On 24th February 2014, the Senate Committees of Examination PG Studies have approved PhD to the following candidates:

1. Hesamaddin Sotoudeh
Aesthetic Fitness of New Architectural Design in Urban Historical Context in the City of Shiraz
Supervisor: Wan Zakri
Note: Require to amend abstract

2. Danny Sontoso Mintorogo
Application of Pakis-stem as Insulation to Control Heat Gain on Concrete Flat Roof
Supervisor: Hamdan Ahmad

3. Sayyed Javad Asad Poor Zavei
Housing Needs and Preferences Based in Maslow’s Motivational Theory
Supervisor: Mahmud Jusan

4. Omid Khabiri
Acoustical Performance of Main Prayer Halls of Mosques in Johor Bahru
Supervisor: Hamdan Ahmad

5. Raihan Maskuriy
Application of Building Information Modeling in Early Stage Design Cost Estimation
Supervisor: Rashid Embi
Note: Require to amend title page

6. Zulfadhli Ismail
Perception of Government Employees Towards New Workplace in Kota Iskandar, Malaysia
Supervisor: Hamdan Ahmad
