Online Submission of Research Proposal For 1st Assessment (Proposal Evaluation)

Checklist & Procedure for Online Submission of Research Proposal For First Assessment (Proposal Evaluation) during movement control order / Covid-19 pandemic period.

Faculty of Built Environment and Surveying (FABU) will implement Online Proposal Evaluation for PhD and Master of Philosophy student during movement control order and COVID-19 pandemic. The research proposal/thesis can be submitted via online submission with these steps :

The steps and checklists to Online Submission of Research Proposal for 1st ASSESSMENT (PROPOSAL EVALUATION)
No. Description Action
1. Supervisor nominate the list of Panels to be endorsed by Faculty Meetings (JKA (PS)). Supervisor

Notice of list of approval panels to Supervisor.

Notice of submission period of research proposal report to student.

PG office

Proposal or thesis follows UTM thesis format.


Complete all relevant forms and documents :

a. Research-Proposal-Submission-Form

b. Student Consent Form for Conducting 1st Assessment Online & Guideline For Proposal Evaluation Session

c. Turnitin Report verified by Supervisor



5. All forms need to be signed. Supervisor may sign the form digitally or write a written consent via email or other credible means to the student. Student & Supervisor
6. Submit the proposal together with all related signed forms (or with supervisor’s written consent) to and  Student


Online Submission of Thesis For Viva Voce

Checklist & Procedure for Online Submission of Thesis For Oral Examination (Viva Voce) during movement control order / Covid-19 pandemic period.

Faculty of Built Environment and Surveying (FABU) will implement Online Oral Examination (Viva Voce) for PhD and Master of Philosophy student during movement control order and COVID-19 pandemic. The thesis can be submitted via online submission through these steps :

The steps and checklists of Online Submission of Thesis for VIVA VOCE
No. Description Action

Notification for thesis submission (NHT) through GSMS (3 months prior submission) – SV will nominate the examiners and submit to PG Office for endorsement by JKA (PS) and JAPSU.

Note :

Requirement – pass the University Elective Course and Research Methodology Course

Kindly discuss with your SV before submit the NHT



PG Office


Thesis follows UTM thesis format

3. Email the softcopy of thesis (full thesis and separate by chapter) to Programme Coordinator (PC) for running turnitin.



4. Complete all relevant forms and documents. The forms are available at Student

a. Checklist for Thesis Submission

b. Thesis Submission Form 1 (UTM.SPS.B (PSP)/05/2018 – Pind.1/2018)

c. Thesis Submission Form 2 (UTM.SPS.B (PSP)/01/2018-Pind.1/2018)

d. Plagiarism Agreement

e. Turnitin Report – verified by Programme Coordinator

f. List of Publication – verified by Programme Coordnator

g. *A debt release letter for the oral exam (viva voce) from Bursary Office (

h. Student Consent Form for Conducting Oral Examination Online & Guideline For VIVA-VOCE Session

Note :

*Oral (Viva-Voce) Examination Fees for Doctoral Degree and Master (Research) will be charged once the student confirmed to submit their thesis.

A debt release letter will be endorsed by Bursary Office after the student paid the viva voce fees and clear all the debts.

– Doctoral Degree :    RM2,500.00

– Master (Research) : RM1,500.00

5. All forms need to be signed. Supervisor may sign the form digitally or write a written consent via email or other credible means to the student.



6. Submit the thesis together with all related signed forms (or with supervisor’s written consent) to :, and Student