Majlis Penyerahan Sijil Kecemerlangan Dekan FABU

Majlis Penyerahan Sijil Kecemerlangan Dekan FABU

Majlis penyerahan Sijil Anugerah Pingat Cemerlang (APC) bersempena dengan Citra Karisma 2020 telah disempurnakan oleh YBhg. Naib Canselor kepada YBhg. Prof. Sr. Dr. Hishamuddin bin Mohd. Ali sebagai menghargai khidmat dan kecemerlangan beliau ketika berkhidmat di...
Congratulations FABUlous Alumni

Congratulations FABUlous Alumni

Mr. Mohamad Syahmi Seliman, Director of MSS Design & Build Sdn Bhd received the Industry Leadership Award (Interior Design), Malaysia Entrepreneur & Industry Personality Award 2020. He is the alumni of BSc. (Construction) (2013) and MSc. Construction Contract...
Congratulation to All

Congratulation to All

Towards achieving our mission to develop professionals who are responsible towards shaping sustainable built environment through synergistic partnership with industries, professional bodies and alumni. Congratulation to all!