The second semester of the academic year, Fundamental Unit continues to explore and debate notions of architecture through a series of design projects. The first project namely โ€œThe Beach Shelterโ€ quickly immersed the students in diverse architectural ideas and challenge. These are their first self made architecture. They have to produce a full scale prototype model trying to solve their first architectural responses which was then be tested on actual site at Teluk Resang, Mersing, Johor, through the end of the monsoon season. This would really test the structural strength of the shelter with the actual site forces. Though they are from different workbases and using different materials, they all shared a common goal.
The monsoon rain burst and very strong gust of wind constantly blow our face and broke some of the structure on our first day at Teluk Resang. Regardless to the rain and the wind, the students manage to pitch up their shelter safely. We had a marathon photography session for more than 24 hours (sleepless night) and we also manage to sculpt a set of stone sculpture during the blue hour. Here are some of our masterpieces. Enjoy!