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-By Devendra Lodha and Narayan BaserAbstract

Present financial services sector flooded with the myriad financial products and services, which are offered in the Variety forms. Such Development and growth of the sector come out with the several new investment sub sector. Likewise, Observed in the past two decade real estate segment becomes the attractive investment avenue with the better return on the investment such as Real Estate Investment. It’s an immerging investment tool at a view point of investors. Now a day’s huge investment behind the real estate market have been observed in the market due to growth and development of the Real estate market. So in this situation it is the need to identify the behaviour of the rational investor towards the Real Estate market. It is Crucial to know the behaviour of the rational investor’s expectation in the current competitive market. Because, there are variety of variable affect to the investor behaviour in the real estate market. Thus, this study targets the demographic variable and concludes linkages between the real estate market and demographic variable like age, gender, level of income, location and profession etc. for the purpose of this study. About 125 real estate investors of Gujarat (The State of Country India) have been targeted as the samples to reach at the conclusion.

Keywords: Demographic variable, real estate investment, linkages, rational investor, behaviour

01_Critical Analysis of Linkages between Demographic factors and Real Estate Investment

-By Raymond Mudehwe, Innoncent Chirisa and Abraham Rajab MatamandaAbstract

This paper seeks to discuss the potential value of green leasing in real estate management, highlighting the prospects and related problems on how this invaluable tool is useful in mitigating not only the problems of carbon footprint in properties but also retention of tenants in buildings, as operating and maintenance costs are reduced tremendously. As such, the central focus of this study is the documentation and explanation of the potentiality of green leasing in Zimbabwe’s commercial property market using Harare as a case study. Unless such a study is done, the obvious problem is that of doing business as usual amid a situation begging for viability as a measure of progress in society. Green leasing offers a lot of potential for resolving 21st century property management and operational challenges. However, leases continue to be crafted and implemented in the conventional way. Unfortunately, there is a dearth of empirical data to demonstrate how the implementation and adoption of ‘green leasing’, as a new method, can become a reality especially in the developing countries and regions. Commercial retail and office tenants have expressed greater interest and are waiting anxiously to experience the reality of the green leasing concept. The property developers have aired hesitation and fear of loss making, whilst property technocrats and professional bodies have fully embraced the global concept together with the policy

Keywords:  sustainability, green buildings, mutuality, conventional leasing, Green Agenda


-By Matheus Fernando Moro, Camila Candida Compagnoni dos Reis, Sandrine de Almeida Flores, Andreas Dittmar Weise, Silvana Ligia VincenziAbstract

This article consists of a specific analysis of the real estate market of São Paulo, the biggest and most representative city in Brazil. The aim of this study is to find factors that have influenced in home sales in this city. Through studies in the literature, we sought variables involved in the real estate market in general. After the choice of variables, we calculated a correlation matrix, and from there, we conducted a multiple linear regression with only significantly correlated variables. Finally, it is concluded that the variables value of letter of credit SBPE and the value of the SELIC rate explain 74.34% of real estate sales in São Paulo between 2004 and 2015.

Keywords: Real estate market, multiple linear regressions, Economic indicators



-By Alan Chong Kim Wing, Abdul Hakim Mohammed and Mat Naim AbdullahAbstract

Maintenance priority setting enables maintenance works to be planned under constraint during insufficiency of resources. The purpose of this paper is to review the literature on maintenance prioritization methods for assets including buildings and infrastructures. A brief introduction and literature review on maintenance priority methods were discussed. This paper uses a systematic search on literatures over the period of 1990 to 2015 on several database. A total of 184 literature were obtained from various literature database using the keywords “maintenance priority”, “maintenance prioritization”, “asset maintenance” and “building maintenance”. The literature review outlines the maintenance priority-setting methods used in various case studies. The most used methods in the literature are Analytical Hierarchy Process, Priority Criterion, Matrix based Priority and Failure Mode and Effect Analysis. A discussion on the pros and cons of the maintenance priority-setting methods was carried out. The trend of maintenance priority setting methods and organizational factors related to priority setting were also discussed. Recommendations for future research includes the incorporation of organizational factors into the maintenance priority-setting methods. This paper has provided references and case studies on maintenance prioritization methods for parties involved in maintenance management.

Keywords:  Maintenance Priority, Maintenance Planning, Priority-setting Method


-By Maren Mallo Daniel, Samuel Danjuma Wapwera and Celina Onugba OmogorAbstract

The government of Plateau State introduced a land reform programme in the Greater Jos Metropolis starting from 2007. However, academic research has given less attention to examining the impact of the reform on the processing of property title and instrument. This study fills the gap by examining the impact of the reform through the following objectives: the first scrutineses the components of reform programme and the successes recorded from its implementation from 2007-2014. The Second objective assesses the impact of the reform on the issuance rate of property title and instrument. To achieve these objectives, the study employs documentary evidence which were mostly obtained from the land registry in Jos. The analysis  indicates that the key component of the reforms was the development and deployment of an automated system of land management. This was successfully implemented but the updating of land re-mapping for the study area was still being implemented. Regarding the reform’s impact, the data analysed reveals that land titles (Right of Occupancy and Certificate of Occupancy) were constantly being applied for, from 2007 to 2014, but no corresponding approvals were made except for 2007 when 200 approvals were given and 2009 when two requests were granted. Other transactions-Assignment, Mortgage, Lease, Surrender etc, were carried out without interferences. On the overall, the land reform was seen to be progressive and consistent with the aspiration to shift from the manual approach of processing property title and instrument to a computerised system. However, the benefits were not immediately evident. For this reason, it is recommended that future study should give attention to assessing the benefits of the reform in at the long run.

Keywords: Land, land reform, property title, land registration


-By Fidelis Osagie Atamamen, Abdul Hakim Mohammed, Mat Naim Abdullah@Mohd Asmoni and Hamdi Abdul HamidAbstract

The emergent awareness of the adverse hazards associated with conventional cleaning practices as one of the major contributors to poor indoor air quality, environmental pollution and deterioration of ecosystem necessitated the need to embrace green cleaning practice to mitigate this adversity. In spite of the potential benefits of Green Cleaning, it is faced with implementation difficulties due to challenges faced by the various stakeholders. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to identify the Critical Success Factors and performance parameters for green cleaning projects’ implementation. Through content analysis, thirteen (13) critical success factors were identified. Five topmost key success factors for green cleaning projects’ implementation are green cleaning awareness, training, and education; top management commitment; communication strategies; custodian participation and acceptance and green cleaning team. The identified performance parameters based on the triple bottom line sustainability concept specifically were environmental, economic, and social. Also, it was found out that green cleaning and post implementation evaluation are under-researched. More empirical studies still need to be carried out on green products, process and practices, success factors from stakeholder’s perspectives for different workplace settings and post-implementation evaluation. This paper will help stakeholders understands the vital fundamental areas for successful implementation of sustainable green cleaning and competitive organisational performance

Keywords: Green cleaning, implementation difficulties, critical success factors, performance parameters