by webmaster | Oct 1, 2019 | Award, event, News, Staff
Congratulations to Dr. Muhammad Najib Razali which has been named a 2019 Emerald Literati Award Winner. Emerald Publication which based in United Kingdom has introduced this award since 26 years ago have celebrated and rewarded the outstanding contributors of authors...
by webmaster | Sep 23, 2019 | Award, News
Huge congratulations to Research Associate of KALAM, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Lim Yaik Wah for obtaining 4 grant in 2019 :- 1. Industry-International Incentive Grant (IIIG) entitled ‘BIM-based Collaborative Building Design Process and Coordination’...
by webmaster | Sep 23, 2019 | Award, News
FABU juga ingin mengucapkan setinggi-tinggi tahniah kepada Ar. Noraslinda binti Abdul Rahman, Felo Penyelidik Pusat Kajian Alam Bina Dunia Melayu (KALAM) atas kejayaan beliau memperoleh Geran GUP Tier 2 2019 Batch 1 dengan tajuk ‘ Senibina Bangunan Warisan UTM...
by webmaster | Sep 23, 2019 | Award, News
FABU juga ingin mengucapkan setinggi-tinggi tahniah kepada Dr Fadhlina binti Ahmad @ Taufik, Timbalan Pengarah Pusat Kajian Alam Bina Dunia Melayu (KALAM) atas kejayaan beliau memperoleh Geran GUP Tier 2 2019 Batch 2 dengan tajuk ‘Prinsip dan Fungsi Ornamentasi...
by webmaster | Sep 22, 2019 | Award, News
Congratulations to students from Geoinformation, FABU because has won 1st place at Kenyalang Mapping Technologies 2019, organized by Politeknik Kuching. Students involved are Tang Siew Khing and Phan Hock Lai, supervised by Sr Dr. Muhamad Uznir Ujang. The award were...
by webmaster | Sep 12, 2019 | Award, event, News, photo
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) team from Landscape Architecture, Faculty of Built Environment and Surveying was announced as the recipient of the Silver Award for Vertical Wall Competition for the university garden category at the Royal Floria Putrajaya 2019. The...