Master of Science (Remote Sensing)
The Master of Science (Remote Sensing) course consists of 7 core courses, 2 elective courses and 1 University course. In addition to these subjects, students are required to submit a Master Project worth of 8 credits. To graduate, students must complete a total 45 credits and they are assessed through assignments, presentations and final examination.
The main aim of this course is to provide students with an opportunity to apply their knowledge, skills and techniques of geoinformatics. In this course, students will acquire skills in handling and managing their research project individually and independently with direct supervision of a supervisor. |
MGS 1014 | This course introduces students to remotely sensed data collected from airborne and orbital platforms that are widely used in the earth sciences, and the technology used for the analysis of these data is one of the most rapidly growing areas of the earth sciences. This course provides the principles of remote sensing and image interpretation. It also covers some practical work on processing satellite data which includes image display, image enhancement and simple geometric correction techniques of the satellite image. Students are also grouped to undertake lab works in digital image processing for assigned projects. At the end of the course, students will be able to demonstrate and apply knowledge in preparing reports for projects undertaken including accuracy assessments. |
MGS 1024 | Introduction to digital image processing. Concepts of digital image sampling & image digitization, image storage, image file management & display system. Digital data of remote sensing, media format, header information sources. Image pre-processing: geometry correction, noise removal, radiometry correction. Image enhancement: linear and non-linear operations, image transformation. Image classification: supervised and unsupervised classifications. Output production and information processing. |
MGS 1054 | This course designed to provide an understanding of theory and principles of geospatial information science and technology (GI S&T) and Spatial analysis. The topics covered include: Maps and their characteristics; Conventional mapping vs digital mapping vs Geographic Information Systems (GIS); Data Output); Model & data structure of geospatial data (vector data model, tessellation data model, Digital Elevation Model/ DEM); Model data conversion (vector <-> raster); Coordinate system (curve vs plane coordinates, map projection, plane coordinate manipulation); Height data manipulation; Accuracy of geospatial data (positional, attributes). Implementation issues (data, organizational); GIS System procurement. It also emphasises on the analyses that are commonly found in GIS which include data exploration, vector and raster data analysis, terrain mapping & analysis, viewsheds and watersheds, spatial interpolation, geocoding and dynamic segmentation, path analysis and network application, and gis models & modeling. The course features extensive use of geospatial analysis software tools through individual as well as group project work. |
MGS 1063 | This is one of the core courses designed to provide an understanding of theory and principles of global positioning system (GPS) together with their operation, application and differential GPS technology. The topics covered include: Overview on Geodesy and GPS; GPS Application, Mission and Planning; GPS Post- Processing(Static and Fast Static) and Differential Mode; Real time Kinematic (RTK) and Virtual Reference Station; GPS/GIS Data Capture and Collection; Field and Office Procedures; Field Practice using RTK and Differential Techniques and the combination of both. This course also covers the design and planning of static network and preparing for a GPS Field Survey |
MGS 1104 | This course is introduced to equip the students with knowledge and skill in the design and development of remote sensing application. A particular emphasis will be placed on the use of remote sensing data for various applications such as marine, environment, planning, hydrology, etc. Students will work in small groups to develop a conceptual design and modeling for remote sensing image and will then work individually to build a small project using available remote sensing satellite data as well as data digitized from existing maps, imagery and field data collected using GPS. |
MGS 1534 | This course is designed to provide an understanding of theory and principles of certain areas of physics that are directly related to the Earth atmosphere particularly about its physical and chemical aspects. Students will be able to explain atmospheric phenomena and processes, qualitative and quantitative describe them, as well as to evaluate their significance from the general point of view.. The topics covered include: Atmosphere structure: thermodynamic of atmosphere; Cloud physics and remote sensing on atmospheric application: Electromagnetic wave :sound wave and oscillations, heat and temperature, concept of thermodynamic and radiation laws. |
MGS 1534 | This course designed to provide an understanding of theory and knowledge of satellite system and Earth station. The topics covered include: Sensor Technologies : Data Acquisition, Sensor Characteristics, Physical Principles of Sensing and Detector, Humidity and Moisture Sensors, Electromagnetic Field Detectors, Temperature Sensors, User requirement and Mission. Earth Station : Ground receiving station, orbital characteristics, platform, data acquisition and dissemination. |
Programme Structure
Table 3: Curriculum for Master of Science (Remote Sensing) Programme
Codes |
Courses |
Credits |
UHAW 6023 | University Subject | 3 |
MGHS 1014 | Remote Sensing Technology | 4 |
MGHS 1024 | Digital Image Processing | 4 |
MGHS 1074 | Microwave Remote Sensing | 4 |
MGHS 1083 | Research Methods in RS | 3 |
MGHS 1054 | Geographical Information System and Spatial Analysis | 4 |
MGHS 1063 | GPS Surveying | 3 |
MGHS 1104 | Applications of Remote Sensing | 4 |
MGHS 1034 | Atmospheric Physics | 4 |
MGHS 1594 | Advance Digital Image Processing | 4 |
MGHS 1534 | Satellite System and Earth Station | 4 |
MGHS 1544 | Remote Sensing Project Management | 4 |
MGHS 1998 | Master Project | 8 |