Bachelor of Science Geoinformatics with Honours
1.0 Introduction
Geoinformatics is the art and science of gathering, processing, manipulating, managing, disseminating and applying geospatial data. The B.Sc. (Geoinformatics) programme is intended to produce professionals who are capable of using information technology (IT) to handle geospatial information for the economic, social and physical development of the country. Since its inception, as many as 556 graduates had successfully completed this programme.
2.0 Programme Name and Conferment
a) Programme Name
Bachelor in Geoinformatics
b) Conferment
Bachelor of Science (Geoinformatics)
3.0 Programme Recognition
The programme, approved and recognized by the Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE) and the Public Services Department (PSD), was rst offered in the academic year of 1993/94. The extract of the letter from the PSD [JPA(L)S.130/2/1 Jld.4(97)] in recognizing the programme is as follows:
“The Permanent Committee of Evaluation and Quali cation Recognition (JTPPK) in its 79th meeting on July 2nd 2002 chaired by The Honorable Education Minister of Malaysia had recognized the degree of Bachelor of Science(Geoinformatics) of Universiti Teknologi Malaysia as equivalent to the Bachelor of Science with Honours from other local Higher Learning Institutions for any appointment to the Public Services, Malaysia”.
4.0 Aim of Programme
The aim of the programme is to produce graduates that have sound knowledge in geoinformation science, competent in handling geospatial information as well as being ethical and able to contribute to the development of the country.
5.0 Programme Objective
The objective of this programme is to produce graduates who are:
i) able to apply their knowledge and skills in the planning, analysis, design and supervision of works related to the geoinformatics discipline
ii) technically competent in solving problems logically, analytically and creatively based on sound facts and ideas
iii) capable of possessing a good leadership quality, ethical and professionally contribute towards the development of the nation
iv) able to work collectively in societies of diverse backgrounds to achieve common goals
v) able to communicate effectively across a range of contexts and audiences
vi) able to manage geoinformatics issues for the development and betterment of the nation and mankind
vii) willing to embark on business and provide job opportunities
viii) aware of the current local and global issues
6.0 Entry Requirements
Candidates need to fulfill both general entry requirements of UTM and the program specific requirements as described below:
University General Requirements:
Passess Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) with credit in Bahasa Melayu/Bahasa Malaysia or credit in Bahasa Melayu/ Bahasa Malaysia July Paper.
Obtain Sijil Tinggi Pelajaran Malaysia (STPM) with at least:
- Grade B- (PGNK2.67)
- Grade B- (NGMP 67) in two (2) other subjects:
- Mathematics M / Mathematics T
- Pengajian Perniagaan
- Perakaunan
- Ekonomi
- Geografi
- Physics / Chemistry/ Biology
Obtain at least Band 2 in the Malaysian University English Test (MUET).
A.Matriculation /Foundation
Obtained at least Grade B- (2.70) at the Matriculation / Foundation level in any of the following TWO (2) subjects:
Mathematics / Engineering Mathematics
Physics / Engineering Physics
Chemistry / Engineering Chemistry
Computer Science / Information Technology
Engineering Science
Civil Engineering Studies/Electric Engineering Studies/Mechanical Engineering Studies
B. Academic Qualification of Diploma Holders or its Equivalent
A UTM Diploma or its equivalent (recognized by the Malaysian
Government and approved by the Senate of the University) with minimum CGPA of 2.70 in one of the following disciplines:
Diploma in Computer Science
Diploma in Valuation
Diploma in Architecture Diploma in Land Survey
Diploma in Town and Regional Planning Diploma in Quantity Surveying
Diploma in Civil Engineering
Other equivalent Diplomas which are considered relevant to the programme
Candidates with CGPA of less than 2.70 are also qualified to apply provided they have at least two years of working experience.
Candidates must also achieve a pass with distinction in Mathematics in the SPM/equivalent exam or Grade C in any Mathematics subject at Diploma level.
Note: The level of entrance is year 1 semester 1 with transfer of credit for relevant courses not more than 50% of the total graduating credits (assessment for candidate is on a case-to- case basis).
