Bachelor of Quantity Surveying with Honours
Project development is an investment that involves considerable sum of money and time. Clients will expect their project to generate values from their investment. They also expect value for money from their projects which involve the element of time, cost and quality. These objectives can be achieved through technical knowledge and professional competency, economics evaluation, effective cost management and selection of appropriate construction procurement with efficient and effective contract management. The role of quantity surveyors through their education, training and experience will contribute to the effective management of construction cost, project procurement and contract administration as well as giving advice on development economics and contractual matters.
The programme has been designed to offer graduates the opportunity to operate within the existing framework of the Quantity Surveying discipline, the construction industry and related fields. At a personal level, the graduate will be stimulated to adopt a professional and ethical approach that will allow personal development, foster self-respect and improve career aspirations.
Programme Philosophy
The aim of the programme is to produce Quantity Surveying graduates who are creative, innovative and versatile with a sound knowledge in construction cost management, administration of tender and construction contracts, and quantification and documentation of construction works; as well as meeting the needs of the nation and able to compete globally.
Entry Requirements
Entry Requirements 2016/2017 Session (For Local Student)
The Bachelor in Quantity Surveying programme is recognised by the Public Services Department (JPA), and accredited by the Board of Quantity Surveyors, Malaysia and the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS), United Kingdom.
Graduates of this programme are eligible to register with the Board of Quantity Surveyors, Malaysia to become registered graduate Quantity Surveyors. As the degree is internationally accredited, graduates can pursue higher degrees in universities in the United Kingdom, Australia and other countries.
Career Prospects
Graduates of the programme can work as:
- Quantity Surveyors
- Construction Contract Managers
- Construction Project Managers and other equal and relevant posts in the construction industry
Mode and Duration of Study
Minimum Duration : 4 years
Maximum Duration : 6 years
Classification of Courses
Classification | Course Group | Credits | Total credit hours | Percentage |
1. Programme Core | A. Design + Communication | 61 | 100 | 83 |
B. Technology & Environment | 15 | |||
C. Cultural Context | 15 | |||
D. Management Practice & Law | 9 | |||
2. Elective Courses | EA, EB, EC, ED. Elective Courses | 30 | 30 | 25 |
3. University Courses | F. University Courses | 20 | 20 | 20 |
Total credit hours to graduate |
Award Requirements
To be eligible to graduate from this programme, students must achieve a total of not less than 128 credit hours accumulated from courses that are set according to the classification of courses as shown in the Classification of Courses section, with a minimum CGPA of 2.0.
Programme Implementation
1. Lectures and Tutorials
Lectures comprise a discourse in which the lecturers provide the theoretical framework, principles and materials on the various subject matters and their application in practice. Visual aids will be used as appropriate. Students will be encouraged to ask questions and short discussions will be carried out within the context of the lectures.
Tutorials are carried out to provide students with the opportunity to deepen their knowledge and understanding on the subject matter acquired during lectures. In tutorial periods, students will be able to identify problems among themselves or with their lecturers and tutors. Students will also work on questions or assignments either individually or in groups under the supervision of the lecturers or tutors.
2. Studios
Studios provide students with the means to improve their knowledge and understanding of the courses taught in lectures as well as to develop their skills ad competencies through the practical application of the theoretical knowledge on given problems or projects. Studio based courses are such as those under the measurement and documentation group. During studio sessions, the course lecturers, in collaboration with lecturers of related courses will provide a simulated or real-life project for the students to work on. Students will be divided into groups of 10-15 students and a tutor will be assigned to each group. Studios are also aimed at developing students’ ability to work in groups, communicate effectively and develop problem solving ability.
3. Laboratory and Field Works
Laboratory and field work will supplement the lecture materials of appropriate courses.
4. Problem Based Learning (PBL)
Problem Based Learning is a very important component of teaching and learning process. PBL is implemented in a number of courses in this programme. This teaching and learning approach helps students to reinforce their understanding on the course content.
5. Industrial Training
All third year students are required to undergo a twenty four week Industrial Training at Quantity Surveying establishments establishments of their choice. At the end of the training, students are required to submit an Industrial Training Report to the Department for assessment purposes.
6. Academic Visit
The programme will include visits to various organizations and sites related to the profession and the construction industry. Besides these visits, students are also encouraged to have visits meant to develop their social and moral standings.
7. Undergraduate Project
A final year student is required to undertake a study in an area or specialised field of quantity surveying. The product of the study is an academic writing and an oral presentation. The academic writing must follow guidelines and format requirements set by the department and university. each student is supervised by a lecturer throughout the study.
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Student Academic Assessment
A variety of assessment methods are used to match the learning outcomes of programme and students learning styles.
- Examinations, tests and quizzes are valueable methods for assessing breadth of knowledge.
- Written assignments are used to assess not only factual and theoretical knowledge but also the ability to solve problems and articulate an argument – key transferable skills. In the final semesters of the programme, a greater emphasis is placed upon the analysis, synthesis and evaluation of materials.
- Case study analyses and presentations to assess reasoning skills and ability to apply learned material to real-life situations.
- Design projects, reports and work samples to assess competence in practical skills and techniques.
- Poster and oral presentations, video production to assess communication and presentation skills.
- Seminar papers and critical reviews to assess ability to analyse and synthesis information.
- Project work assesses ability to work independently and collaboratively, search and critically review relevant literature and present findings in an academic manner in both written and verbal form.
- Evidence based industrial training reports to document the students’ performance in professional placement.
- Online assessments, including self-tests, quizzes and surveys.