400 Penuntut 'terangi' Johor Bahru

Oleh NURUL HUDA HASSAN 2011/06/22 JOHOR BAHRU 21 Jun – Lebih 400 penuntut daripada 21 institusi pengajian tinggi (IPT) awam dan swasta seluruh negara menyertai Bengkel Seni Bina Ke-23 anjuran Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) di sini, baru-baru ini. Bengkel...

Hanyang International Summer School (HISS)

Four undergraduate students from Faculty of Built Environment have been selected to participate in the Hanyang International Summer School (HISS), Hanyang University Korea. The program will be conducted on June 27 to July 22, 2011. The students are Azreen Ariff Bin...

Terang! XXIII Architectural Workshop

‘Terang’ is the theme given to xxiii Annual Architectural Workshop 2011 host by Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Skudai. This is one of most anticipated event in the academia of architecture in Malaysia and the region. Overall about 600 participants are expected from 22...

General Lecture Sustainable Development

On 27th May 2011, Dr Hisyam Rasidi and Dr Ismail Said delivered two lectures at Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Sriwijaya, Palembang in Indonesia. Dr Hisyam explained on Sustainable Development: A Lesson from Science City and Dr Ismail talked on Placeness and...

Semester's Design Portfolio Day

On the 29th of April 2011, the Department of Landscape Architecture will be having the semester’s design portfolio day. A total of 165 students from Year 1 to Year 4 will present their drawings at their respective studios or at the Exhibition Hall in Block B03,...