7.0 Programme Implementation
The programme is conducted full time, emphasizing on both aspects of teaching and learning, i.e. theoretical understanding of knowledge and technical skill development through hands-on laboratory exercises and eld works. Students are required to undergo two intensive training camps in the campus (one in semester 4 and another in semester 5) and a 10-week industrial training at the end of their third year to gain experience of and exposure to the real working environment. Students are encouraged to get an attachment to the government departments or the private companies for their industrial training.
8.0 Laboratory Facilities
Besides being conducted by quali ed academic staff, this programme is also supported by the relevant equipments and facilities namely:
a) Laboratories:
1. Geographic Information System Laboratory I
2. Geographic Information System Laboratory II
3. Photogrammetry & Laser Scanning Laboratory
4. Digital & Interactive Cartography Laboratory
5. Basic Remote Sensing Laboratory
6. Advanced Remote Sensing Laboratory
7. SDI Research Laboratory
8. 3-D GIS Laboratory
b) Teaching and learning facilities :
1. Nine (9) smart classrooms
2. Two (2) seminar rooms
3. Two (2) lecture theatres
4. One (1) resource centre (Faculty Library)
5. Several lecture and tutorial rooms
6. Strong wireless connection (within the faculty area)
c) Centre of Excellence (CoE) :
Institute for Geospatial Science and Technology (INSTEG)
9.0 The Unique Characteristics of Programme
i) A relatively new programme that provides opportunities to students to explore a more advanced information technology, i.e. geospatial IT and other related elds
ii) UTM is the only higher institution that offers this kind of programme (at undergraduate level) in the Asia Pacific region
iii) The lecturer-student ratio of 1:12 guarantees good and effective environment of teaching and learning
iv) Handled by lecturers who have been exposed to GIS education and training in foreign universities including Europe, North America, Australia and New Zealand
v) Graduates have vast job opportunities as a result of increasing demand for geospatial data handling in many different disciplines.
10.0 Career Prospects
Graduates of the programme may work as GIS professionals at various government and private organizations related to land affairs. Among the posts that can be held are:
• Geoinformation Officer
• GIS/Remote Sensing Manager
• Geospatial Database Administrator
• GIS System Analyst
• GIS Programmer/Application Developer
• GIS/Remote Sensing Project Manager
• GIS/Remote Sensing Project Consultant
Agencies that require the service of these graduates include:
i) Government departments that are directly related to geospatial data management such as Department of Surveying and Mapping Malaysia (JUPEM), Malaysian Centre for Geospatial Data Infrastructure (MaCGDI) and Malaysian Remote Sensing Agency (ARSM)
ii) Government departments that use geospatial information in their daily operation such as Forestry Department, Department of Agriculture, Public Works Department, Department of Environment and Department of Town and Regional Planning
iii) Organizations that are involved in utility works among which may include the Water Board, Telekom Malaysia(TM), Tenaga Nasional Bhd (TNB), Petrolium Nasional (PETRONAS)
iv) Private companies dealing with data acquisition and processing such as land surveying rms, software vendors and digital data providers
v) Local Authorities (City Hall, City Council, Municipal Council and District Council)
vi) Other land-related agencies
Among the agencies that have employed the graduates of this programme are Malaysian Centre For Geospatial Data Infrastructure (MaCGDI), Malaysian Remote Sensing Agency (ARSM), National Institute of Land and Survey(INSTUN), Malaysian Institute of Public Works (IKRAM), Putrajaya Corporation, Kuala Lumpur City Hall (DBKL),Syarikat Air Johor Holdings (SAJH), Syarikat Bekalan Air Selangor (SYABAS), Jabatan Bekalan Air Pahang,Tenaga Nasional Bhd (TNB), Environmental System Research Institute (ESRI South Asia) and Iskandar Region Development Authority (IRDA).
The service of GIS and Remote Sensing professionals is becoming more important as more demands for geospatial data handling are emerging due to the rapid growth of the country’s development. The graduates of this programme can expect a very good future in their career and can always play their role in ful lling such demands.