Possible Future Studio

Possible Future Studio #UTMSenibina

Compilation of thoughts and collaborative work within the design studios led by Dr. Nor Izura and Dr. Aiman at the Department of Architecture, UTM in Johor Bahru.

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  • Tranquility Hub

    Designing a building takes a lot of consideration, especially when trying to improve on the concept as well as the intention of the design. This semester which was speculative studio teaches one to be more aware of not choosing sides. The design was to be not only universal in terms of the exterior facade but…

  • It’s Always Just A Starting Point

    Well, the semester had came to the end after a long, enjoyable of ‘Architorture’ moment, it’s challenging and fun, excitement and accomplishment at the end, yet tiring process for most of us I would said. However, this is a norm for architecture students, isn’t it ? Striving for our dream, surviving and learning from the…

  • My Complete Design 5 Journey – 21/22 –

    If I would sum up my performance in Design 5 for this semester with one word, the word would be ‘unsteady‘. The reason why I choose this word is because my design changed multiple times from the beginning until the end of the individual project, where I changed my last design ten days before the…

  • The end of studio design 5 21/22

    Our semester starts in our own hometown, from the comfort of our own rooms. This semester, we chose to work with Dr. Aiman, the studio coordinator.  Throughout the journey, I learned so much new information and learned so many interesting ideas about design. So here are my final thoughts about this studio. The first thing that we done together are the site analysis which located in Kluang Johor In our role as architecture students, it is essential for us to conduct a site analysis in order…

  • Ikmal’s Pizza in the Tupperware

    Interim Review/Crit Session with Mr Hazazi [20 December 2021] “First Floor Plan and Exterior Perspective” Some of the inputs and comments from the sessions are: SITE- How you(me) appreciate and connect the building/design with the site context. Show some context such as the adjacent building, green area and see how the urban pattern merge with…

  • Manifesto: Intergeneration connection-

    Connect. Connect between young and old. Connect between elderly and kids. Andconnect between kindergarten and nursing home which is coexistence of elderly and children. I was intended to design intergeneration center. The objective to promote intergenerational connection and bridge the gap between young and old by putting this two-age group in the same picture, creating…

  • Manifesto

    Based on various issues in the environment and natural disasters. It is necessary to invite the surrounding community in particular to work together to improve the environment through greenery activities. Then, the pandemic conditions that we unexpectedly will have an impact on human habits that make us have to think about solutions to infrastructure and…

  • Manifesto: From Acceptance to Resilience

    ‘Kota Tinggi kembali ditenggelami air selepas 15 tahun’ ‘Several areas in JB, Kota Tinggi hit by floods again’ ‘哥打市区灾情持续恶化恐重演15年前大水灾’ Bandar Kota Tinggi, the administrative town of Kota Tinggi District is one of the worst-affected districts by flood in Johor, due to its location near the Johor River. The average elevation of Kota Tinggi is 6…

  • Manifesto- Art/Handicraft

    When we talk about art it must be related to one’s creativity. What is creativity? Creativity is a phenomenon whereby something new and valuable is formed. The created item may be intangible such as an idea, a scientific theory, a musical composition, or a joke, or a physical object such as an invention, a printed literary work, or a painting. So from…

Contact us for comments, recommendations and possible collaboration.