Possible Future Studio

Category: Uncategorized

  • Mersing-gah Lah Sini!

    Mersing is a coastal town that gives the vibes of calmness and relaxation with a friendly neighbourhood, culture, historical buildings, architectural identity, foods and drinks, recreational park, beach, and island.…

  • Puteri Harbour Site Visit

    Puteri Harbour is a developing urban area. It is very friendly for many user especially for pedestrian and cyclist. The idea of having a 15 minutes distance from the residence…

  • Site Visit, Puteri Harbour

    This Semester Puteri Habour was chosen to be our site for the design project. The first time i went to Puteri Harbour i thought to myself ” Pehhh this place…

  • What is going on in Puteri Harbour?

    Visiting Puteri Harbour a few weeks ago feels very different compared to the experience I had a few years back. It used to be a constant lively place due to…

  • Site Analysis & Synthesis of Puteri Harbour, Johor.

    Puteri Harbour is definitely one of the weird places I have been to in Malaysia. Why do I say it is weird?. It’s because the vibe that I feel when…

  • A Breathing, Green World

    Northrop Frye established “green world” as a literary idea in his work Anatomy of Criticism (1957). “The archetypal function of literature is visualising the world of desire, not as an…

  • Manifesto: Intergeneration connection-

    Connect. Connect between young and old. Connect between elderly and kids. Andconnect between kindergarten and nursing home which is coexistence of elderly and children. I was intended to design intergeneration…

  • Manifesto

    Manifesto is a written statement, collage of picture or sketches that describes the policies, goals, opinions of a person, group or an organization. In architecture, its usually had been use…

  • Defending local culture in Architecture

    So what I have observed and compared between traditional architecture and modern architecture is basically the difference in form, material, space designing, and other elements. This is all based on…