Our semester starts in our own hometown, from the comfort of our own rooms. This semester, we chose to work with Dr. Aiman, the studio coordinator.
Throughout the journey, I learned so much new information and learned so many interesting ideas about design. So here are my final thoughts about this studio.
The first thing that we done together are the site analysis which located in Kluang Johor
In our role as architecture students, it is essential for us to conduct a site analysis in order to gain a deeper understanding of the site. Unfortunately, not every one of us was able to accomplish this due to the CIVID-19. However, with the help of our lecturer, the virtual meeting and online class help us a lot on this first task.
Click here for our site analysis
Our individual projects started once we received the data and information from the analysis. This is where the interesting thing happens, since unlike the usual studio, we were given the chance to choose what type of buildings we wanted to design. It seems to me that this is a good approach to let the students decide what is most interesting for them, so we came up with the idea of creating a creative hub where food, technology, culture, and agriculture would be the main focus of the design.
Click here for our miro on this idea
For myself, my manifesto is my concept and inspiration for this project, Click here for my portfolio and click here for my miro (design process, journey and etc).