Two Greenovation members, Sara Izrar Aziz and Teoh Mei Yee, were awarded with Best Papers Presentation by Secretariat of International Congress Asian Planning Schools Association on 23 August 2019. The conference was held at Seoul National University. Sara presented on Origin and Evolution of a Public Park: A Historical Analysis of Titiwangsa Lake Garden 1800-2000 and Mei Yee on The Influence of Urban Design on Microclimate in Tropical Historic Urban Canyon: Case Study at Ipoh Old Quarter, Malaysia. Currently, Sara is reading her PhD at Seoul National University whilst Mei Yee is studying her PhD at Shibaura Institute of Technology (SIT) in Tokyo. Sara did her Master of Architecture at UTM and supervised by Dr Hisyam Rasidi. Mei Yee started her PhD at UTM under the supervision of Prof Ismail Said, and later continued to SIT sponsored by Hybrid Program UTM-SIT. Both graduated Bachelor of Landscape Architecture at UTM. Congratulations to our alumni!
Two Greenovation members were awarded with Best Papers Presentation by Secretariat of International Congress Asian Planning Schools Association
by webmaster | Aug 26, 2019 | Award, Conference & Seminar, News