was organized through the collaboration between the Faculty of Built Environment of Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), Faculty of Architecture Rangsit University and Rajamangala University of Technology Thayaburi (RUTT), Thailand.
The workshop was held at the Seminar Room, Centre for the Study of Built Environment in the Malay World (KALAM), Faculty of Built Environment, Johor Bahru campus.
Programme Coordinator, Dr. Alice Sabrina Ismail said that the aim of this workshop was to enhance Malaysia and Thailand relations, through architecture and culture under the theme “Water senses – finding Iconic Architecture”.
“The objectives of this workshop were to establish networking and build mutual relationship with academicians and students, in addition to promoting academicians and students mobility with prominent institutions in the South East Asia Region.”
“Through this programme, research activities and academic collaborations with other renowned South East Asian Universities can also be stimulated,” said Dr. Alice.
Among activities conducted in this one day workshop were Public Lecture sessions where UTM architecture students presented the Malaysian master plan concept and Islamic style architecture, besides sharing the way of local architecture (VERNADOC).
“Participating students from both countries also discussed ‘the inspiration for Architecture’ and shared their views on Iconic Architecture from their own country in a Design Workshop.”
“Architectural work of Thai students themed ‘the future of Thai architecture’ from both RUTT and Rangsit University were also featured in a Design Exhibition held next to the Seminar Room,” said Dr. Alice.
36 architectural students and lecturers from RUTT and Rangsit University participated in this one day programme.
The workshop was officiated by Head of the Architectural Department, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mahmud Mohd Jusan.