Bachelor of Landscape Architecture with Honours
Undergraduate Study
- Bachelor of Science in Architecture
- Bachelor of Quantity Surveying
- Bachelor of Urban and Regional Planning
- Bachelor of Science in Construction
- Bachelor of Geomatics Engineering
- Bachelor of Science Geoinformatics
- Bachelor of Science Land Administration & Development
- Bachelor of Science Property Management
Contact Us :
Undergraduate Office,
Faculty of Built Environment and Surveying,
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia,
UTM Johor Bahru, 81310 Johor.
Tel: +6075557401/7413/7406/7404
Fax: +6075566155
Email: fabu-ug@utm.my
1.0 Introduction
The programme was designed and implemented since 1993 which was inspired on the core understanding of Man as the steward of the Earth and based on the design and built philosophy. It aims to produce professionals who are competent and technically knowledgeable as well as being critical and creative in problem solving on issues pertaining to aspects of heritage, tropical, urban and natural resources.
Landscape architecture combines both art and science. It is a profession that involves the design, planning and management or exterior spaces through the use of land and water elements in creating outdoor spaces which are practical and aesthetically pleasant. The works of a landscape architect does not only add value but also provide comfortable outdoor environment in residential areas, work and playing spaces. Landscape architecture is a discipline that covers a diverse scope ranging from the design of exterior landscapes within urban, rural, communal, ecological and regional areas. Landscape architects serve not only as designers but help to create landscape that responds to human habitation in diverse cultural and ecological contexts.
2.0 Programme Philosophy
The philosophy is primarily based on the landscape architectural design and built pedagogy which runs parallel with the needs and aspiration of the industry, society and the nation.
3.0 Aim
To educate and produce graduates in landscape architecture who are able to plan, design and manage landscape works.
4.0 Entry Requirements
Entry Requirements (For Local Student)
- Matriculation holders
- STPM holders
- STAM holders
- Diploma holders
5.0 Accreditation
The Bachelor of Landscape Architecture degree was introduced in Universiti Teknologi Malaysia during 1993/1994 session. The programme offers students with diplomas in any of the following background; architecture, town and regional planning, landscape design, agriculture and forestry from Malaysian institutions of higher learning or its equivalent to study for the degree. It also includes students from Matriculation and Higher School Certificate programmes. Graduates of Bachelor of Landscape Architecture from UTM are eligible to register as graduate members with the Institute of Landscape Architecture Malaysia (ILAM) which is the Malaysian professional body of landscape architects.
6.0 Career Prospects
Graduates of the programme can work as:
- Landscape architects
- Research officers at research institutions, universities and industries
- Academicians at universities, polytechnics and colleges
- Graphic illustrators and designers
- Nursery operators
- Landscape contractors
- Landscape managers
7.0 Mode and Duration of Study
Mode of Study : Full-time
Minimum Duration : 4 years
Maximum Duration : 6 years
8.0 Classification of Courses
Courses offered under this programme are based on the classification scheme shown in the table below:
Classification | Course Group | Credits | Total credit hours | Percentage |
1. Programme Core | A. Design | 47 | 78 | 60 |
B. Integrated Technology | 19 | |||
C. Man & Environment | 12 | |||
2. Elective Courses | D. Elective Courses | 33 | 33 | 25 |
3. University Courses | E. University Courses | 20 | 20 | 15 |
Total credit hours to graduate | 133 | 100 |
9.0 Award Requirements
To graduate, students must achieve a total of not less than 131 credit hours accumulated from courses that are set according to the classification scheme shown in the Classification of Courses section, with a minimum CGPA of 2.0.
10.0 Programme Implementation
The programme is delivered using a variety of approaches:
- Lectures and Tutorials
Lectures and tutorials are the primary means of teaching and learning in the department.
- Design Studios (Problem-based Learning)
Studio is the essential part of the programme. Its importance is reflected in the ten hours per week allocated to each studio. Through the studio, students learn hands-on how to resolve landscape architecture issues. Through team working and under the supervision of a studio master, students learn design and plan spaces for a specific use to demonstrate their creativity and thinking.
- Design Workshops
Workshops are conducted in or out of classroom and are for short design exercise. It is hands-on exercise that afford students to produce designs in a short space of time. Generally, the workshops are carried out in small groups of two to five students and it can be joint-exercise with other universities. For example, the design workshops are carried out in ALAM (Assembly of Landscape Architecture Students) and Putrajaya Flower and Garden Festival competition.
- Laboratory
Students are exposed to different software such as ArcGIS, AutoCAD, Photoshop, Sketch-up and 3D Max to assist them in preparation of design landscape master plan and construction drawings. The department has two laboratories: landscape laboratory and landscape computer laboratory.
- Field Works
In design studios, students are often exposed to real situations including projects. For example, in landscape urban design studio, students conduct site inventory and analysis as part of the planning process. Students have to do field survey to gather information on site factors, policies and social condition of the place.
- Industrial training
The industrial training aims to develop the skills, knowledge and attitudes needed to be a professional landscape architect. The objective is to strengthen the understanding of the theoretical principles, technical and design skills through practical experience. All third year students are required to undergo 24-weeks industrial training at landscape architect or relevant practitioner offices or a government agency of their choice. At the end of the training, students are required to submit an Industrial Training Report and log book to the department for assessment.
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Student Academic Assessment
A variety of assessment methods are used to match the learning outcomes of programme and students learning styles.
- Examinations, tests and quizzes are methods for assessing breadth of knowledge.
- Written assignments are used to assess not only factual and theoretical knowledge but also the ability to solve problems and articulate an argument – key transferable skills. In the final semester of the programme, a greater emphasis is placed upon the analysis, synthesis and evaluation of material.
- Case study analyses and presentations are assessed for the reasoning skills and ability to apply learned material to real-life situation.
- Design projects, reports and work samples are assessed to evaluate competence in practical skills and techniques.
- Verbal and visual presentations are the modes for students to illustrate or display their design ideas and assignments.
- Project works are the design and planning assignments given to the students by their studio masters. Their works are assessed on design creativity, practicality and comprehensiveness.
- Industrial training report and logbook are evidences that illustrate student performances at their assigned consultancy office.
- Peer assessment assesses in group work tasks using Rubric method.